American Libraries Online
Focus on the future
ALA President Maureen Sullivan (right) writes: “In late September, I led an ALA delegation to New York City to meet with publishers to discuss the many concerns of the library community about ebook publishing. Uppermost in our minds were the ebook concerns that have come to us from ALA members across the country—especially about pricing and availability (or the lack thereof) and the slow pace of progress in finding solutions. I expressed these concerns at a September 27 meeting hosted by the Association of American Publishers.” Christopher Harris and Jeremy Greenfield also provide summaries of that meeting....
AL: E-Content, Sept. 27, Oct. 2; Digital Book World, Sept. 27
Joint libraries: Models that work
Claire B. Gunnels, Susan E. Green, and Patricia M. Butler write: “In the past, academic and public libraries had very different missions and operations. But once the two cultures are merged during a joint venture, there can be some radical adjustments made by the librarians and staff of each type of library. What is a joint library’s mission? To educate, yes. To expand horizons, yes. To help with research, yes. It is a good manager who can harness the best of both worlds.”...
American Libraries feature
Rocking the joint
Laurie D. Borman writes: “A joint library sprouts in Chicago. When a series of floods forced the 2011 closure of a Chicago Public Library branch in the city’s Back of the Yards neighborhood, CPL figured it would cost $15 million to acquire land and build a new facility. Then a phoenix arose. Across the street from the closed library, a new high school was about to be built, including an 8,000-square-foot library building.”...
American Libraries feature
Library Snapshot Day turns three
Morgan Reeves writes: “How would you like to tell the world that in one day more than 160,000 people visited your state’s libraries and more than 1,000 people received job-search help? Thanks to Library Snapshot Day, you can. Launched three years ago in New Jersey, the effort has expanded to include librarians nationwide in collecting statistics, customer comments, and pictures from libraries all over their state during a single day, then compiling the results and posting them online. So far the event has taken place in at least 31 states.”...
American Libraries feature
Outside/In: Community connections
David Lee King and Michael Porter write: “Has your library ever thought about using technology and communitywide projects to connect with customers? It’s not easy to pull off, but if you’re successful, your library can make new friends and contacts and can provide useful knowledge or entertainment for the community along the way. Topeka and Shawnee County (Kans.) Public Library, where David works, has done a number of these projects—but with a technology twist. Here are some examples to get you started.”...
American Libraries column, Sept./Oct.
Library mentor and pioneer Clara Stanton Jones dies
Clara Stanton Jones, 99, the first woman and the first African American to direct the Detroit Public Library, died September 30. Jones’s 26-year career at DPL culminated in a promotion to the directorship in 1970, where she served until her retirement in 1978. A renowned mentor to young professionals, Jones was ALA’s first African-American president, serving in 1976–1977....
AL: Inside Scoop, Oct. 3
Top 100 libraries by collection size
Valerie Hawkins writes: “As you may know, the ALA Library has several pages called ALA Library Fact Sheets, which answer common questions about libraries, with sources noted. At some point in our history (and on September 30, we turned 88 years old), someone asked what were the top 100 libraries in the country, and we decided to use existing national surveys to respond, ranked by collection size. The Nation’s Largest Libraries: A Listing by Volumes Held is one of our oldest fact sheets, and therefore one of ALA’s oldest web pages.”...
AL: Ask the ALA Librarian, Oct. 3
Romanian symposium draws francophones
Leonard Kniffel writes: “‘English is the language of globalization,’ said Velizar Sadovski, senior researcher at the Institute of Iranian Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, during the opening ceremony of the fifth edition of the international symposium ‘The Book. Romania. Europe.’ Gathered September 23–26 in the Romanian seaside town of Mamaia, francophone librarians from 18 countries delivered 54 papers, primarily in French, which is the traditional second language of Romanians.”...
AL: Global Reach, Sept. 26
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Ways to celebrate Banned Books Week
Amanda Christy Brown, Holly Epstein Ojalvo, and Katherine Schulten suggest some ideas for celebrating Banned Books Week—with your students, your children, and anyone who believes in having the freedom to read: “10. Have you ever been caught reading under the covers? So was the late Judith Krug (right), the librarian who created Banned Books Week—and her mother’s reaction to what she was reading taught her a lesson about having the freedom to read that later translated into her passion for the First Amendment and intellectual freedom. Be sure to thank your librarians.”...
New York Times, Apr. 14, 2009; Sept. 21
Banned Books Week flash mob at Lafayette College
As part of Banned Books Week, students, faculty, and librarians at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania, took part in a literary flash mob (2:05) October 1 at the entrance to Skillman Library, reading aloud passages from 30 of the ALA’s top banned books. In conjunction with Judith’s Reading Room, a local nonprofit literacy organization, Kirby Librarian Ana Ramirez Luhrs and student Erin D’Amelio organized the event along with a number of related activities in protest of challenged books....
Easton (Pa.) Express-Times, Oct. 2; YouTube, Oct. 1
John Waters reads from Lady Chatterley’s Lover
American filmmaker, actor, writer, stand-up comedian, journalist, visual artist, and art collector John Waters reads (3:11) from D. H. Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover in City Lights bookstore, San Francisco, for Banned Books Week. The novel became notorious for its story of the physical relationship between a working-class man and an upper-class woman, its explicit descriptions of sex, and its use of then-unprintable words....
Abandon All Despair Ye Who Enter Here, Oct. 1; YouTube, Oct. 1
Banned book trading cards
The Lawrence (Kans.) Public Library is celebrating Banned Books Week by giving away limited-edition banned book trading cards that display drawings inspired by banned books and authors created by local artists. There is one for each day of the week. The week kicked off with an homage to George Orwell’s Animal Farm created by artist Barry Fitzgerald, followed by an homage to Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut, drawn by Kent Smith....
GalleyCat, Oct. 2
The next big thing in banned books
Michelle Blank writes: “One trend that may point to the next big thing in banned books is the dramatic drop in the number of annual challenges. In 1995 there were 762 challenges, compared to only 348 in 2010. Could this mean that book banning is coming to an end? Another possibility for the next big thing in banned books might involve the reasons for book challenges (above). Some age-old favorites like ‘homosexuality’ have dropped off the list for the past couple of years.”...
