Mary Jane Anderson dies
Mary Jane Anderson, former library director and longtime
ALA Council member, died May 23 in Coralville, Iowa, following a battle
with cancer. She was 71. From 1974 to 1982 she was executive director
of the ALA Association for Library Service to Children. Before that, she
served as editor of the divisions journal, Top of the News
from 19711974....
Cooper named to head D.C. Public Library
(N.Y.) Public Library Executive Director Ginnie Cooper has been selected
to head District of Columbia Public Library, which is about to embark
on a major refurbishing, including construction of a new central library
and renovation of branches....
may shut library to balance budget
In the wake of residents failure to override Massachusetts Proposition 2 1/2 tax-limitation law, the town of Medway may shut its library to balance its budget. The towns Finance Committee recommended May 10 that the library be closed July 1, for a savings of $280,000, to offset Medways expected $868,600 FY 2007 deficit....
trustees asked to revisit Joy of Gay Sex
group of concerned citizens urged the Nampa, Idaho, city council May 14
to press the city library board to revisit for a third time its decision
to retain the Joy of Gay Sex in the library collection. We
have a lot of kids in there, Mayor Tom Dale said, according to a
May 17 Associated Press report. We need to have a safe place for
ponders divestment in face of financial woes
the parent company of ProQuest Information and Learning, is considering
selling off its most profitable unit, the Business Solutions division,
in the face of financial difficulties, according to a report in the May
7 Ann Arbor News. The news comes in the midst of an internal investigation
into accounting mistakes that led the database firm to overstate its earnings
by more than $80 million over five years....
Indictment in Gould theft from Canadian National Library
A Texas woman has been indicted for allegedly stealing items from Library and Archives Canadas Glenn Gould collection in Ottawa and selling them in New York City....

relief fund reaches $350,000
Recent donations from Elsevier ($10,000), Friends of Libraries
USA ($4,000), and the Friends of Cedar Falls (Iowa) Public Library ($5,000)
pushed fundraising to a new high....
opposes National English Amendment to immigration reform bill
ALA has voiced strong opposition to the Inhofe
Amendment to S. 2611, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of
Conference forum to discuss role of the public in democracy
The ALA Fostering Civic Engagement Membership Initiative
Group will sponsor a forum on Democracys Challenge: Reclaiming
the Public's Role, Saturday, June 24, at 1:30 p.m. It is critical
to the success of a democracy that citizens learn how to deal with complex
issues in company with people of diverse opinions, said co-convener
and past ALA President Nancy Kranich....
advocacy tools for rural, native, and tribal libraries to be unveiled
at Annual Conference
The Committee on Rural, Native, and Tribal Libraries of
All Kinds will be introducing new tools and resources to help small libraries
(primarily with populations under 10,000) conduct advocacy and outreach
efforts in their communities. The Rural Advocacy @ your library
Progress Update will take place on
Saturday, June 24, from 4:00 to 5:15 p.m., immediately
following the committees Town Hall Meeting....
School Chinese: Level I. Eight DVDs, two audio CDs, and
instruction book. Asia for Kids (1-888194-73-9). Sampled
from this multipart Mandarin instructional set, jocular American
host Donald Holder introduces live-action clips of Chinese
children starting a new school year, meeting in a supermarket,
and partaking of other activities....


man who knew too much
What haunts Louisiana State University scientist Ivor van
Heerden most is that a disaster in New Orleans was inevitable. He and
his colleagues at the LSU Hurricane Center predicted it....
Orleans Times-Picayune, May 23
predicts very active 2006 North Atlantic hurricane season
Scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations
Climate Prediction Center, National Hurricane Center, and Hurricane Research
Division have issued the 2006
Atlantic hurricane season outlook, which indicates an 80% chance of
an above-normal hurricane season....
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, May 22
Hospitals set forth plans for hurricane evacuations
Heading into hurricane season, hospitals in the New Orleans area have beefed up emergency supplies and communication abilities after applying lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina....
New Orleans City Business, May 22
Katrina report blames human errors
Hurricane Katrina wouldnt have breached the regions hurricane protection system had it been properly financed, designed, built, and maintained, say a group of forensic scientists who are calling for strict new federal levee safety standards and an end to dysfunctional local government interference they say also hampers flood protection....
New Orleans Times-Picayune, May 22
restocks 6,000 animals in time for reopening
After nearly nine months and $3.5 million in repairs, the Aquarium of the Americas and the Entergy Imax Theater reopens at noon May 26. Four days earlier, a chartered Federal Express plane arriving from Monterey, Calif., landed in New Orleans at 2 p.m. The passengers were the aquariums guests of honor and returning heroesthe 19 penguins and two sea otters that survived Hurricane Katrina....
New Orleans City Business, May 22
Slow tourism stifles Orleans sales taxes
First-quarter sales tax revenues show shoppers continue to spend more money in Jefferson and St. Tammany parishes than last year but Orleans Parish numbers paint a much different picture....
New Orleans City Business, May 22
Bouncing back
Even though most national retail chains have had experience
rebounding from disasters in other states, few have ever faced a situation
like the one theyre dealing with in New Orleans. More than 75% of
the local stores run by the nations largest retail chains have reopened,
and though none will release specific sales figures, experts and retail
industry officials say business is strong....
New Orleans Times-Picayune, May 21

