American Libraries Online
Judgment day for Apple and big five publishers
Christopher Harris writes: “Judgment day has come for Apple and the big five publishers in the form of a Justice Department lawsuit charging that the technology company and publishers colluded to artificially increase ebook prices. Under the agency model that Apple modeled after its app store terms, publishers set ebook prices and Apple took a 30% cut of whatever that price was. Prior to this, Amazon had set pricing for its Kindle books in an attempt to maintain a $9.99 price point as a cap for most books including new-release bestsellers.” Apple has responded publicly to the charges.…
AL: E-Content, Apr. 13; Ars Technica, Apr. 13
Join the research effort on ebooks and libraries
ALA President Molly Raphael writes: “On April 16 the Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project began surveying public library staff and patrons to learn more about their experiences with ebooks. The librarian survey is password-protected; email Kathryn with ‘Library Password’ in the subject line to get the survey URL and login information. The patron survey is online here. The surveys are live through May 18 and will only take about 15 minutes to complete. In return, we will gain a wealth of information to inform our work.”...
AL: Inside Scoop, Apr. 16
On My Mind: My year of RDA
Patricia Frade writes: “In the past couple of years, I found myself rolling my eyes and wishing I could retire after the introduction of Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records and Resource Description and Access. Now, two years later, I’m a convert. And I would encourage all catalogers to jump in and start learning it as soon as you can. In my experience, RDA was not something that came easily to me after one training session or reading the manual (Toolkit). It is a whole different way of cataloging.”...
American Libraries column, May/June
Internet Librarian: Data, data everywhere
Joseph Janes writes: “One way of thinking about compiling Lots of Data is to organize it, by category—which perhaps yields some context and texture—and add some metadata and a search mechanism, all in the service of providing access, so individual people can find a specific fact or set of facts in answer to a question. Another way, only now feasible, is to mush it all together and see what can be learned.”…
American Libraries column, May/June
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The latest on ebooks at Annual
Several programs and preconferences at the 2012 ALA Annual Conference will examine ebooks and digital content in libraries, including: “The Rise of E-Reading” with Lee Rainie of the Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project; “The Ebook Elephant in the Room”; “The Future of the Book: Innovation in Traditional Industries” with Duane Bray (right) of IDEO; Cluetrain Manifesto author David Weinberger on the connected world; “Digital Literacy and Libraries: Designing What Comes Next”; and “Why Can’t an Ebook Be More Like the Print?” View the Preliminary Program for details....
Conference Services, Apr. 17
Libraries prepare for Money Smart Week
Libraries from Maine to Hawaii will be taking part in Money Smart Week @ your library April 21–28. Money Smart Week is a partnership initiative between ALA and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago to present programs related to personal financial literacy for all ages and all stages of life. More than 200 libraries in 36 states are participating this year....
Chapter Relations Office, Apr. 17
Libraries prepare for World Book Night
More than 600 librarians have signed up to participate in World Book Night, the April 23 event when 25,000 volunteers in the US will give away half a million copies of 30 specially chosen and printed World Book Night editions to reluctant adult readers in their communities. More than 750 libraries and bookstores will hold pre–World Book Night receptions, where volunteers can pick up the books they will be distributing....
Public Information Office, Apr. 17
Free webinar showcases grassroots advocacy
ALA’s Committee on Library Advocacy will present “Rallying Your Community: Mobilizing the Grassroots,” a free webinar, on May 2. Attendees will learn how two community organizations—the Sustainable Library Citizens Coalition of Indianapolis–Marion County (Ind.) Public Library and Urban Librarians Unite of New York City—have used their voices to impact library funding. Register online....
Office for Library Advocacy, Apr. 17
Choose Privacy Week events
The Office for Intellectual Freedom invites everyone to visit their local library to learn more about the decline of privacy rights and the government’s growing use of surveillance tools during Choose Privacy Week, May 1–7. Highlights of Choose Privacy Week events include a series of online presentations and blog posts that explore the growing role of government surveillance in our lives; preliminary results of the “Librarian Attitudes and Behaviors Regarding Informational Privacy” survey; and the premiere of a short-form documentary that examines government surveillance techniques used to spy on immigrant communities....
Office for Intellectual Freedom, Apr. 17
Storytime ideas for diverse holidays
New from Neal-Schuman, The Holiday Handbook: 700+ Storytime Activities from Arbor Day to Yom Kippur, from Diwali to Kwanzaa to Ramadan offers activities for 33 holidays. Author Barbara Scott provides a short history of each holiday, and an annotated collection of the perfect books, poems, and activities—including coloring pages, cut-and-tell pages, draw-and-tell stories, flannel board stories, and games....
ALA Neal-Schuman, Apr. 13
New OLOS outreach toolkit
Literacy for All: Adult Literacy @ your library, a toolkit from the Office for Literacy and Outreach Services, is now available as a free print, navigable web, or downloadable PDF edition. The toolkit features tips and tools for assessing adult literacy needs and tailoring a literacy plan to address those needs, as well as examples of successful and replicable library literacy plans and resources for serving adult new and nonreaders....
Office for Literacy and Outreach Services, Apr. 10
Win Brad Meltzer books on
National Library Week may have ended last week, but carries on the spirit of celebration with a new contest focusing on National Library Week Honorary Chair Brad Meltzer (right). Each day a new question will be posted to Everyone who answers the question correctly will be entered in a drawing to win one of Brad Meltzer’s books. Winners will have the option of selecting their book. Kindle, iPad, and Nook users will have the option of receiving ebook editions....