YALSA The Hub, Oct. 1
Locked up with Vonnegut for Banned Books Week
Indianapolis writer and editor Corey Michael Dalton is spending this week “locked up with Vonnegut” at the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library to call attention to continued efforts to ban books. His stunt is tied to the observation of Banned Books Week. Vonnegut’s book Slaughterhouse-Five, a satirical novel about the World War II experiences and time-travel adventures of an American soldier named Billy Pilgrim, is among ALA’s 100 most-challenged classics....
Indianapolis Star, Oct. 1; Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library blog, Sept. 30; WRTV, Indianapolis, Oct. 1
50 State Salute to Banned Books Week
Many libraries, bookstores, and schools have honored Banned Books Week by displaying challenged or censored books or hosting read-outs. To commemorate its 30th anniversary, the Office for Intellectual Freedom coordinated the 50 State Salute to Banned Books Week, featuring videos from each state that demonstrate how they celebrate the freedom to read. Click on a state on the accompanying map to view your state’s playlist. Videos can be submitted through October 5. Shown above is a video (2:38) from the Idaho Library Association....
Office for Intellectual Freedom; OIF Blog; YouTube, Sept. 28
2013 Midwinter registration is open
Important conversations about the transformation and future of libraries will be taking place at the 2013 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Seattle, January 25–29. Registration is open to attend the packed program that includes the Youth Media Awards, Auditorium Speakers Series, ERT/Booklist Author Forum, Networking Commons, Unconference, and ALA President’s Programs....
Conference Services, Oct. 2
Steven Johnson joins Midwinter Auditorium Speaker lineup
Attendees of the 2013 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Seattle can be ready for an unforgettable presentation from Auditorium Speaker Steven Johnson on January 26. The bestselling author of Where Good Ideas Come From and Everything Bad Is Good For You, Johnson makes the case in his new book, Future Perfect: The Case for Progress in a Networked Age, that a new model of political change is on the rise despite the conventional wisdom that the political system is hopelessly gridlocked with old ideas. His appearance is sponsored by Penguin Group....
Conference Services, Oct. 2
Are you using cutting-edge technology?
The Office for Information Technology Policy and LITA are now soliciting submissions for the best library practices using cutting-edge technology. “Cutting-edge” refers to tested and successful implementations of technological advancements used in library services. Nominations must be submitted by November 6. A joint committee of members from the Subcommittee on America’s Libraries for the 21st Century and LITA will review all nominations and may conduct selected interviews or site visits....
District Dispatch, Oct. 2
At JCLC, a look at the US upcoming demographic shift
The Joint Conference of Librarians of Color, September 19–23, came to a close with a powerful message from author and activist Jamal Joseph: “Libraries empower the communities that they serve.” Joseph’s closing note summed up the conference, which provided more than 800 attendees with strategies on how to prepare for the demographic shift. Read more at American Libraries’ Inside Scoop blog....
Public Information Office, Oct. 2; AL: Inside Scoop, Sept. 20–23
Join your state library association
Don Wood writes:
“Your state library association, also known as an ALA chapter, needs your help to support libraries in your state. If you’re not already a member, right now is a good time to join. ALA chapters also provide representation on the ALA Council and cooperate in the promotion of general and joint enterprises with ALA and other library groups.”...
ALA Membership Blog, Oct. 1
2013 ALA Student-to-Staff Program
Don Wood writes: “Each Annual Conference, ALA provides a great opportunity for 40 students engaged in ALA student chapters to participate in the Student-to-Staff Program. In exchange for working 16 hours for an ALA division or office during the conference, these students receive free registration, free housing, and a per diem for meals. In their free time, they may attend meetings, programs, and other conference events. Contact your ALA student chapter for its selection criteria.”...
ALA Student Membership Blog, Oct. 1
Audiobooks for youth
Mary Burkey, who has been following audiobooks for years, combines a fascinating history of the medium and practical tips for using them in Audiobooks for Youth: A Practical Guide to Sound Literature, published by ALA Editions. Applicable to school and public librarians as well as classroom teachers, her book is enriched with reflections and comments from authors, audiobook narrators, producers, reviewers, and librarians....
ALA Editions, Sept. 28
A comparative study of libraries and archives
In Libraries and Archives: A Comparative Study, available through Neal-Schuman, veteran archivist and librarian Tomas Lidman analyzes the facts and arguments behind a growing debate as to what extent libraries and archives are fulfilling the same missions. Offering a simple but comprehensive background to explain the key issues, this book stimulates debate, brings forth valuable facts, and presents scenarios for the future as libraries and archives approach the digital crossroads....
ALA Neal-Schuman, Oct. 2
Social media for academics
Social Media for Academics: A Practical Guide uniquely addresses the needs of academics, demonstrating how to use social media to benefit their teaching and research. This new book is edited by Diane Rasmussen Neal, a librarian with an extensive background in social media teaching, consulting, research and everyday use, and is available through Neal-Schuman. It offers sensible strategies for implementing a wide spectrum of social media and related technologies....
ALA Neal-Schuman, Oct. 2
Developing digital services
As the information environment becomes increasingly electronic, digital libraries have proliferated, but the focus has often been on innovations in technology and not the user. User Studies For Digital Library Development, written by Milena Dobreva, Andy O’Dwyer, and Pierluigi Feliciati and available through Neal-Schuman Publishers, focuses on the feedback that matters most when developing digital services: the library users....
ALA Neal-Schuman, Oct. 2
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Featured review: Adult travel
Flannery, Tim. Among the Islands: Adventures in the Pacific. Nov. 2012. 256p. Atlantic Monthly, hardcover (978-0-8021-2040-3).
Australian field zoologist and conservationist Tim Flannery (Here on Earth, 2011) cements his reputation as a true descendant of the great 19th-century naturalists and explorers with this look back at his expeditions to southwest Pacific islands. Over a 10-year period, with a varying group of intrepid companions, he traveled in the footsteps of earlier adventurers, grasping for modern-day evidence of their long-ago recorded discoveries while searching for rare mammals. Flannery’s prose is electric, aptly combining history, politics, and wide-eyed excitement. He offers plenty of discussion about cannibalism, colonialism, and the ongoing struggles to balance tradition and modernization....