seeks proposals for its 13th national conference
AASL announces its 2007 requests for program and
exploratorium proposals for its 13th national conference and exhibition,
whose theme is The Future Begins @ your library. The conference
will be held October 2528, 2007, in Reno, Nevada....
Kelly Johns elected 20072008 AASL president
Sara Kelly Johns, school library media specialist at Lake
Placid (N.Y.) Middle/High School, has been elected AASL president for
20072008. She also serves as associate editor of AASLs Knowledge
Quest journal....
ALCTS supports Urgent Action statement to preserve scholarly electronic journals
Joining with other library organizations working to preserve journals, ALCTS board has endorsed the statement Urgent Action Needed to Preserve Scholarly Electronic Journals....
on series authority records slated for Annual Conference
ALCTS has added to its Annual Conference roster a forum
regarding the Library of Congress Series Authority Record decision to
cease creating series authority records....
announces new business reference award
RUSAs Business Reference and Services Section has
announced a new award, the Emerald Research Grant Award, to support business
reference research. Two $5,000 cash awards, donated by Emerald Group Publishing
Limited, will be given to ALA members seeking support to conduct research
in business librarianship....
hosts Teen Tech Week logo contest
YALSA is launching Teen Tech Week, a new celebration to
be held for the first time in March 2007, aimed at getting teens to use
their libraries for the different technologies that are offered there,
such as DVDs, databases, audiobooks, and video games. To kick off Teen
Tech Week, YALSA members are encouraged to have their teens enter the
Teen Tech Week logo contest....

Elva Garza named 2006 Trejo Librarian of the Year
The managing librarian of the Austin (Tex.) Public Librarys St. John branch has been selected as the recipient of 2006 Trejo Librarian of the Year Award by the Trejo Foster Foundation for Hispanic Library Education. Elva Garza is being recognized for strongly advocating for the Latino and immigrant community, significant library work and community outreach, and active nationwide contributions to Reforma....
Library of Congress announces Letters about Literature winners
The Center for the Book in the Library of Congress has announced the state winners in its 20052006 Letters About Literature reading and writing program, in which students in grades 412 share a personal letter they have written to an author, living or dead, from any genre, explaining how that authors work changed the students way of thinking about the world or themselves....

81: A new chapter for Californias libraries?
On June 6, California voters will finally decide whether to invest $600 million to modernize aging public libraries around the state. Still, Proposition 81 wont come close to meeting the massive needs of library systems statewide, which a 2003 survey by the California State Library put at $4.4 billion....
Los Angeles Times, May 23
Wellesleys library branches will close
a lengthy and spirited grassroots campaign to preserve two Wellesley,
Mass., branch libraries, the Fells and Hills buildings will close July
1. Its not clear if the buildings will ever reopen, said Marla Robinson,
chairwoman of the towns board of library trustees....
Boston Globe, May 21
Web inventor warns of dark net
Recent attempts in the U.S. to try to charge for different
levels of online web access were not part of the internet model,
Sir Tim Berners-Lee said at the WWW2006 conference in Edinburgh, Scotland.
He warned that if the U.S. decided to go ahead with a two-tier internet,
the network would enter a dark period....
BBC News, May 23
Bold new chapter thats long overdue
From the outside it looks like an internet cafe. A laptop
bar faces into the street, and if you peer beyond the row of busily typing
figures, there are clusters of PCs and a giant plasma screen high on one
wall. Made of glass, with floor-to-ceiling windows, and filled with bright
modern sofas and tables, it is possibly the most enticing building in
Glasgow, Scotland....
Glasgow Herald, May 23
woes loom as new library draws oohs and aahs
The new Minneapolis
Central Library is gorgeous, state-of-the-art, efficient and accessible
to everyonewhen the doors arent locked. After the May 20 grand-opening
celebrations, the inadequacy of the operating budget for the citys
15-library system will loom like the 30-foot Beverly Pepper sculpture
on the buildings Nicollet Mall side....
Star Tribune, May 19
loses fight to ban book
An 11-member advisory committee of parents, teachers and
librarians voted unanimously May 18 to keep Abduction! despite
Shiuvan Harriss testimony that it was too violent. Harris had filed
papers to have the book pulled from the shelves of two middle- and eight
elementary school libraries....
Paul (Minn.) Pioneer Press, May 19
filters: A public policy report
Although some may say that the debate is over and
that filters are now a fact of life, it is never too late to rethink bad
policy choices, according to a new edition of a blocking-software
study (PDF file) from the Free Expression Policy
Project of New York Universitys Brennan Center for Justice, completely
revised from the first edition issued in fall 2001....
Brennan Center for Justice, May 17
Act brochure available for library patrons
The Colorado Association of Libraries Intellectual
Freedom Committee has updated its award-winning brochure
(PDF file) on the Patriot Act to reflect the changes
made in 2006, and encourages librarians to share the information with
their patrons by reproducing the flyer for distribution in your library....
Colorado Association of Libraries, May 15
dress auction on Ebay to benefit Gulf Coast school libraries
(PDF format)
Former first ladies, female U.S. senators, and Senate spouses
have donated a total of 100 dresses to an auction that will benefit the
Laura Bush Foundations Gulf Coast School Libraries Initiative. The
auction ends May 26....
Laura Bush Foundation, May 16
of Michigan study finds patients need librarians
For 65% of visitors to the Comprehensive Cancer Centers
Patient Education Resource Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan, a professional
search returned information they had not obtained from other sources.
An additional 30% said the librarian provided some new information....
of Michigan Health System, May 23
central problem of Library 2.0: Privacy
library services by making them more personalized, more interactive, and
more web-based along Web 2.0 lines has a logic to it that is ineluctable
and exciting, according to Rory Litwin. The difficulty we have to grapple
with is that libraries and Web 2.0 services are based on serving two very
different essential activities, and those activities have an opposite
relationship to privacy....
Juice, May 22
book is dead, long live the book
Books are outmoded means of communicating information,
writes Jeff Jarvis. They limit how knowledge can be found because they
have to sit on a shelf under one address....
Machine, May 19