Campaign for America’s Libraries, Apr. 17
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Featured review: Historical fiction
Goolrick, Robert. Heading Out to Wonderful. June 2012. 304p. Algonquin, hardcover (978-1-56519-923-8)
With understated delicacy, Goolrick creates a mesmerizing gothic tale of a good man gone wrong. Charismatic Charlie Beale, just returned from WWII, is desperate to put down roots, and the small, bucolic town of Brownsburg, Virginia, “where no crime had ever been committed,” seems to offer him the simple life he craves. But when Charlie sets eyes on Sylvan Glass, the beautiful young wife of the town’s richest citizen, the simple life he so desires vanishes in an instant....
Top 10 historical fiction books
Brad Hooper writes: “No one can say that historical fiction is in a rut these days. Its popularity continues and, fortunately, that doesn’t mean authors are retreading the same places and times just to cash in on the situation. See the titles below, all reviewed in Booklist in the previous year, to understand just what I mean.”...
Top 10 historical fiction books for youth
Ilene Cooper writes: “The magic of historical fiction is that it can take you back in time, where the experiences of another era seem real, yet the characters’ feelings are the same as the reader’s. These 10 titles do just that, whether the setting is a small southern town, Soviet Russia, or a ship at sea.”...
Impolite interviews at last
Working on the theory that authors might be sick of polite interviews, Books for Youth Senior Editor Dan Kraus subjects bestselling authors to a round of insensitive interrogation in Booklist’s new Hostile Questions interviews. Each consists of five questions: Just who do you think you are? Where do you get off? What’s the big idea? What is your problem, man? Haven’t you done enough? Libba Bray, Frank Portman, Victoria Dahl, and Chuck Hogan have already submitted answers to those questions, with more bestselling authors to come....
@ Visit Booklist Online for other reviews and much more....
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Anaheim Update
Anaheim bikeways
Orange County’s favorable climate and recreational attractions make it an ideal environment for bicycling. There are currently about 1,000 miles of bikeways in the county. Use this map to plan a trip or get some route ideas from MapMyRide. For the truly adventurous, there is a 79.2-mile ride from Anaheim to Solana Beach, where you can catch an Amtrak train back....
Orange County (Calif.) Transportation Association; MapMyRide; Ride with GPS
Five tips for photography at crowded parks
Ryan Pastorino writes: “I struggle with photography when crowd levels are high. I often put the camera away and just try my best to enjoy as much of the park as possible, but some days I want to make sure I shoot around the crowds as best as possible. I have brainstormed a few tips that can be applied to any crowded day at the parks.”...
Disney Photography Blog, Feb. 24
New Disney dining email system
Erin Glover writes: “Disneyland Resort guests may book dining reservations through the Disney Dine Line (714-781-DINE) but, starting April 12, there is a new way to request a dining reservation at the resort. Guests may now email their dining reservation requests to Requests will be reviewed the same day, if received before 9 p.m. Requests are not confirmed until you’ve received a confirmation number.”...
DisneyParks Blog, Apr. 12
When to buy that plane ticket
When is the best time to book your flight? It’s one of the most fraught decisions travelers face, as ticket prices often fluctuate right up to departure time. Recent fare analysis by the Airlines Reporting Corporation seems to challenge the conventional wisdom that the earlier you book, the less expensive your fare will be. But most travel watchers agree that booking well in advance is a safe bet. So far this year, airlines have raised rates three times....
New York Times, Apr. 11
A new tool to compare airline fees
You’re searching for affordable airfares and find two airlines with fares that are roughly the same. How do you compare additional fees, like those for checked bags, to see if one is a better deal? NerdWallet introduced an airline fee search and comparison tool April 11 that includes major domestic airlines and looks at about 300 different fees, including those for checked baggage, seat selection, priority boarding, booking over the phone instead of online, and for carrying a pet on board....
New York Times, Apr. 11
Foods you should never bring on a plane
Nicole Campoy-Leffler writes: “Whether it’s the scent of your delicious McDonald’s french fries making everyone in your cabin green with envy or the smell of your garlic dipping sauce making them green with nausea, the foods you bring on a plane can either make everyone’s travel headaches better or worse. As you’re planning ahead, keep in mind what effect your meal will have on other travelers. If you’re debating between two items, think of which one you wouldn’t want to eat on a date—that’s the one you shouldn’t bring on a plane.”...
The Daily Meal, Oct. 17, 2011
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Division News
Duct tape marketer at ASCLA President’s Program
John Jantsch (right), bestselling author of Duct Tape Marketing and The Referral Engine, will speak at the ASCLA President’s Program at the 2012 ALA Annual Conference. Jantsch will take his theories and apply them specifically to libraries for this special presentation. In celebration of the release of his newly revised and updated version of Duct Tape Marketing, LibraryAware is providing copies of the book to the first 200 people to attend the program....
ASCLA, Apr. 17
Consultants sought for Annual sessions
ASCLA and PLA are teaming up to offer “Consultants Give Back”—an opportunity for libraries to receive free 30-minute consultation sessions from professional library consultants—at the ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim. Consultants interested in offering their services as a part of this event can now register online. Libraries seeking consulting services can find a list of participating consultants and their availability on the ASCLA website in early May....
