American Libraries Online
Public libraries take center stage in financial literacy
The US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has announced a new partnership with public libraries to help them become a trusted source for unbiased financial education information and resources in their communities. The announcement of the CFPB Community Education Pilot Project was made at an April 7 press conference in Chicago during Money Smart Week. CFPB Senior Content Specialist Dan Rutherford said the bureau plans a five-pronged strategy for its initiative. Watch the archived event here....
American Libraries news, Apr. 7
Job hunting goes higher tech
Chris Francis writes: “Queens (N.Y.) Central Library recently added a kiosk that potential employees can use to search and apply for jobs on the spot. New York City–based app developer Apploi provided the library with a special tablet device kiosk in March through its Jobs4Five program—an initiative that aims to bring the job searching technology of the internet to those who can least afford it. Apploi’s job searching app, Apploi Job Search, powers the kiosk tablet.”...
AL: The Scoop, Apr. 8
London Book Fair 2014
Claire Bushey writes: “Libraries in the United Kingdom recently launched two pilot programs designed to expand patrons’ access to ebooks and academic research, speakers said April 8 at a London Book Fair seminar on public libraries going digital. It didn’t take any arm twisting to sign up publishers for a pilot program to expand UK library patrons’ access to academic research.”...
AL: The Scoop, Apr. 8
Another Story: Leading from all sides
Joseph Janes writes: “I’m in a meeting as I write this. As I sit here, I’m struck by the various roles people play within our organization and particularly the different ways in which my colleagues lead and follow. We’ve all experienced many kinds of leaders, from the jumping-on-tables, man-the-barricades style to the quiet inspirer to the lead-by-example type, all of which can work—or not. Finding one’s own style is an essential aspect of developing a ‘leaderly’ approach.”...
American Libraries column, Mar./Apr.
Library Design Showcase submissions
American Libraries is now accepting submissions for the 2014 Library Design Showcase, our annual feature celebrating new and newly renovated or expanded libraries of all types. The showcase will be featured in our September/October 2014 issue. The deadline for submissions (PDF file) is May 31....
American Libraries, Dec.9, 2013
AL Live on copyright
In “Copyright Conundrum,” a panel of experts will discuss the challenges we face and strategies you can use to help navigate copyright in this rapidly evolving area. Tune in at 2 p.m. Eastern time on April 10 for this free, streaming video broadcast....
American Libraries, Mar. 21
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ALA to host invitational summit
ALA will host an invitational summit, “Libraries From Now On: Imagining the Future,” May 2–3 at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. The summit will bring together thought leaders from the library community—as well as a broad spectrum of educational organizations, federal agencies, and foundations that work with libraries—to begin a national conversation. Four keynote speakers will challenge the summit participants to imagine a library of the future. The summit will serve as a kickoff to ALA’s planned Center for the Future of Libraries....
Office of ALA Governance, Apr. 4
National Library Week celebrates the role of libraries
Communities nationwide will celebrate the contributions of libraries and library workers during National Library Week, April 13–19 (#nlw14). This year’s theme is “Lives Change @ your library.” April 15 is National Library Workers Day, a day for library staff, users, administrators, and Friends groups to recognize the valuable contributions made by all library workers. On April 16, National Bookmobile Day celebrates the dedicated library professionals who provide this valuable and essential service. April 17 is Celebrate Teen Literature Day, raising awareness among the general public that YA literature is a vibrant, growing genre....
Public Information Office, Apr. 8
Now is the time to stand up for libraries
With all that’s happened in D.C. in the past year—threats to eliminate the federal agency that administers funding to libraries, legislation to stifle open access, and the government shutdown—now is the time, more than ever, to stand up for libraries. Register now for this year’s National Library Legislative Day (#nlld14), a two-day advocacy event May 5–6 where hundreds of library supporters, leaders, and patrons will meet with their legislators to advocate for library funding....