Top 10 literary travel books: 2012
Brad Hooper writes: “Of the outstanding literary travel books we have listed below, all of which were reviewed in Booklist over the past 12 months, many are definitely of the armchair variety. In other words, most readers will leave the actual Amazon exploration to others—but will love reading about someone else doing it.”...
Booklist partners again with National Reading Group month
Booklist has been selected for the fifth year as a partner for the Women’s National Book Association’s National Reading Group Month in October, including the special Great Group Reads initiative. National Reading Group Month celebrates shared reading by promoting reading groups. The popular Booklist blog Book Group Buzz, a one-stop resource with original content by expert contributors as well as links to a wide range of free book group–related guides and tips, is again the official partner blog for the month. The Great Group Reads initiative is a key element of National Reading Group Month, with 20 titles selected for their appeal to reading groups by a panel of writers, reviewers, librarians, booksellers, publicists, and committed readers....
@ Visit Booklist Online for other reviews and much more....
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Thinking purposefully at the ALSC Institute
Abby Johnson writes: “No librarian is an island, and nowhere was that more evident than at the 2012 ALSC National Institute held September 20–22 in Indianapolis. Hundreds of youth librarians from across the country gathered for three days of networking, sharing ideas, and learning from and teaching each other. I sat down with librarians after the very first session and it was evident what the theme of the conference would be for me: purposefulness.”...
American Libraries feature
Online course on reaching teens and tweens
What are the differences in need between teens and tweens, and how do librarians successfully serve both? Find out in “Navigating the Divide between Teens and Tweens,” a new self-paced online course offered by YALSA, October 1–29. The course will be cotaught by Beth Gallaway and Alissa Lauzon of the Haverhill (Mass.) Public Library. Register online....
YALSA, Sept. 28
Teen Read Week: Paths to promotion
Kate Vasilik writes: “With just two weeks left until Teen Read Week is upon us (October 14–20), it’s time to start putting some real enthusiasm behind your promotion. Besides the traditional print materials like flyers, signs, and bookmarks (don’t have yours yet? There’s still time to place orders with the ALA store), and paper press releases, how else can you spread the word to teens throughout your community? Here are some ideas.”...
YALSA Blog, Oct. 2
Submit a reference research paper
The Research and Statistics Committee of RUSA’s Reference Services Section invites the submission of research projects in the areas of user behavior, electronic services, reference effectiveness, assessment, and organizational structure and personnel for presentation at the 19th Reference Research Forum that will take place at the 2013 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago. Send proposals by email to Committee Chair Lynda Duke by December 31....
RUSA Blog, Sept. 26
Consultant needed for ASCLA Accessibility Academy
ASCLA has issued an RFP (PDF file) for a project consultant to assist in the production of an online, interactive ASCLA Accessibility Academy module focused on improving library staff communications and interactions with people with disabilities. Responses are due by October 15. The consultant will develop and implement the first Academy module, which will include an online tutorial and webinars, and will assemble and manage an advisory team to provide long-term feedback on project content....
ASCLA Blog, Oct. 1
Survey: Filtering is ongoing issue for US schools
According to an AASL survey, the filtering of legitimate, educational websites and academically useful social networking tools continues to be an issue in most schools across the country. 98% of the 4,299 respondents reported that school or district filters are in use. Data also suggests that many schools are going beyond the requirements set forth by the Children’s Internet Protection Act. The executive summary of the supplemental survey questions on filtering is now available in conjunction with the observance of Banned Websites Awareness Day on October 3....
AASL, Oct. 2
White paper on technology in schools released
AASL has released a white paper covering the appropriate use of educational technology in schools. “Educational Technology in Schools” covers the topics of filtering practices, acceptable use policies, apps, social media, bring your own device practices, and other related subjects....
AASL, Oct. 2
Sign up for Business Reference, Genealogy 101
The next sessions of Business Reference 101 and Genealogy 101, two popular online courses offered by RUSA, begin in October. Registration is now open for those and six other RUSA online learning opportunities....
RUSA, Oct. 2
Apply for ACRL’s Immersion ’13 program
ACRL is accepting applications until December 7 for the Teacher and Program tracks of its Information Literacy Immersion ’13 Program, July 28–August 2, 2013, at Seattle University. The Teacher Track focuses on individual development for those who are interested in enhancing, refreshing, or extending their individual instruction skills. The Program Track develops, integrates, and manages institutional and programmatic information literacy programs. Read complete program details and application materials....
ACRL, Oct. 2
Libraries and Online Learning symposium
At the 2013 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Seattle, ALCTS will offer “Libraries and Online Learning: A Powerful Partnership” on January 25, a unique opportunity to engage in an important discussion of the role of learning in our libraries. Attendees will learn to foster the strategic relationships possible between libraries and online learners. Register through the ALA Midwinter registration form....
ALCTS, Oct. 2
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Best Friends Awards
Nine Friends groups have received Best Friends Awards from United for Libraries. The awards are given to Friends groups for outstanding publicity and marketing materials that promote the group and its programs and projects. Winning groups receive a certificate and are recognized in the United for Libraries newsletter, The Voice. Winning materials are posted on the United for Libraries website....
United for Libraries, Oct. 2
New sponsor for Excellence in Library Programming Award
The ALA Cultural Communities Fund is the new sponsor for the ALA Excellence in Library Programming Award. The $5,000 award recognizes a public, academic, school, or special library that demonstrates excellence in library programming by developing and presenting a cultural or thematic program or series during the previous year. The deadline for nominations is December 1....
Public Programs Office, Oct. 2
Nominations open for 2013 ASCLA awards
ASCLA welcomes nominations for its 2013 awards, which recognize projects focused on library services to people with disabilities; the advancement of library services for the blind and physically handicapped; exceptional achievement in extension and outreach services; exemplary leadership and achievement in consulting, state library services and library cooperatives; and service to ASCLA. Nominations must be received by December 15....
ASCLA, Oct. 2
Call for nominations for ALA Presidential Citation
The ALA Presidential Citation for Innovative International Library Projects recognizes innovative contributions to international librarianship and is awarded each year by the ALA president at the International Librarians Reception during the ALA Annual Conference. Projects must be nominated by December 1 by an ALA member or an individual with an IFLA affiliation....