ASCLA, Apr. 13
Improving library services for people with disabilities
Register by April 19 for “Improving Library Services for People with Disabilities,” an online course offered by ASCLA to prepare your library to provide effective services to all users. The course runs April 23 through May 18 and is designed for all library staff, including support staff, general professional staff, age-level or subject specialists, managers, and administrators....
ASCLA, Apr. 17
ASCLA hosts prison library tour at Annual
Learn about the value of libraries behind bars by participating in “Locked Up! Go Inside a Juvenile Detention Center,” a prison library tour sponsored by ASCLA June 25 at the ALA Annual Conference. Participants will tour Los Angeles County’s Central Juvenile Hall (right) and have the opportunity to talk with teachers and students and see the state of library services to juveniles behind bars. Register online by May 31....
ASCLA, Apr. 13
Teen Read Week registration and grants
YALSA has opened registration for Teen Read Week 2012, which will be celebrated Oct. 14–20, with a theme of “It Came from the Library.” Teen Read Week is a time to celebrate reading for fun and encourage teens to take advantage of reading in all its forms and become regular library users. Registration is free and open at the Teen Read Week website, which offers planning tools, the 2012 logo, forums, an event showcase, and Teen Read Week products. Apply for one of 10 $1,000 Teen Read Week Grants funded by Dollar General Literacy Foundation by July 1....
YALSA, Apr. 17
 Fontichiaro, Lankes join AASL Fall Forum
AASL has added Kristin Fontichiaro, clinical assistant professor at the University of Michigan School of Information, and R. David Lankes, professor and Dean’s Scholar for the New Librarianship at Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies, to the roster of facilitators for AASL’s 2012 Fall Forum, “Transliteracy and the School Library Program.” Fontichiaro and Lankes will join media studies scholar Henry Jenkins in providing a comprehensive overview of transliteracy and its importance in education during the Forum, Oct. 12–13, in Greenville, South Carolina....
AASL, Apr. 17
AASL seeks preconference proposals
AASL is inviting proposals for preconference workshops at the 16th AASL National Convention in Hartford, Connecticut. Half- or full-day preconferences will be held November 13–14. All proposals should include up to three learning objectives and should address how the session supports the AASL Strategic Plan, the AASL Standards for the 21st-Century Learner, and/or Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Programs. Submit by June 15....
AASL, Apr. 17
School Library Month video contest winners
AASL has announced winners of the “You Belong @ Your School Library” video contest, which solicited videos illustrating why the school library is (either physically or virtually) the place to be. Winners were the Town School for Boys, San Francisco (elementary school); Harry F. Byrd Middle School, Richmond, Virginia (middle school), and White Plains High School, Anniston, Alabama (high school). Winners received a $100 gift card and $500 in books for their school library....
AASL, Apr. 17; SchoolTube
Gould to address Specialized Outreach Services Luncheon
Cheryl Gould (right) of Fully Engaged Libraries will be among the speakers at ALTAFF’s Specialized Outreach Services Luncheon on June 23 at the ALA Annual Conference. Gould’s topic will be “What Does It Mean to Be a Community Anchor?” and she will discuss one way the library can contribute to civic engagement and one of the models that needs to be broken in order to do it. Purchase tickets online....
ALTAFF, Apr. 17
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Witness book award history at Annual
The announcement and presentation of the first-ever Andrew Carnegie Medals for Excellence in Fiction and Nonfiction will take place at the 2012 ALA Annual Conference on June 24. Attendees at the event will be the first to hear which two authors win the medals for best fiction and nonfiction book for adult readers. Attendees are encouraged to buy tickets as soon as they register for the conference, as space is limited....
ALA Conference Services, Apr. 17
2012 ALA Presidential Award for Advocacy
ALTAFF, in cooperation with ALA President Molly Raphael and ALA President-Elect Maureen Sullivan, has announced that the South Carolina Library Association is the recipient of the 2012 ALA Presidential Award for Advocacy. The award includes $1,000 to the winning state campaign for the further development of citizens across the state as advocates....
ALTAFF, Apr. 17
2012 Genealogical Publishing Company Award
RUSA’s History Section has selected Jay L. Verkler (right), past president and CEO of, as the winner of the 2012 Genealogical Publishing Company Award, an annual honor that recognizes achievement in historical or genealogical reference. The award, a citation and $1,500 cash prize, will be presented at the RUSA Awards Reception June 24 at the ALA Annual Conference....
RUSA, Apr. 17
This year’s ASCLA/KLAS/NOD Award will be presented to two organizations that produced noteworthy services and programming for library users with disabilities: the Port Washington (N.Y.) Public Library for its “Books for Dessert” Program, and the “Digital Access Project,” a collaboration between the Perkins Braille and Talking Book Library and the Boston Public Library Digital Access Project. The award recognizes innovative and well-organized projects that expand services for people with disabilities....
ASCLA, Apr. 17
Teens’ Top Ten nominations announced
YALSA has announced the 24 books (PDF file) nominated for its annual Teens’ Top Ten list. YALSA encourages teens to read the 24 nominees before the national Teens’ Top Ten vote, which will take place in August and September. The winners will be announced during Teen Read Week, Oct. 14–20....