District Dispatch, Apr. 9
Choose Privacy Week, May 1–7
Each year on May 1, librarians, library users, and privacy advocates come together to observe Choose Privacy Week, an annual event promoting the importance of individual privacy rights. But protecting and promoting privacy shouldn’t be a one-off annual event. Libraries and librarians should provide privacy programming and resources throughout the year, whether the topic is government surveillance, data mining, identity theft, or threats to personal privacy from implementation of emerging technologies....
Office for Intellectual Freedom, Apr. 9
ALA calls for broadband funding boost
On April 7, ALA requested (PDF file) the Federal Communications Commission to deploy newly identified E-rate program funding to boost library broadband access and alleviate historic shortfalls in funding for internal connections. In response to the FCC’s March Public Notice, the ALA recommended making use of existing high-speed, scalable networks to increase library broadband speeds, improve area networks, and further explore cost efficiencies through new consortium approaches....
Office for Information Technology Policy, Apr. 7
Free webinar series continues with “Literacy Innovations”
ALA President Barbara Stripling’s “Libraries Change Lives” monthly webinar series continues with “Literacy Innovations in Libraries” on April 21. This free webinar will focus on methods, techniques, and ideas to help keep libraries of all types on the forefront of innovative trends in the profession. Registration is open, mandatory, and limited to the first 100 participants who arrive in the virtual room....
Office for Library Advocacy, Apr. 8
Popular sessions from Midwinter
Recordings of a select group of sessions from the 2014 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia are being made freely available to allow ALA members and others to enjoy, learn, discover, or revisit speakers and other events from the meeting. No login is required. Recordings include the Auditorium speakers, the Booklist Author Forum, Ishmael Beah, Andrew Slack, and James McBride....
Conference Services, Apr. 7
Vote in the ALA elections on your smartphone
Did you know that you can vote in the 2014 ALA elections on your smartphone and other mobile devices? Just log in using the URL and credentials that were sent to you in March; it’s that easy. And when you’ve finished voting, you can download an “I Voted in the ALA Election” badge that you can attach to your Facebook page, tweets, or wherever you want. The polls will close at 11:59 p.m. Central time on April 25....
Office of ALA Governance, Apr. 4
Ask an RDA expert
ALA Editions will hold a new workshop, “Ask an RDA Expert: Bibliographic Description” with Adam Baron, May Chan, and Marcia Salmon. Formatted as an open forum, this three-hour workshop will take place on April 25. Participants can drop in at their convenience to obtain and share information on the RDA-related issues that matter most to them. Registration is available through the ALA Store....
ALA Editions, Apr. 8
Word-of-mouth marketing workshop
ALA Editions is hosting a 90-minute workshop, “Word-of-Mouth Marketing: The Most Powerful Marketing Strategy, and You Can Afford It!” with Peggy Barber on May 22. Learn how to deliver a more compelling message than commercial brands with this proven system in place. Word-of-mouth marketing is a team sport. Bring your staff together and start planning your message. Registration is available through the ALA Store....
ALA Editions, Apr. 8
Popular books for young readers
Featuring contributions by active librarians from around the country, Popular Picks for Young Readers, published by ALA Editions for ALSC, offers a goldmine of quality books for children. Edited by Diane Foote, this guide spotlights more than 500 titles published within the last four years. Ranging from books for newborns through readers to age 14, the selected books encompass a wide variety of formats and themes to reflect the diversity of contemporary society....
ALA Editions, Apr. 3
Fundamentals for the academic liaison
The changing higher education environment requires a new kind of relationship among faculty, academic liaisons, and students. Written in a straightforward way that lends itself to easy application, Fundamentals for the Academic Liaison, published by ALA Neal-Schuman, is a core resource for any LIS student or academic librarian serving as a liaison. Richard Moniz, Jo Henry, and Joe Eshleman lay out the comprehensive fundamentals of the discipline....