International Relations Office, Oct. 2
AASL receives grant for a personal learning network
AASL has received a grant from the National Center for Literacy Education to create a personal learning network centered on transliteracy, the topic of AASL’s 2012 Fall Forum. The funding will support minigrants to school librarians and their teaching partners for the collaborative development of materials for a transliteracy practice exchange. Those who attend the forum in Greenville, South Carolina, are invited to an October 12 information session to review participant expectations and complete a statement of interest....
AASL, Oct. 2
Columbia University launches Edward M. Kennedy Prize for Drama
Columbia University Libraries and former US Ambassador to Ireland Jean Kennedy Smith have announced the establishment of a significant theater award, the Edward M. Kennedy Prize for Drama Inspired by American History (abbreviated as the EMK Prize). Smith has created the prize to honor the life and legacy of her late brother, Sen. Ted Kennedy. The first recipient of the EMK Prize will be announced on Kennedy’s birthday, February 22, 2013....
Columbia University Library News, Sept. 27
Marine Corps library receives special designation
When Rose Krauss became a librarian at Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort in South Carolina, she hoped the 6,760-square foot facility across from the base’s gas station would one day join a list of the Defense Department’s best libraries. She admits she didn’t know it would take more than five years of tweaks, changes, and upgrades for the library to be named a Premier Library, an award the air station library received in September, joining just seven other facilities in the Marine Corps to earn the distinction....
Bluffton (S.C.) Island Packet, Sept. 30
Awards for Innovative Approaches to Literacy
On September 28, the US Department of Education announced it will award $28 million in 46 two-year grants to local school districts to be used for school libraries as well as other nonprofit organizations that work for childhood literacy. These grants are being awarded as a part of the department’s Innovative Approaches to Literacy. These grants went to awardees in 22 different states, including the District of Columbia....
District Dispatch, Oct. 1
Calvin Trillin wins 2012 Thurber Prize
Calvin Trillin (right), author of Quite Enough of Calvin Trillin: Forty Years of Funny Stuff, has been named the winner of the 2012 Thurber Prize for American Humor. He won $5,000 in prize money and a crystal plaque. The announcement was revealed at an October 1 ceremony in New York City. The prize, awarded annually, was established to honor the legacy of humor writer/cartoonist James Thurber....
GalleyCat, Oct. 2
National Book Foundation reveals 5 under 35 honorees
Jennifer duBois, author of A Partial History of Lost Causes; Stuart Nadley, author of The Book of Life; Haley Tanner, author of Vaclav & Lena; Justin Torres, author of We the Animals; and Claire Vaye Watkins, author of Battleborn, will be honored as this year’s 5 under 35 authors at the National Book Awards. Crime novelist Elmore Leonard will receive the 2012 Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters at the National Book Awards ceremony on November 14....
GalleyCat, Sept. 20, 27
Nominations open for the 2012 Cybils Awards
Abby Johnson writes: “Are you familiar with the Cybils Awards? If not, you should be. The Cybils Awards are the Children’s and Young Adult Bloggers’ Literary Awards; they are awarded each year to books that combine literary merit with kid or teen appeal. Awards are given in many different categories, from picture books to teen novels to poetry to book apps. Nominations are open through October 15 and anyone can nominate one title in each of the award categories.”...
ALSC Blog, Oct. 3
2012 Academy of American Poets Prizes
The Academy of American Poets has announced the winners of its annual collection of poetry prizes. This year, the organization has awarded nearly $200,000 to poets at various stages of their careers. The recipients will be honored at the Academy’s award ceremony as part of the annual Poets Forum at the New School in New York City on October 19. Gary Snyder (right) received the $100,000 Wallace Stevens Award, which is given annually to recognize outstanding and proven mastery in the art of poetry....
Academy of American Poets, Sept. 18
2012 Forward Prize
Jorie Graham has become the first American woman ever to win one of the UK’s most prestigious poetry accolades, the £10,000 Forward Prize for best collection. The Forward judges expressed their hope that her win on October 1 for her 12th collection, Place, would earn her “startling, powerful” poetry a wider readership in the UK. Graham previously won a Pulitzer prize for her poetry in the US....
The Guardian (UK), Oct. 1
2011 Lane Anderson Award
The two winners of the 2011 Lane Anderson Award were announced September 27 in Toronto. The award celebrates the best science writing in Canada during the previous year. The winner in the adult category was Harry Thurston’s The Atlantic Coast: A Natural History (Greystone); for young readers it was Caitlyn Vernon’s Nowhere Else on Earth: Standing Tall for the Great Bear Rainforest (Orca)....
Lane Anderson Award, Sept. 28
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Class, today’s word is “irony”
James Klise writes: “In September, I got an email from a librarian in Kansas. She was organizing a program at her school that would take place during ALA’s Banned Books Week. Her event was called ‘The Right to Read’ and she invited me to speak to her 8th-graders on the topic of censorship and teen books. A few days later, I received a second email explaining that she and her principal had decided that my first young adult novel, called Love Drugged, about a closeted gay teen, might be too edgy for some parents.”...
Chicago Tribune, Sept. 27
License plate supports Kentucky’s libraries
A new Kentucky license plate gives drivers the opportunity to show their support for libraries. The new plate is available at any county clerk’s office in Kentucky for a $25 application fee. The Kentucky Library Association worked with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet to make the license plate available. Citizens from across the state signed the application petition, which requires a minimum of 900 signatures to create a new plate....
Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Sept. 28
SUNY Potsdam vs. the ACS: The story continues
John Dupuis writes: “The State University of New York at Potsdam recently cancelled its American Chemical Society journal package because the subscriptions on offer sucked up too high a percentage of their total budget. Library Director Jenica Rogers wrote about the decision on her blog, garnering quite a bit of attention. Comments from a representative of the ACS inspired a blogosphere firestorm, concentrating on the disrespectful, dismissive, and personal attacks by the ACS towards the library world.”...