YALSA, Apr. 12
2012 Carnegie-Whitney Grants
ALA’s Publishing Committee has announced eight winners of the Carnegie-Whitney Grant, which provides funds for the preparation, either in print or electronically, of popular or scholarly reading lists, webliographies, indexes, and other guides to library resources that will be useful to users of all types of libraries in the US....
ALA Publishing, Apr. 17
2012 AASL Research Grants
Ann Dutton Ewbank, assistant division director for graduate programs in Arizona State University’s teachers college, and Daniella Smith, assistant professor in the University of North Texas Department of Library and Information Sciences, are the 2012 recipients of the AASL’s Research Grant sponsored by Capstone. The grants are given to up to two school librarians, library educators, or library information science or education professors to conduct innovative research aimed at measuring and evaluating the impact of school library programs on learning....
AASL, Apr. 17
2012 ABC-CLIO Leadership Grant
The Iowa Association of School Librarians and its program “Growing the Next Generation of Leaders: A Leadership Academy,” were named the winner of AASL’s 2012 ABC-CLIO Leadership Grant. Established in 1986, the grant of $1,750 is given to school library associations that are AASL affiliates for planning and implementing leadership programs at the state, regional, or local levels....
AASL, Apr. 17
2012 Talk Story grant winners
The American Indian Library Association and the Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association, supported by Toyota Financial Services, have awarded three tribal libraries, one public library, and one museum with $500 grants to host a Talk Story program at their institutions. Talk Story is a literacy program that reaches out to Asian Pacific American and American Indian/Alaska Native children and their families....
Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association, Apr. 17
Nominations for Reforma Librarian of the Year
Reforma is currently seeking nominations for its 2012 Librarian of the Year Award. The award recognizes candidates who have promoted and advocated services to Spanish-speaking and Latino communities including the fulfillment of unmet needs in 2010–2011. The deadline for nominations is May 4....
Reforma, Apr. 16
Scholarships for JCLC 2012
Reforma is granting five $500 scholarships for members to attend the Second National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color scheduled for September 19–23 in Kansas City, Missouri. The scholarship funds can be used to cover registration fees, transportation, lodging, and meals. Apply by May 7....
Reforma, Apr. 16
2012 Best Educational Software Awards
The ComputED Gazette has announced the winners of its 18th annual Best Educational Software (BESSIE) Awards. The awards target innovative and content-rich programs and websites that provide parents and teachers with the technology to foster educational excellence. They were awarded in the categories of early learning, early elementary, upper elementary, middle school, high school, multilevel, postsecondary, and teacher tools....
ComputED Gazette, Apr. 17
2012 Canadian Library Association awards
The Canadian Library Association has selected
The Whole Truth by Kit Pearson (HarperCollins) as its 2012 Book of the Year for Children (PDF file). Its 2012 Young Adult Book Award (PDF file) winner is All Good Children (Orca) by Catherine Austen, and its 2012 Amelia Frances Howard-Gibbon Illustrator’s Award (PDF file) went to My Name is Elizabeth! (Kids Can Press), illustrated by Matthew Forsythe and written by Annika Dunklee....
Canadian Library Association, Apr. 16
2012 Pulitzer Prize winners (and nonwinners) (PDF file)
The Pulitzer Prize winners were announced April 16. For the first time in 35 years, no fiction award was given. Judges had narrowed the field to three finalists, including David Foster Wallace’s The Pale King, a novel assembled from notes he left behind at the time of his suicide in 2008. Also cited were Karen Russell’s Swamplandia and Denis Johnson’s novella Train Dreams, but none of them received a majority vote by the Pulitzer Prize board. The history award went to Manning Marable for Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention (Viking)....
Columbia University, Apr. 16; Associated Press, Apr. 16; The Daily Beast, Apr. 17
2012 Mary Vaughan Jones Award
Jac Jones (right), one of the most important Welsh illustrators of children’s books in the last 50 years, has been selected to receive the 2012 Mary Vaughan Jones Award on June 10. The award is presented every three years by the Welsh Books Council to acknowledge an outstanding contribution to the field of children’s literature in Wales. Over the years, Jac Jones has illustrated more than 250 children’s books and is recognized as an author in his own right....
Welsh Books Council, Apr. 13
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Why libraries matter more than ever
ALA President Molly Raphael writes: “Anyone who has visited a library in the past few years will not be surprised to learn that demand for library services has increased significantly. With the growing need for access to digital and online information, including e-government services, continuing education resources, and employment opportunities, libraries are essential in communities, large and small, throughout the country. Yet many question why we need libraries when we have instant access to information on the internet.”...
CNN: Schools of Thought, Apr. 13
School librarians are becoming a rare breed
There are not enough qualified librarians to fill the schools in Texas. Brian Rosson, one of the human resources directors with the Ector County Independent School District in Odessa, said that during the past two years the district has felt the repercussions of what he called a statewide librarian shortage. The Texas Education Agency has specific qualifications that a librarian must have, and according to Rosson, the most challenging qualification to meet is an MLS. Until library assistants can obtain proper certification, they receive about half the pay of a certified librarian....
Odessa (Tex.) American, Apr. 15
Brandau nominated to NMLS Board
Former Kansas State Librarian Christie Pearson Brandau (right) was nominated April 17 by President Obama to serve the National Museum and Library Services Board.
Brandau served as state librarian of Kansas in 2005–2009 and as state librarian of Michigan in 2000–2005. She is currently a part-time adjunct professor for the School of Library and Information Management at Emporia State University....