ALA Neal-Schuman, Apr. 7
One-shot library instruction
Faced with planning a one-shot library instruction session, librarians can feel hard-pressed to squeeze in all their library has to offer. Authentic learning with student interaction may seem unattainable in only an hour, but it’s not. As Heidi E. Buchanan and Beth A. McDonough demonstrate in The One-Shot Library Instruction Survival Guide, published by ALA Editions, the keys are communicating clearly with the course instructor, developing a realistic plan, and employing effective teaching strategies....
ALA Editions, Apr. 7
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Featured review: Adult fiction
Coleman, Reed Farrel. The Hollow Girl. May 2014. 304p. Tyrus, hardcover (978-1-4405-6202-4).
After an ugly bout with cancer and the death of his girlfriend, Moe Prager (Onion Street, 2013) makes herculean efforts to drown himself in booze until a gut-twanging mystery lures him back to reality. Nancy Lustig, an unforgettable woman from his first case, begs Moe to find her missing daughter, Sloane Cantor. Sloane achieved fame years ago as the Hollow Girl when she launched a fabricated online video diary, ending in a faked suicide that caused mass chaos as enraptured viewers clogged 911 lines nationwide. Right after Moe starts poking around, the bodies of two of Sloane’s “friends” turn up, casting doubt on theories that Sloane may simply be taking a secret vacation....
Reading and drinking
Bill Ott writes: “With National Library Week approaching, I think it’s high time we celebrate an aspect of reading that is too often overlooked: the special pleasures of reading and drinking—and, more particularly, reading and drinking in bars. Typically, we promote reading with pictures of shawl-draped women lounging on couches in front of fires and holding books, or, alternatively, kids peering intently at iPads. What we need, I’m arguing, is pictures of men and women, old and young (including, of course, new adults of the post-21 variety), sitting by themselves in quiet bars while reading and enjoying the adult beverage of their choice.”...
The Back Page, Apr. 1
Carnegie Medal read-alikes, 2014: Nonfiction
Brad Hooper writes: “With the announcement of the six shortlisted titles for the 2014 Andrew Carnegie Medals for Fiction and Nonfiction, librarians and library patrons will be scrambling to read all the finalists before the winners are announced on June 28, during the ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas. But for those who have already read the full shortlist, why not try some read-alikes?”...
Carnegie Medal read-alikes, 2014: Fiction
Donna Seaman writes: “The finalists for this year’s Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction tell richly imagined, acutely observed, and profoundly involving stories of loss and dreams, immigration and alienation, in Nigeria, New York, Las Vegas, Europe, and a small Haitian fishing village. There’s a lot to work with there for those after read-alikes, and the following list should keep literary-fiction devotees going long after the Carnegie winners have been announced.”...
@ Visit Booklist Online for other reviews and much more....
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Conference web badges
Share that you’re participating in the 2014 Annual Conference by displaying one of these badges on your site, whether you are attending, speaking, tweeting, sponsoring, or exhibiting....
Conference Services
The ultimate Las Vegas movie supercut
Ashley Burns writes: “Robert Jones is back with yet another of his amazing supercuts. This time Jones is taking on Las Vegas as the ultimate movie setting with this montage (9:28) of the many, many times that the City of Sin has played the backdrop for some of the best films ever made, and a few of the worst, most unoriginal plots ever imagined. Either way, Hollywood’s love affair with Vegas is stronger than ever, from classics to modern cliché comedies to paycheck movies.” Here are lists of films set and shot in Las Vegas....
Uproxx: Film Drunk, Mar. 31; YouTube, Mar. 30; Wikipedia
Trakdot keeps track of your luggage
By the numbers, lost luggage is a relative rarity. The US Department of Transportation figures show just 3.22% of bags were mishandled in 2013. Still, thousands of pieces of luggage go missing every day. Enter Trakdot, a tiny, AA battery-operated transmitter that slips into suitcases and connects to cellphone towers to report its position. Users with a smartphone app can track the position of their bag. FAA approved for flight, Trakdot can also send SMS text messages or email alerts indicating the bag’s location....