Confessions of a Science Librarian, Oct. 1; Attempting Elegance, Sept. 12
Overriding mayor’s veto, council defunds Pennsylvania library
About 100 people overflowed Middletown Borough Council’s chambers October 1 to protest an ordinance defunding and severing the borough’s financial ties with the Middletown (Pa.) Public Library. After 45 minutes of public protest, the council voted 7–1 to pass the ordinance over Mayor Robert Reid’s September veto. The library has enough reserves to stay open through 2013, after which it will become a nonprofit organization....
Middletown Press and Journal, Oct. 3; WHTM-TV, Harrisburg, Pa., Oct. 1
Fewer New Jersey school librarians
Over the last five years, the number of certified school librarians in New Jersey public schools has dropped by almost 15%, according to the New Jersey Association of School Librarians, whose own membership has been cut almost in half. There were 1,580 school librarians statewide last year, down from 1,850 in 2007–2008, serving about 2,500 schools. The biggest contributor to the drop was the state budget crisis two years ago....
NJ Spotlight, Sept. 26
MyLibraryNYC initiative to expand
City officials announced the expansion of MyLibraryNYC, an initiative that connects New York City public schools with the millions of books and other learning materials available through the public libraries. MyLibraryNYC supplements the materials available in public school libraries and will provide access to the more than 17 million books and other items that are a part of the New York, Brooklyn, and Queens Public Library catalogs for up to 250,000 students in 400 public schools this year and 1.1 million students by 2015....
New York Public Library, Sept. 28
Early In Cold Blood book donated to Washburn
Author and Washburn University English Professor Tom Averill (right) had an Antique Road Show moment when he laid eyes on the first-edition copy of In Cold Blood. The volume had the autograph of author Truman Capote, who traveled to Kansas to research the brutal slayings of the four members of the Clutter family in November 1959. But it also had the signatures of six Kansas Bureau of Investigation agents tied to the investigation. The book has now been donated to the Thomas Fox Averill Kansas Studies Collection at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas....
Topeka (Kans.) Capital-Journal, Sept. 30
Conway trustees cancel decision to fire four librarians
Conway (N.H.) Public Library trustees were mostly silent during a 90-minute meeting September 27 that rescinded a decision to restructure positions at the library, effectively killing the process that would have eliminated four positions and created four new ones. Several apologized to four library employees for previously voting to eliminate their jobs after listening to emotional testimony. Some present at the meeting called for the resignations of Library Director Tara Thomas and trustee chairman Linda Fox Phillips....
Manchester New Hampshire Union Leader, Sept. 27
Fired SIU law librarian’s lawsuit persists
A lawsuit filed against Southern Illinois University by a former law librarian who was “effectively terminated” in 2009 after allegedly threatening to bash a colleague with a crowbar has survived a motion to dismiss. US District Judge Michael Reagan on September 25 dismissed most of Donald Jason Raymond’s claims against the university, but allowed two claims of retaliation and two claims of tortious interference against Alexander and a law library colleague to proceed, provided that Raymond repleads those counts by October 12....
National Law Journal, Sept. 26
Police train library staff to handle dangerous situations
Holly Schoenstein writes: “It started with one of the loudest noises I’ve ever heard. I jumped and covered my ears a second too late to protect them from the boom of a gunshot that reverberated through the main entrance area inside the Stow-Munroe Falls (Ohio) Public Library. The shot was just a blank, thankfully, and the first of three that were used in succession throughout the building September 18 during a two-hour police training session for library employees.”...
Stow (Ohio) Sentry, Sept. 30
Saugus library worker pleads guilty to theft
Linda Duffy, a former senior library associate at the Saugus (Mass.) Public Library accused of stealing more than $800,000, pleaded guilty September 28 in Lynn District Court to 15 counts of money laundering, mail fraud, and identity theft. Instead of depositing charitable donations and library fines into the library account, police say Duffy would put the money into a decoy account before transferring the money into her personal account. Duffy had previously served time for the theft of $150,000 from a Boston insurance firm....
WBZ-TV, Boston, Sept. 28; Boston Globe, Feb. 23
Cambridge library staffer finds forgotten fungus
During the Cambridge University Herbarium’s big move to a state-of-the-art new home at the Sainsbury Laboratory in Norwich, Chief Technician Christine Bartram stumbled upon some forgotten fungi—and discovered they were long-lost, unsorted samples collected by Charles Darwin himself on his groundbreaking Beagle voyage in 1832–1833. She was going through a box from 1950 labeled “to be sorted” when she found some specimens wrapped in a newspaper from 1828....
Cambridge (UK) News, Sept. 27
Women’s Library in London saved from closure
The Women’s Library (right), the oldest and most extensive collection of women’s history in Europe, has been saved after being threatened with closure over funding issues. The London School of Economics and Political Science has successfully bid for custodianship of the collection, whose future was under review after the London Metropolitan University announced it could no longer maintain it....
The Guardian (UK), Sept. 28
Perpusnas, Indonesia’s National Library
Antonny Saputra writes: “Until the 1980s, Jakarta’s major libraries were spread out across the city. But in 1989, First Lady Ibu Tien Suharto brought the collections together under one roof as the Perpusnas, or the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia. The main library building is a modern structure. The nine-story concrete building houses a different collection on each floor with one or two reading rooms each. The library has an impressive collection of about two million books, manuscripts, research papers, newspapers, and magazines, enjoyed by an average of 400–500 visitors a day.”...
Jakarta Globe, Sept. 30
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Five cheap, high-speed internet options for America’s poor
Several new programs designed to bring cheap, high-speed internet to low-income Americans are now available and others are coming soon. is offering an easy-to-understand guide to all the benefits of all these programs. “Connect2Compete announced that in September it’s rolling out cheap, high-speed, broadband internet access for the nation’s needy,” said Editor Mark Henry. “It’s a great program designed to reduce the digital divide between rich and poor.” PLA is helping public libraries prepare for the launch of the Connect2Compete initiative this fall...., Sept. 25; PLA, Sept. 17
Supreme Court delays Boston College release of IRA records
Following a federal appeals court’s decision in July to uphold a ruling requiring Boston College to release to British authorities confidential interviews with former members of the Irish Republican Army, Justice Stephen G. Breyer of the US Supreme Court granted a temporary stay (PDF file) October 1 that delays the release of some of those interviews. Ed Moloney, one of the researchers involved in the so-called Belfast Project, said the stay would remain in place until October 11....