White House, Apr. 17
Obstacles for older workers
Older workers are losing their jobs at a faster rate than other workers, and the longer they are out of work, the harder it is for those over 55 to land a job. Brian Baker (right) never thought that after being laid off from his position as a law librarian almost three years ago he would still be looking for a job. “I believed I had enough experience and was known well enough nationally that I would be able to get a job.” Baker does have all the right credentials, a master’s and law degree and 20 years of experience....
KFSN-TV, Fresno, Calif., Apr. 16
Brown University library worker finds rare Paul Revere print
A donated collection of books once belonging to a member of the Brown University Class of 1773 included a piece of history hidden inside one of the volumes—an exceptionally rare engraved print (right) by Paul Revere, one of only five known to exist. Leafing through the collection, Marie Malchodi of the library’s Preservation Department found the print tucked inside the back cover of The Modern Practice of Physics by Robert Thomas, published in 1811. It was an engraved depiction of Jesus Christ and John the Baptist titled “Buried with Him by Baptism.”...
Brown University, Apr. 11
Million-dollar donation to Orlando Public Library
A $1 million donation in the memory of civic leader Dorothy Lumley Melrose will transform the Orlando (Fla.) Public Library into one of the most avant-garde in the nation. It is also the largest single donation ever made to the Orange County Library System. The gift will be used to create the Dorothy Lumley Melrose Center for Technology, Innovation, and Creativity on the second floor of the main library in downtown Orlando....
Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel, Apr. 16
British Library purchases St. Cuthbert Gospel
A 7th-century gospel discovered in a saint’s coffin more than 900 years ago, the oldest European book to survive fully intact, has been acquired by the British Library for £9 million ($14.4 million US). The manuscript copy of the Gospel of St John, called the St. Cuthbert Gospel, was produced in northeast England and placed in the saint’s coffin on the island of Lindisfarne, probably in 698. The manuscript features an original red leather binding in excellent condition. It was purchased at auction from the Society of Jesus (British Province)....
The Guardian (UK), Apr. 17
Bodleian and Vatican libraries to digitize ancient texts
The University of Oxford’s Bodleian Libraries and the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana in Rome have announced a new collaborative digitization project. The objective is to make 1.5 million pages from their remarkable collections freely available online to researchers and the general public. The initiative was made possible by a £2 million grant ($3.2 million US) from the Polonsky Foundation. The digitized collections will be in three subject areas: Greek manuscripts, 15th-century printed books (incunabula), and Hebrew manuscripts and early printed books....
Bodleian Libraries, Apr. 12
Controversy over Irish National Library’s Joyce manuscripts
The National Library of Ireland has freely made available for the first time its holdings of James Joyce’s manuscripts via the library’s online catalog. The move coincides with the publication of an expensive set of books that includes the same manuscripts. Joycean scholar Danis Rose claims he is now the copyright holder of these manuscripts in the European Union. Fiona Ross, director of the National Library, said April 13 that plans to put the manuscripts online had been underway for some time....
Irish Central (New York), Apr. 14; Irish Times (Dublin), Apr. 17
Outdoor libraries lend books at closed Detroit branches
A class of 4th graders at Marcus Garvey Academy in Detroit has collaborated to create six outdoor libraries for use by the general public in light of recent branch closings by the Detroit Public Library. Five of the outdoor libraries opened April 11 and the sixth will open in June. The students, during Spring Break, received assistance from a class of University of Michigan art and design students....
Detroit Free Press, Apr. 13
Fatal bus crash led to library construction
Thirteen Williamsport (Md.) High School students and one recent graduate were killed when a bus carrying them back from a chemistry show at the University of Maryland was struck by a train at a grade crossing in Rockville on April 11, 1935. The tragedy was national news and led to the construction of the Williamsport Memorial Library on East Potomac Street (above) in honor of those who died that day....
Hagerstown (Md.) Herald-Mail, Apr. 10
Housing books for the People of the Book
Synagogue libraries face a variety of challenges—from low (or no) funding to increasing competition with would-be patrons’ electronic resources. Add to that the “standards of excellence” required by the Association of Jewish Libraries for accreditation (PDF file), and it is no wonder that only one local library has sought that distinction. Kathe Pinchuk, a librarian at the Montclair (N.J.) Public Library, recalls that in 2007 she led Teaneck Congregation Beth Sholom’s accreditation efforts....
New Jersey Jewish Standard, Apr. 15
Pagan Library opens in D.C.
On April 14, the Open Hearth Foundation officially launched the OHF Pagan Lending Library. The event marked the opening of one of the first Pagan libraries in the country. It houses a collection of more than 3,000 titles, 250 tarot decks, and 40 periodicals and newsletters. The library is open every Sunday afternoon, with book discussions and other library events planned. “We have designed the OHF Library according to professional principles and best practices for a community library with full searching capability available online,” said OHF Librarian Eric (Fritter) Riley (at left)....
Lez Get Real, Apr. 16; Open Hearth Foundation
Reports of manuscript looting in Mali
The head of UNESCO has appealed to countries in North Africa to be on the alert for anyone attempting to sell ancient manuscripts. Director-General Irina Bokova said there were reports that rebels have overrun and looted depositories containing thousands of ancient books and documents in Mali’s historic city of Timbuktu. A World Heritage site since 1988, Timbuktu was taken over by rebels April 1 following their swift progress in the north....