WFLD-TV, Chicago, Mar. 31
Las Vegas = Number 1
Las Vegas has been named the number 1 trade show destination for the 20th consecutive year, according to the Trade Show News Network’s (TSNN) “2013 TSNN Top 250 Trade Shows in the United States” list. Las Vegas hosted 53 of the largest shows. Its two closest competitors are Chicago with 29 shows and Orlando hosting 24....
Exhibitor, Apr. 3
IMLS summit: School librarians and student achievement
Fifty research scholars will gather in Chicago to participate in AASL’s Institute of Museum and Library Services research summit. Focused on setting an agenda for future school library research, the “Causality: School Libraries and Student Success (CLASS)” summit will take place April 11–12. The summit will result in a white paper to be published in May, and the white paper and research findings will be presented June 29 during the 2014 ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas....
AASL, Apr. 8
Sheehan appointed RBM editor
ACRL has named Jennifer K. Sheehan (right) as the next editor of RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage (RBM). Sheehan is currently a member of the RBM editorial board and brings in-depth knowledge of the world of rare books and manuscripts to the biannual publication. She will serve as editor-designate starting immediately with her term as editor beginning in July....
ACRL Insider, Apr. 9
ACRL-Choice webinars
The ACRL-Choice webinar program connects academic and research librarians with a host of content and service providers, publishers, and other experts who serve their market. It returns this spring and summer with an exciting new roster of speakers discussing issues pertinent to today’s academic library landscape. Topics include language acquisition, RDA, expert databases, STEM education, and Routledge handbooks....
ACRL, Apr. 7
New ALSC white paper on importance of diversity
ALSC has published a new white paper, The Importance of Diversity in Library Programs and Material Collections for Children, written by Jamie Campbell Naidoo. The white paper explores the critical role libraries play in helping children make crosscultural connections and develop skills necessary to function in a culturally pluralistic society. The paper calls for libraries to include diversity in programming and materials for children as an important element in meeting their communities’ needs....
ALSC, Apr. 8
There’s still time to plan for Preservation Week
Preservation Week will be held April 27–May 3. Two free webinars will be offered during that week: on April 29, Low-Cost Ways to Preserve Family Archives and on May 1, Preserving Scrapbooks. Registration is required....
ALCTS, Apr. 8
Kylie Peppler to speak at ASCLA President’s Program
“Connected Learning and Libraries: At the Intersection of the Arts, Media, New Technologies, and Informal Learning,” ASCLA’s President’s Program, will take place June 29 during the 2014 ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas. It features Kylie Peppler (right), advisor to the Connected Learning Research Network....
ASCLA, Apr. 8
New date and format for Printz program at Annual
Beginning with the 2014 ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas, the Michael L. Printz Program and Reception will be held on Friday night (June 27), a time slot formerly held by the Booklist Books for Youth Annual Forum. This year’s Printz Program will also feature a new format; Marcus Sedgwick, the 2014 Michael L. Printz winner, will deliver a speech. Librarians and teens wanting to submit a question for the Printz Program and Reception may do so online by June 1 ....
YALSA, Apr. 8
RUSA President’s Program
The RUSA President’s Program during ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas on June 28 is titled “Our Values, Ourselves: Examining Our Values and What Others Value about Us.” The program will bring together a multitude of leaders within the library industry for a comprehensive overview of how our values and self-perceptions affect how we provide services within our communities. The panel includes Wayne Bivens-Tatum, Wayne Wiegand, Lisa Carlucci Thomas, and Jeanne Goodrich....
RUSA, Apr. 8
United for Libraries’ Gala Author Tea
Laurie R. King (right), Jean Kwok, James Rollins, and Heather Gudenkauf will be among the featured authors at United for Libraries’ Gala Author Tea, sponsored by ReferenceUSA, on June 30 at the ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas. Authors will discuss their writing lives and forthcoming books. Register through the Annual Conference website....