Chronicle of Higher Education: The Ticker, Oct. 1
EveryLibrary aims for the ballot box
Adrian Shanker writes: “Rarely have highly skilled organizations formed to educate the electorate on how local ballot measures positively or negatively affect libraries. Recently, a newly formed 501(c)4 is making the leap. EveryLibrary, a national PAC for public libraries, is going to change the status quo for libraries—at the ballot box instead of in the halls of government. We got in touch with John Chrastka, the founder of EveryLibrary. Here are his thoughts.”...
Insight & Outlook, Sept. 27
We are United for Libraries
Sally Gardner Reed writes: “With all the love and respect that libraries receive, it amazes me that so many are in trouble. Yes, I know that times are tough, and localities are and will be the last to recover from the recent global recession. Yet libraries, costing roughly less than 2% of local city and county budgets, are busier than ever. In addition, libraries are providing solutions to many community problems caused by the lingering effects of the economic downturn.”...
ALA Membership Blog, Oct. 2
Will public libraries become extinct? Pro and con
Quora employee Marc Bodnick writes: “As someone who has spent a fair amount of time analyzing business disruption, I think it’s pretty clear that libraries are eventually going to fade away. Put another way, I really don’t see how a world can exist where tons of bookstores close while libraries generally stay open.” Librarian Erica Friedman responds: “Most libraries now lend ebooks, music, and other media as well. But the real reason libraries will disappear is that people perceive them as only or mostly lending books.”...
Forbes, Oct. 2
Copyright and patent law should be changed
Judge Richard Posner (right) writes: “The most serious problem with copyright law is the length of copyright protection, which for most works is now from the creation of the work to 70 years after the author’s death. Apart from the fact that the present value of income received so far in the future is negligible, obtaining copyright licenses on very old works is
difficult because not only is the author in all likelihood dead, but his heirs
or other owners of the copyright may be difficult or even impossible to
identify or find. The copyright term should be shorter. The next most serious problem is the courts’ narrow interpretation of fair use.”...
The Becker-Posner Blog, Sept. 30
PeerJ: Could it transform open access?
Margaret Heller writes: “Open access publication makes access to research free for the end reader, but in many fields it is not free for the author of the article. When I told a friend in a scientific field I was working on this article, he replied, ‘Open access is something you can only do if you have a grant.’ PeerJ, a scholarly publishing venture that started up over the summer, aims to change this and make open access publication much easier for everyone involved.”...
ACRL TechConnect Blog, Sept. 27
Another Facebook privacy bungle
Richard MacManus writes: “In late September, Facebook got itself caught up in yet another privacy controversy, when old Wall posts from 2007–2009 were automatically converted into Timeline posts. The confusion was that for some people, those old posts seemed private in nature. Facebook responded that no, it only converted ‘older wall posts that had always been visible on the users’ profile pages.’ That makes sense, but users have every right to be angry.”...
ReadWriteWeb, Sept. 30
Literacy and libraries linked in Australia
Findings from Softlink’s annual Australian School Library Survey have revealed a positive link between literacy results and school library resourcing levels. The April 2012 survey (PDF file) found schools with higher than the national average reading literacy scores were receiving above average levels of library funding and staffing. On average, independent school libraries received more funding than government schools, while secondary schools had the largest budget decrease with 34% of schools experiencing a decline in funding....
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Hey, Apple: Mapping takes more work than you think
David Talbot writes: “In response to scathing criticism over its new Maps app for mobile devices, Apple CEO Tim Cook apologized and admitted that the company fell short, but his statement did not hint at the true scale of the job Apple now faces to fix things. Apple is going to need far more than user feedback. The scale of the problem—particularly the millions of errant labels on points of interest like businesses—requires new data sources and easier ways to contribute fixes. Apple also lacks a fleet of cars like the ones Google has used to log five million miles worldwide.”...
Technology Review, Oct. 1
10 things Steve Jobs would have done differently in 2012
Don Reisinger writes: “When Steve Jobs cofounded Apple with Steve Wozniak, he wanted to create a computer that was naturally intuitive so the average person could use it effectively. In 2011, Jobs died after a long battle with cancer, and for more than a year his successor, Tim Cook, has been running the company. If you examine the decisions made over the last year you might wonder if Jobs would have done the same. This slideshow looks at the many things Jobs probably would have done differently over the past year.”...
eWeek, Oct. 2; PC Magazine, Oct. 1
iPads for all the students
Carolyn Foote writes: “Our students at Westlake High, a large suburban school on the outskirts of Austin, Texas, are using iPads to read ebooks, download assignments, edit videos, write blog posts, and do much more. Since we rolled out our 1:1 iPad program a year ago, more than 4,100 teachers and students, including 8th graders at the nearby middle school and even some of our elementary school classes, have taken advantage of these devices. In fact, they’ve become as much a part of students’ everyday lives as their notebooks, backpacks, and textbooks.”...
School Library Journal: The Digital Shift, Oct. 2
Tech tools for LIS students
Paul Lai writes: “My MLIS program has a strong commitment to encourage students to use various online and computer-based presentation and communication tools in class projects. I’ve been fortunate to hear about many free online programs to use for various reasons. I’d like to share them and encourage others to post in the comments about other cool tools they’ve used or heard about.”...
Hack Library School, Sept. 27
10 YouTube tech channels you can’t miss
Dave Parrack writes: “These video resources are more than worthy of your time and attention. Video is an excellent medium for imparting tech-related knowledge to the masses, and YouTube is the undisputed king of online video, even though there are several willing competitors. With that in mind, here is a list of 10 technology YouTube channels that you cannot afford to miss.”...
MakeUseOf, Oct. 3
28 computer tips that stand the test of time
Mark Sullivan writes: “Technology never stops moving forward. Hardware gets faster, and operating systems gain new features and (we hope) finesse. This is natural computing law. But just because computers are one big exercise in evolutionary progress, that doesn’t mean certain computing maxims ever go out of style. Take the nuggets of wisdom in the following list. All of these things are as true today as they were two, five, and in some cases even 10–20 years ago.”...