UN News Service, Apr. 16
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Supreme Court to revisit First-Sale Doctrine
The Supreme Court agreed April 16 to decide the global reach of US copyright law, in a case testing whether an overseas purchaser of a copyrighted work may resell it in the United States without the copyright holder’s permission. The justices will hear the case, which considers the First-Sale Doctrine, in its next term and is expected to set a nationwide standard. Federal circuit courts of appeal are split on the issue....
Wired: Threat Level, Apr. 16
Big-city public libraries and statistics
Steve Matthews writes: “There appears to be an anomaly related to the data that Pew Charitable Trusts researchers compiled (PDF file) through their comparison of Philadelphia Free Library and 14 other big-city libraries. Specifically, the data doesn’t track in a cause-and-effect manner. Wouldn’t one expect that major increases or decreases in total library visits would have a direct relationship (as opposed to the inverse) to major increases and decreases in visits per capita? So what would explain a 25% increase in total visits and a very low per capita visit rate?”...
21st Century Library Blog, Apr. 12
Why Microsoft and Facebook are pro-CISPA but anti-SOPA
Thorin Klosowski writes: “Just months after the internet censorship bills SOPA and PIPA were taken off the floor, a new and similarly scrutinized bill, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA, which got a rewrite April 16) has been gaining momentum and support from big technology companies like Microsoft, Facebook, and IBM. Although the bill is fundamentally different than SOPA, it raises many of the same privacy concerns. Let’s take a look at the basics of how it might work.” CISPA will be considered in the House of Representatives the week of April 23–27....
Lifehacker, Apr. 11; CNET News, Apr. 16; District Dispatch, Apr. 18
White House responds to school library petition
The White House recently responded to a petition that was sent to President Obama earlier this year via the “We the People” section of the White House’s website. This petition stated the importance that an effective school library program plays in the education of a child. Special Assistant to the President on Education Policy Roberto Rodriguez responded that the “Obama Administration remains committed to supporting school libraries and the critical role they play.” AASL President Carl Harvey, who began the petition, comments on the response in his blog and asks, “Was it worth it?”...
District Dispatch, Apr. 16; We the People, Jan. 5, Apr. 13; Library Ties, Apr. 16
CRS report on the Federal Depository Library Program
Daniel Cornwall writes: “We have had a chance to review the new Congressional Research Service report Federal Depository Library Program: Issues for Congress (PDF file) available on the Federation of American Scientists website. While we believe it serves as a useful overview of the Federal Depository Library Program, the report has a few significant problems. Members of Congress should consider the following before using this report as a basis for modifying the FDLP.”...
Free Government Information, Apr. 14; Congressional Research Service, Mar. 29
Global internet filtering in 2012
The OpenNet Initiative has been documenting internet filtering globally since 2003. Since that time, the number of countries found to be engaging in the censorship of online content has increased dramatically. In early 2010, we estimated there were over 500 million internet users residing in countries that engage in the systematic filtering of online content. In 2012, that number has increased to over 620 million....
OpenNet Initiative, Apr. 3
Index on Censorship archive free for a while
The Index on Censorship has announced that in celebration of its 40th anniversary, the complete back catalog will be free and available to download through May 5. For 40 years, the Index has provided a platform for those whose freedom of expression has been threatened. The publication combines the eloquence of prominent writers (Harold Pinter, Salman Rushdie, Milan Kundera) with active campaigning against free speech abuse....
The Fine Books Blog, Apr. 16
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How to buy the best tablet
Wendy Sheehan Donnell writes: “It’s been just two short years since the original Apple iPad hit the scene and the current tablet market was born. Since then, we’ve seen scores of manufacturers trying to snag a slice of the tablet pie, which has been dominated by Apple. Google, the other major player in the tablet space, has also made some nice market share gains with its Android operating system. But which tablet is right for you? Here are the key factors you need to consider when shopping for a tablet.” And here are the 10 best Android tablets....
PC Magazine, Apr. 11
Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight
Julie Bosman writes: “Barnes & Noble wants you to take your e-reader to bed. The latest iteration of the Nook, revealed by the book retailer on April 12, is a black-and-white device with a softly glowing backlit screen. It is designed to solve a common problem that consumers can encounter with e-readers: They are tough to use in the dark. The new device is the first e-reader on the market with a glowing screen and an E Ink display, analysts said. Amazon has been developing a glowing black-and-white e-reader of its own, according to TechCrunch.”...
New York Times: Media Decoder, Apr. 12; TechCrunch, Apr. 6
Five things Google Drive needs to succeed
Daniel Ionescu writes: “Google Drive is one of the mythical creatures of the tech rumor mill since 2006, but it could finally be with us in mid-April, according to reports. However, since 2006, the way we use web services and store files have changed. So with lessons learned from the experience of its competitors, here are five main things Google Drive needs to win me over.”...
PC World, Apr. 16–17
Why you should use Markdown
Jon Mitchell writes: “Here are three good reasons to use Markdown. There are no good reasons not to. Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. It allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML). If you write for the web, or you work with people who do, you just have to try it. Here’s why.”...