United for Libraries, Apr. 8
Explore a new digital media commons
LLAMA will present a webinar on “A New Digital Media Commons for Northeastern University” on May 7. The webinar will present practical techniques that were used during the 2012 renovation of the main library of Northeastern University in Boston that created a new setting for collaborative learning. The result was a new Digital Media Commons that completely changes the way in which students, faculty, and staff learn, educate, and collaborate. Register online....
LLAMA, Apr. 9
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2014 Andrew Carnegie Medals: The shortlist
ALA announced on April 7 the six books shortlisted for the 2014 Andrew Carnegie Medals for Excellence in Fiction and Nonfiction. The medals are awarded for the best fiction and nonfiction books written for adults in the previous year and published in the United States. The two winning titles (one fiction, one nonfiction) will be announced at a popular celebratory event on June 28 at the 2014 ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas. The medals and $5,000 checks will be presented to the winning authors....
AL: The Scoop, Apr. 7
2014 Scholastic Library Publishing Award
Sylvia Vardell (right), professor of library and information studies at Texas Woman’s University, has been selected to receive the 2014 ALA Scholastic Library Publishing Award. This recognition is given annually to a librarian whose unusual contribution to the stimulation and guidance of reading by children and young people exemplifies achievement in the profession....
Office of ALA Governance, Apr. 8
Beth M. Paskoff wins Beta Phi Mu Award
Beth M. Paskoff (right), director of the Louisiana State University School of Library and Information Science, is the 2014 recipient of the Beta Phi Mu Award, given annually to a library school faculty member or to an individual for distinguished service to education for librarianship. The $1,000 award is contributed by Beta Phi Mu, the library and information studies honor society....
Office of ALA Governance, Apr. 8
2014 Carnegie-Whitney Grant winners
The ALA Publishing Committee has announced its 2014 Carnegie-Whitney Grant winners, whose proposed projects promote reading or the use of library resources. The grants support the preparation, in print or electronically, of popular or scholarly reading lists, webliographies, indexes, and other guides to library resources that will be useful to users of all types of libraries....
ALA Publishing, Apr. 8
2014 Coretta Scott King Book Donation Grants
The Tubman agency in Minneapolis, Hope House in Washington, D.C., and Abode Services in Fremont, California, have been selected to receive 2014 Coretta Scott King Book Donation Grants. Awarded each spring, the grant program donates books originally submitted for consideration for the Coretta Scott King Book Awards to three organizations to enhance their collections. All three winners will receive more than 100 titles submitted for the 2014 awards, including a full set of winner and honor titles....
Office for Literacy and Outreach Services, Apr. 7
Apply for a Citizens-Save-Libraries grant
Applications for cycle two of the Citizens-Save-Libraries grants from United for Libraries, made possible by a grant from the Neal-Schuman Foundation, are due May 5. The 10 libraries selected will receive two days of on-site consultation by advocacy experts, who will help Friends groups, library directors, and trustees develop individual blueprints for advocacy campaigns....
United for Libraries, Apr. 8
Benson Collections receive Mellon grant
The LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections at the University of Texas at Austin have received a grant of $149,000 from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to carry out a project titled “Post-Custodial Archival Development and Digital Scholarship: Learning from Latin America.” The grant will boost archival development and enable collaboration between Latin American studies scholars and archivists to identify collections with a high potential for scholarly impact....
University of Texas Libraries, Apr. 8
2013–2014 New York City Book Awards
Founded in 1996, the New York City Book Awards honor books of literary quality or historical importance that, in the opinion of the selection committee, evoke the spirit or enhance appreciation of New York City. As part of the awards, the New York Society Library also presents the Hornblower Award to an excellent New York City-related book by a first-time author. The history award went to Paul Collins for Duel with the Devil: The True Story of How
Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr Teamed Up to Take on America’s First Sensational Murder Mystery (Crown)....