PC World, Oct. 3
11 mobile website design best practices
Heather Mansfield writes: “With 90% of your nonprofit’s supporters and donors now accessing the internet on multiple devices every day, nonprofits really need to prioritize mobilizing their web content. Ideally, your nonprofit’s CMS has been updated to include responsive design, but the problematic reality is that most CMS services commonly used in the nonprofit sector are as behind on the mobile web as the nonprofits are themselves.”...
Nonprofit Tech 2.0 Blog, Sept. 26
Stop web pagination now
Farhad Manjoo writes: “Splitting articles and photo galleries into multiple pages is evil. It should stop. Pagination is one of the worst design and usability sins on the web, the kind of obvious no-no that should have gone out with blinky text, dancing cat animations, and autoplaying music. It persists because splitting a single-page article into two pages can, in theory, yield twice as many opportunities to display ads—though in practice it doesn’t because lots of readers never bother to click past the first page.”...

Slate, Oct. 1
Eight alternatives to scientific calculators
Richard Byrne writes: “One of the problems that many mathematics and science departments confront is accounting for all of the scientific calculators they lend to students. Like textbooks, no matter how diligent a school is in tracking how many are lent out, one or two always seem to disappear by the end of the year. Also like textbooks there are some good and free alternatives to buying scientific calculators. Here are some that you can try.”...
Free Technology for Teachers, Oct. 1
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Scraping the bottom of the librarian ebook patience barrel
Andy Woodworth writes: “Why do libraries have to come up with business models for publishers? We’re the customer. We have reasonable demands: equitable access (being able to offer a library member a book in any format) for a fair price (a recognition that ebooks are computer files and that they should be priced accordingly). Make it work! But, no. ‘It’s created a lot of chaos.’ The ‘chaos’ that resulted is what happens when publishers want to create a market but give nothing up. Retention of file ownership and dictating lending policies broach on library territory.”...
Agnostic, Maybe, Oct. 1
Penguin ebook pilot test launched
The 3M Cloud Library, New York Public Library, Brooklyn Public Library, and publisher Penguin Books officially launched a pilot program October 1 that will allow patrons of the two systems to check out a selection of Penguin ebook titles six months after initial publication. NYPL will also offer additional titles from the 3M Cloud Library. Penguin content will be available to all subscribers to the 3M Cloud Library in the coming months, beginning at the end of 2012....
Library Journal: The Digital Shift, June 21, Oct. 1
DPLA Midwest in Chicago
ALA President Maureen Sullivan writes: “The DPLA Midwest Conference—taking place on October 11–12 in Chicago—is the third major public event bringing together librarians, technologists, creators, students, government leaders, and others interested in building a Digital Public Library of America. The event will assemble a wide range of stakeholders in a broad, open forum to facilitate innovation, collaboration, and connections across the DPLA effort. The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required.”...
AL: E-Content, Oct. 2
Douglas County ebook report for September
Christopher Harris writes: “Though progress is being made, the September Douglas County (Colo.) Libraries ebook report (PDF file) shows how much work remains ahead of us. It looks at the top 25 books from Digital Book World for the week ending September 22. The most immediate concern is that more than half of the books on the list are not available for library lending; we can only purchase 36% of the titles. Looking next at price, the small percentage of books that can be purchased range from a low of almost double the consumer price to a high of over six times the consumer price.”...
AL: E-Content, Oct. 3; Digital Book World, Sept. 24
Duncan wants textbooks to go digital
Education Secretary Arne Duncan (right) on Oct. 2 called for the nation to move as fast as possible away from printed textbooks and toward digital ones. “Over the next few years, textbooks should be obsolete,” he declared. It’s not just a matter of keeping up with the times, Duncan said in remarks to the National Press Club. It’s about keeping up with other countries whose students are leaving their American counterparts in the dust....
eSchool News, Oct. 3
Adobe Digital Editions 2.0 available
Adobe Digital Editions 2.0 has been released and is available for immediate download. This version includes major improvements for accessibility over Digital Editions 1.7 and is designed to provide greater access to both protected and unprotected ebooks in the EPUB format for Windows and Mac users. This version also offers keyboard support that is dramatically enhanced over version 1.7....
Adobe Accessibility, Sept. 21
OverDrive app for Nook
If you own a Nook Color, a Nook Tablet, or plan on getting one of the new Nook HD tablets, you should consider getting the OverDrive Media Console app from the Nook Appstore to make borrowing ebooks and audiobooks from public libraries a lot easier and more convenient. Previously if you wanted to get ebooks from the library, you had to download everything to a computer and then sideload the files using Adobe Digital Editions and a USB cable—rather inconvenient for a wireless device....
The eBook Reader Blog, Oct. 2
Are publishers making a killing on ebooks?
Richard Curtis writes: “Few subjects have elicited as much wild conjecture as ebook pricing. Reading rabid allegations of price gouging, one has to wonder what these critics know about manufacturing costs that we in the ebook industry don’t. Following the proverb ‘Don’t judge another until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes,’ it might be educational for you to imagine what it would cost you to duplicate the processes that at least one publisher—my own, E-Reads—performs to get a book into the marketplace from raw state to finished product.”...
Digital Book World, Sept. 30
Brill is 100th CLOCKSS publisher
Brill has become the 100th publisher to participate in the CLOCKSS archive. Brill will preserve their ejournals and ebooks in CLOCKSS’s geographically and geopolitically distributed network of redundant archive nodes, located at 12 major research libraries around the world. By archiving with CLOCKSS, Brill has committed to the preservation of its e-products....
Activist archivists and digital preservation
Miek Ashenfelder writes: “Over the past year, Howard Besser and Activist Archivists have been doing innovative work that extends beyond the technological aspects of digital preservation to include elements of sociology, cultural sensitivity, local politics, and community advocacy. Their work centers around digital content on a massive scale, from various sources, created by many individuals in a range of formats. What unifies the collection is a community, bound together by geography or by a shared purpose.”...