ReadWriteWeb, Apr. 17
Take notes with Fetchnotes
Alan Henry writes: “There are plenty of tools that allow you to take simple text notes and organize them so you can search and filter them later, but Fetchnotes is the first one we’ve seen in a while that's coming out of the gate with full cloud syncing across multiple devices, an easy-to-use webapp, Android and iOS apps, and desktop widgets so you can stay on top of your notes, all right up front on launch.”...
Lifehacker, Apr. 13
Your online yellow marker
Sarah Kessler writes: “Citelighter, a browser extension for collecting notes online, is teaming up with Cengage Learning to turn paid research databases such as Questia into a stack of free virtual note cards. With Citelighter’s first product, students can highlight any text on any web page, click a capture button to save it in a virtual notebook, and view all of their highlights from across the web. Citelighter automatically puts together a citation page. On April 17, the startup announced Citelighter Pro, which builds on this functionality by recommending articles from Cengage Learning’s research databases.”...
Mashable, Apr. 17
Tracky, a task-management platform
Joann Pan writes: “Tracky is an application that boosts productivity by cutting internet clutter. The web and mobile app brings email, chat, task collaboration, and file sharing to one place. By using this collaboration platform, busy bees can reduce jumping from project management tools such as Basecamp to Google Docs, email, instant messaging, and calendars. Users can connect to Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest and share out information from within the app.” Watch the video (1:08)....
Mashable, Apr. 16
What can you do with a supercomputer?
Sebastian Anthony writes: “After decades of indoctrination by Intel, processing speed is something that nearly all of us can relate to. The world’s fastest supercomputer (right) recently hit a peak of 10 petaflops—10 quadrillion calculations per second. But what does it do with all of that power? To answer that question, we first need to look at the architecture of supercomputers.”...
ExtremeTech, Mar. 15, Apr. 10
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OverDrive: Readers use libraries to find digital books
Looking to support the contention that libraries drive book discovery and sales, library digital vendor OverDrive compiled data on patron use from its 18,000 library client sites during the month of March. The study shows that more than 60% of the five million users visiting OverDrive sites in March browsed public library catalogs, generating more than 630 million book cover impressions. The Library Media Network eBook Report, previewed at the London Book Fair April 18, looks at both ebooks and audiobooks and was developed in compliance with library privacy policies....
Publishers Weekly, Apr. 18; District Dispatch, Apr. 18
Amazon said to inflate streaming library size
Austin Carr writes: “Amazon boasts that it has more than 17,000 movies and television shows” on Amazon Prime Instant Video, its streaming service that competes with Netflix and Hulu Plus. The 17,000 figure has been widely parroted in the media, but where does the number come from? It turns out that only 1,745 movies are available to stream and roughly 150 TV series. Amazon reached that number by counting each episode of a TV series as an individual TV show.”...
Fast Company, Apr. 12
Cut in Amazon ebook pricing shakes rivals
As soon as the Department of Justice announced April 11 that it was suing five major publishers and Apple on price-fixing charges, and simultaneously settling with three of them, Amazon announced plans to push down prices on ebooks. The price of some major titles could fall to $9.99 or less from $14.99, saving voracious readers a bundle. But publishers and booksellers argue that any victory for consumers will be short-lived....
New York Times, Apr. 11
The ebook of my dreams
Laura Braunstein writes: “We all have our frustrations with ebooks. The problem isn’t just one of print vs. electronic or Luddite vs. early adopter. Even as I happily consume Kindle books on my iPad and the new Project Muse collection for work, I find that ebooks simply don’t do the things I want them to do. What features would make ebooks represent a true new step in the evolution of information delivery systems? Here’s what I’d like to see.”...
ACRLog, Apr. 18
Queens Library is the first in NYC to lend e-readers
The Queens Library on April 12 became the first public library system in New York City to lend e-readers. Queens has launched a pilot program making 50 Nooks—e-readers made by Barnes & Noble—available for check out at its Central Library in Jamaica. Each is preloaded with 25 ebooks in one of five genres: children’s literature, teen books, mystery, romance, and bestsellers. Fifty works of classic literature also will be loaded onto each device....
Queens Library, Apr. 12
E-readers and accessibility
Carrie Russell writes: “It may shock you to know that only Apple’s iPod, iPad, and iPhone are fully accessible to people with print disabilities. Folks can buy an application called Read2Go and bingo, access granted. The user merely touches the screen and can access text-to-speech, highlighting, and font and color manipulation. Users can move around in the text. Unfortunately this is not true of Nooks and Kindles.”...
District Dispatch, Apr. 18
A buffet of magazines on a tablet
David Pogue writes: “Five big magazine publishers—Condé Nast, Hearst, Meredith, News Corporation, and Time Inc.—have collaborated to create the Next Issue app for Android tablets, much in the same way a collaboration of TV networks started For $10 a month, you can read the latest full issues of 27 magazines on your tablet, and back issues to the beginning of 2012. Each downloaded issue includes the full, colorful design, all articles and even the ads that you’d see in the printed edition.”...
New York Times, Apr. 11
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ALA Annual Conference attendees can help raise scholarship funds as they enjoy the Rock Bottom Remainders’ special performance at the 2012 ALA/ProQuest Scholarship Bash on Saturday, June 23, in the Anaheim Convention Center Arena. Scheduled to appear are Stephen King, Amy Tan, Mitch Albom, Dave Barry, Matt Groening, Scott Turow, Ridley Pearson, Greg Iles, James McBride, Roy Blount Jr., Kathi Goldmark, and Sam Barry. Roger McGuinn of The Byrds joins the band as special musical guest. Dave Barry, co-lead guitarist says, “We love the ALA, and we love librarians. We love them so much that, for this performance, we’re going to try to actually learn the songs before we play them.”