New York Society Library, Mar. 20
2014 Waterstones Children’s Book Prize
The winners of the 2014 Waterstones Children’s Book Prize were announced at an April 3 ceremony at Waterstones flagship bookstore in London’s West End. The overall winner, and winner of the Best Fiction prize for ages 5–12, was Katherine Rundell’s Rooftoppers (Faber and Faber). The winner of the Best Picture Book category was Open Very Carefully by Nicola O’Byrne (Nosy Crow), while the Best Book for Teens category was won by Holly Smale’s Geek Girl (HarperCollins)....
The Guardian (UK), Apr. 3
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Libraries in the News
Galante will stay on at Queens Library
In a special session on April 3, the Queens (N.Y.) Library board of trustees deadlocked on a motion to force embattled President Thomas Galante (right) to step down temporarily from his job. The vote followed Borough President Melinda Katz’s call March 31 for Galante to take a leave of absence following more than two months of criticism over the nonprofit executive’s compensation and the library’s operations. Galante has been under close watch with the city comptroller conducting a high-profile audit of the library’s operations and the FBI looking into construction contracts the city awarded to an associate....
Queens (N.Y.) TimesLedger, Apr. 4
Two Boys Kissing challenged in Virginia
Fauquier County (Va.) Public Schools has received a request from a parent to withdraw from the high school library collection the book Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan. The novel is about two 17-year-old boys who take part in a 32-hour marathon of kissing to set a new Guinness World Record. A school committee at Fauquier High School decided to retain the book, but the parent is appealing the decision to the superintendent. A review committee will consider the request on April 23....
Fauquier (Va.) Times, Apr. 4
Oklahoma mom wants to dump The Bluest Eye
Parents are requesting a book be pulled from the shelves of the Durant (Okla.) High School library after noting its content. The 1970 novel The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison is the story of an 11-year-old African-American girl in Ohio in the early 1940s, who prays for her eyes to turn blue so that she will be beautiful. Michelle Williams made a formal request to have the book removed from the library because its depiction of rape is too sympathetic to the rapist....
Durant (Okla.) Democrat, Apr. 8
Miami-Dade library advocates push for higher taxes
With Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Giménez floating the idea of a property-tax hike, groups that could benefit from the new dollars are urging him to take the hint and run with it. Giménez revealed last month he would consider raising taxes to fund libraries, parks, and cultural institutions if voters first endorsed the idea in a straw poll this summer. Now advocates for those causes are putting pressure on the mayor to follow through on his trial balloon and pursue the tax increase....
Miami Herald, Apr. 7
Library had “excessive” budget surpluses for six years
A new state audit has found that the North Shore Public Library in Shoreham, New York, had a surplus of between $2.1 million and $2.4 million every year from 2006 to 2012. The state comptroller called the surpluses “excessive” and said they were racked up without transparency, limiting local taxpayers’ abilities to make budget decisions. Library Director Laura Hawrey (above) said the library felt it was being prudent by reserving the surplus funds for retirement, pensions, and insurance. Now they have to give the balance back....
News 12 Long Island, Apr. 7; Office of the State Comptroller
NCSU library featured in PBS Cool Spaces! series
North Carolina State University’s James B. Hunt Jr. Library (right) is getting profiled in April in the nationally syndicated PBS series, Cool Spaces!, a new prime-time program that promises to “profile some of this century’s most exciting architecture in the US.” Sponsored by the American Institute of Architects and hosted by Boston architect Stephen Chung, the series focuses on presenting “cutting-edge, contemporary public buildings and spaces and the daring architects who push the boundaries of design and materials.”...