The Signal: Digital Preservation, Oct. 1
Ebook steampunk
Sue Waterman writes: “In 1894, Parisian book designer, dandy, and writer Octave Uzanne wrote the futuristic La Fin des Livres (The End of Books), where books were replaced by a kind of subscription service, and access to both books and music was available in the home with electrical gadgets wired to a central network: ‘Each will work his pocket apparatus by a fluent current ingeniously set in action; the whole system may be kept in a simple opera-glass case, and suspended by a strap from the shoulder.’”...
The Sheridan Libraries Blog, Oct. 2
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ALA Midwinter Meeting registration and housing are now open. Critical conversations about the transformation and future of libraries will be taking place in popular destination city Seattle, January 25–29. Details will follow in the coming weeks; in the meantime, get updates on the Midwinter Meeting website.

After 20 years and more than 100 books, kids keep gobbling up Goosebumps—the thrilling, chilling, page-turning fright fest from R. L. Stine. Make this poster and bookmark part of the draw for both longtime and new fans of the series, as it celebrates its 20th anniversary with a new collection: Goosebumps Most Wanted. NEW! From ALA Graphics. |
Great Libraries of the World

Francis Trigge Chained Library, St. Wulfram’s Church, Grantham, UK. In 1598, Francis Trigge, rector of Welbourne, gave £100 for a small library of books for the clergy and literate laity of Grantham. About 250 of the original volumes remain. Most of the books were originally chained, riveted to the fore-edge of the front covers. The 82 remaining chains run on rings along bars attached to the shelves.

Great Court and Reading Room, British Museum, London, UK. Located in the center of the British Museum on Great Russell Street, the main reading room of the British Library has been restored to its original design, even though in 1997 the library actually moved to a new location in St. Pancras. Designed by Sydney Smirke following concepts suggested by Keeper of Printed Books Anthony Panizzi, the huge circular reading room was in continual use from 1857 until its temporary closure in 1997. Reopened in 2000, the room serves as a modern information center with a collection of books on history, art, travel, and other subjects relevant to the museum’s collections, on open shelves.
This AL Direct feature showcases 250 libraries around the world that are notable for their exquisite architecture, historic collections, and innovative services. If you find yourself on vacation near one of them, be sure to stop by for a visit. Some will be featured in The Whole Library Handbook 5, edited by George M. Eberhart, which is scheduled for publication in 2013 by ALA Editions. There is also a Great Libraries of the World Pinterest board. |

Leads from

Executive Director, National Sporting Library and Museum, Middleburg, Virginia. The Executive Director position offers an opportunity for a person who can work effectively and productively with the 19-member board of directors to fulfill the organization’s mission of collecting, preserving, and exhibiting the history and art of equine, turf, angling, and field sports and the conservation of land associated with these activities....

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Digital Library of the Week

Amtrak launched a digital library in 2012 that provides a place to share its history. The site features a collection of historic photographs, ads, route guides, timetable covers, and other resources from employees that celebrate Amtrak’s more than 40 years as the US intercity passenger rail provider. It also offers a blog that looks at recently uploaded items. The digital and physical archives were compiled and organized with the assistance of the Special Collections Research Center at George Washington University.
Do you know of a digital library collection that we can mention in this AL Direct feature? Tell us about it. Browse previous Digital Libraries of the Week at the I Love Libraries site, Check out our Featured Digital Libraries Pinterest board. |
Noted and Quoted
“People don’t challenge materials that don’t say something to the reader. If you look over the materials that have been challenged and banned over the years, they are the materials that speak to the condition of the human being, that try to illuminate the issues and concerns that affect human beings. They’re books that say something, and they’re books that have meaning to the reader. Innocuous materials are never challenged.”
—Judith Krug, “Marking 25 Years of Banned Books Week,” Curriculum Review 46, no. 1 (Sept. 2006).
“The truth is, I don’t know why brick-and-mortar libraries still serve a purpose. I could have checked out the ebook version, but instead, sitting somewhere in the mid-800s of nonfiction, I have found a perfect location, just light enough to read but shielded from passerby. Turning the thick, dinner-stained pages of Ramona the Pest, the dust jacket crinkles and within a single chapter I am eight again. This is my third place; my place between work and home where I belong. And sitting here is why I continue to fight for public libraries.”
—Chels Knorr, “Why Do We Still Need Public Libraries?” Thought Catalog, Sept. 30.
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Oct. 13–14:
Seattle Antiquarian Book Fair, Seattle Center Exhibition Hall.
Oct. 24:
Embedding Linked Data Invisibly into Web Pages: Strategies and Workflows for Publishing with RDFa, Webinar. Cosponsored by National Information Standards Organization and Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.
Oct. 25:
12th Annual Ebooks Conference, John McIntyre Conference Centre, University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Organized by the Scottish Library and Information Council.
Oct. 26:
Academic Library Association of Ohio, Annual Conference, Roberts Center, Wilmington.
Nov. 1–3:
Florida Association for Media in Education, Annual Conference, Hilton Bonnet Creek, Orlando. “Energized School Libraries for the Next Gen Student.”
Nov. 2–7:
Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries, Annual Meeting, San Francisco.
Nov. 3–4:
Autumn Long Island Book and Ephemera Fair, Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York.
Nov. 3–5:
Digital Library Federation, Forum, Westin Denver Downtown, Denver.
Nov. 7:
Legal Issues in Conservation and Collections Management: What Could Go Wrong? Rosenbach Museum and Library, Philadelphia. Sponsor: Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts.
Nov. 7–9:
Michigan Library Association, Annual Conference, Radisson Hotel and Conference Center, Dearborn. “Loud Librarian: Defining Ourselves and Our Profession.”
Nov. 7–10:
National Association for the Education of Young Children, Annual Conference, Atlanta Convention Center. “Developmentally Appropriate Practice in the 21st Century.”
Nov. 8–10:
Arizona Library Association, Annual Conference, South Mountain Community College, Phoenix. “Beyond the Box.”
Nov. 12–14:
Indiana Library Federation, Annual Conference, Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis. “Stepping Forward, Digging Deeper.”
Nov. 30–
Dec. 1:
Hawaii Library Association, Annual Conference, Hyatt Regency, Maui. “Managing Collections in a Networked Age.”
Feb. 10–12:
Australian Library and Information Association, New Librarians’ Symposium 6, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane.
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