in New Orleans,
June 2228.
Out to Serve Older Adults, an OLOS preconference in New Orleans,
June 2223. Registration for ALA members is $225.

Check out the new ALA
Graphics Summer 2006 catalog for new products and classic
favorites. |

Confronting the Crisis in Library Education:
A national teleconference hosted by ALA President Michael Gorman,
Friday, June 9, 11:00 a.m.12:30 p.m., Central time.
What do YOU think?
you support legislation making English the official language of the United States?
is an unscientific poll that reflects the opinions of only those
AL Direct readers who have chosen to participate.
of the
May 17 poll:
Should minors be prohibited from accessing chat rooms and social-networking websites such as MySpace and Facebook on school or library computers, as the pending Deleting Online Predators Act, H.R. 5319, would require?
cumulated results and selected responses to all AL Direct
polls, visit the AL Online website. |

the 10th anniversary of the Belpré
Awards with ALSC and Reforma during ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans.
Milwaukee Public Library. Lead the highly respected Milwaukee Public
Library system into the future as chief administrative and executive
officer. This rewarding and challenging position is part of the
mayors cabinet and a city department head.....
May 2006

Stories inside include:
Leaders As Readers
New Worlds for Latino Children
Higher Purpose of Libraries and Librarianship |
June 15:
The Fourth
International Conference on the Book is calling for papers
on themes relating to the bookincluding the past, present,
and future of publishing; and libraries, literacy, and learning
in the information society.
July 812:
American Association of Law Libraries, Annual Meeting and
Conference, St. Louis, Missouri. Pioneering Change.
Contact: 312-939-4764.
August 5:
Literature New England, 20th Institute, Saint Michaels
College, Colchester, Vermont. The Heroic Ideal Revisited.
Contact: Martha M. Walke,
College Graduate School of Library and Information Science offers
an ongoing series of online workshops. Current workshops include:
Working with Students with Special Needs in School Libraries,
Manga, MP3s, and MMORPGs: New Mediums and Young Adults,
Search Engines: Newest, Best, and Latest Tips, and Training
Paraprofessionals for Expanding Instructional Programs. Contact:
Jody Walker, 617-521-2803.
Online Programming
for All Libraries offers a variety of interactive online
programs for library staff and library users. Johnson County (Kans.)
Library has announced a monthly series of professional development
opportunities for librarians that will be offered through the OPAL
collaborative on the third Friday of each month at 11:00 a.m. Eastern
items... |
Action heroes are always saying stuff like 'Follow that car!' but I believe The Da Vinci Code is the first movie where the hero says, instead, 'I have to get to a library. Fast!'
Chris Hewitt, St. Paul (Minn.) Pioneer Press, May 18.
feedback: aldirect@ala.org
Direct FAQ:
advertise in American Libraries Direct contact:
Leonard Kniffel, Editor-in-Chief, lkniffel@ala.org
links outside the ALA website are provided for informational purposes
only. Questions about the content of any external site should be
addressed to the administrator of that site.
50 E. Huron St.
Chicago, IL 60611
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