Do you know your rights? Choose Privacy Week, May 1–7, opens library users to a national conversation about privacy rights in a digital age. Use this poster, bookmark, and other tools to create a display, sponsor a contest, host a program or workshop, or moderate a community dialogue about privacy in your library or school. NEW! From ALA Graphics. |
Great Libraries of the World
Artis Library, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. Founded in 1838 as the library of the Royal Zoological Society, the Artis is now administered as part of the university’s special collections. Its current building was designed by the architect Gerlof Salm in 1868. The library has extensive holdings in the fields of zoology, taxonomy, and history of science.

Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica, Joost Ritman Library, Amsterdam, Netherlands. A private, independent library founded in 1984 by businessman and collector Joost Ritman, this collection brings together the earliest editions of esoteric works in the Christian-Hermetic tradition, which includes hermetica, esotericism, comparative religion, alchemy, mysticism, and Rosicrucianism. The collection was temporarily closed in 2010–2011 during a financial dispute with a bank, and some 300 items were sold at auction. However, the library reopened in December 2011 with the majority of its holdings intact.
This AL Direct feature showcases 250 libraries around the world that are notable for their exquisite architecture, historic collections, and innovative services. If you find yourself on vacation near one of them, be sure to stop by for a visit. The entire list will be available in The Whole Library Handbook 5, edited by George M. Eberhart, which is scheduled for publication in 2013 by ALA Editions. There is also a Great Libraries of the World Pinterest board. |

Leads from

Digital Library Programmer, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. Talented software developer wanted to design new and innovative library services centered on the Brown Digital Repository, based on Fedora Commons. As part of a team working on a wide array of innovative software projects, the programmer focuses on the creation and management of digital repository content, and makes creative use of APIs, web development frameworks, and other software applications to make new and improved services available to users....

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Digital Library of the Week

Egypt’s 21st Century Revolution Visual Art digital collection showcases artwork created by American University in Cairo students in response to the January 25, 2011, revolution that led to the ousting of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. The collection is part of the university’s rare books and special collections digital library, which also include architectural drawings, photographs from the revolution, and video recordings. The image above is called “Freedom and Change.”
Do you know of a digital library collection that we can mention in this AL Direct feature? Tell us about it. Browse previous Digital Libraries of the Week at the I Love Libraries site, Check out our Featured Digital Libraries Pinterest board. |
the World
Sees Us
“Now you may have gotten the impression that there are absolutely no uses for Librarians. I’m sorry if I implied that. Librarians are very useful. For instance, they are useful if you are fishing for sharks and need some bait. They’re also useful for throwing out windows to test the effects of concrete impact on horn-rimmed glasses. If you have enough Librarians, you can build bridges out of them. (Just like witches.) And, unfortunately, they are also useful for organizing things.”
—Brandon Sanderson, Alcatraz Versus the Knights of Crystallia (New York: Scholastic, 2009), p. 187.
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Apr. 29–
May 2:
International Reading Association, Annual Convention, McCormick Place Convention Center West, Chicago. “Celebrating Teaching.”
May 7–8:
CURATEcamp 2012, Unconference, Clough Commons, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta.
May 16:
National Information Standards Organization, 2-part webinar. “Can I Access the World? Involving Users in Ebook Acquisition and Sharing.” Part 1 of “Understanding Critical Elements of Ebooks: Acquiring, Sharing, and Preserving.”
May 18–23:
Medical Library Association, Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Seattle. “Growing Opportunities: Changing Our Game.”
May 23:
National Information Standards Organization, 2-part webinar. “Heritage Lost? Ensuring the Preservation of Ebooks.” Part 1 of “Understanding Critical Elements of Ebooks: Acquiring, Sharing, and Preserving.”
May 31:
Chicagoland Library Unconference, RAILS Wheeling Building, Wheeling, Illinois.
June 5:
Information Professional 2050, Conference, Friday Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
June 26–29:
Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries, Annual Meeting, Montreal Botanical Garden, Montreal, Quebec. “Making Connections Locally an Globally.”
Aug. 2–3:
Pacific Northwest Library Association, Annual Conference, Sheraton Anchorage (Alaska) Hotel and Spa. “Surviving and Thriving in Uncertain Times.”
Aug. 8–9:
GALILEO Knowledge Repository Project Cooperative Curation Symposium and Workshop, Clough Undergraduate Learning Commons, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta.
Sept. 26–29:
Wyoming Library Association, Annual Conference, Parkway Plaza Hotel and Convention Centre, Casper. “Celebrate Our Past—Create Our Future.”
Sept. 27–29:
Association for Small and Rural Libraries, Annual Conference, Sheraton Raleigh Downtown, North Carolina. “Celebrate Libraries.”
Oct. 3–5:
Georgia Council of Media Organizations / Southeastern Library Association, Joint Conference, Marriott Macon City Center.
Oct. 14–16:
New England Library Association, Annual Conference, Sturbridge (Mass.) Host Hotel and Conference Center.
Oct. 23–26:
Wisconsin Library Association, Annual Conference, La Crosse Convention Center.
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