NCSU Libraries News, Apr. 2
Ellen’s favorite librarian: An update
Kirby Thomas (on the left), librarian at Christa McAuliffe Elementary School in Broken Bow, Oklahoma, walked the red carpet April 6, courtesy of Ellen DeGeneres. The talk show host asked Thomas to interview stars at the Academy of Country Music Awards. How did Kirby become Ellen’s favorite librarian? In February, Ellen surprised Kirby with a $25,000 check, among other gifts for her students. Watch the video (3:09)....
KJRH-TV, Tulsa, Okla., Feb. 20, Apr. 8; Ellen, Apr. 8
Three schools bring back librarians
Five years later, three schools in Ashland, Massachusetts, are getting their librarians back in the fall after the school department set aside money for three part-time positions in the 2015 budget. Cuts in the 2009 budget forced the school department to get rid of librarians and library aides at all Ashland schools except the high school. School Committee Chairwoman Laurie Tosti said, “We couldn’t go another year without the libraries.” With only parent volunteers, students were not getting the library skills they needed to prepare for high school....
Framingham (Mass.) MetroWest Daily News, Apr. 7
Portland tops Seattle in #Bookmatch clash
In a heated and fun rivalry competition between the Multnomah County Library in Portland, Oregon, and the Seattle (Wash.) Public Library, soccer fans helped propel Portland to victory. Set up as a #Bookmatch to see which library could answer the most book recommendation queries on Twitter over the course of 90 minutes on April 3, Portland fans pulled through 206–195. As the loser, Seattle Public Library must now create a display in their space about Portland with their staff also wearing Portland Timbers gear....
Portland Timbers: The Backcut, Apr. 4
Washburn settles Bearman lawsuit
Michelle Canipe’s lawsuit against Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas, and dean of libraries Alan Bearman was settled out of court March 11. Canipe, a former instructional librarian at Washburn’s Mabee Library from January 2010 to May 2011, filed charges in 2011 against Bearman and the university for sexual harassment, discrimination, and creating a hostile work environment. After more than seven hours of mediation, a settlement was reached that was mutually acceptable....
Washburn Review, Apr. 2
The promise of libraries in Myanmar
Wendy Rockett and Wine Wai Wai Win write: “Libraries and reading have a special place in Myanmar society. Yangon, the country’s largest city, is teeming with book vendors and libraries. The American Center and British Council libraries were venerated sources of up-to-date publications during Myanmar’s deepest periods of isolation, but smaller community libraries (like the one above) have cropped up in response to community needs.” University libraries in Myanmar have also acquired e-collections with thousands of digital books and journals to help them catch up after decades of isolation under military rule....
In Asia, Apr. 2; BBC News, Apr. 1
New Turkish children’s library
Amid concerns over the declining number of children’s libraries in Turkey, a pioneering new attempt is being made to encourage children and their families to take up the reading habit. Turkey’s first Interactive Library for Children, opened recently in Istanbul, has become home to both local and foreign youngsters in an attempt to broaden the traditional library into a center for the whole family. At the library, families come together with their children to read and play with them....
Anadolu Agency, Apr. 5
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IMLS public hearing on broadband
On April 17, the Institute of Museum and Library Services will hold a public hearing, “Libraries and Broadband: Urgency and Impact,” to examine the need for high-speed broadband in America’s libraries. The hearing, held at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library in Washington, D.C., will explore ideas for streamlining and increasing the efficiency of the e-rate program and making use of high-speed connections to drive education, community, and economic development. The event will be streamed on YouTube and Google+....
Institute of Museum and Library Services, Apr. 7
We the People petition on IMLS
The current proposed House Budget says “The federal Institute of Museum and Library Services is an independent agency that makes grants to museums and libraries. This is not a core federal responsibility.” This petition asks the administration to release a statement that having an informed and literate citizenry and protecting cultural heritage are priorities and that funding institutions that contribute to this work is indeed a core federal responsibility....
We the People, Apr. 3
Restoring CC attribution to Flickr
Cory Doctorow (right) writes: “For years, Flickr has been one of the most important repositories of Creative Commons imagery in the world; now, thanks to a new design by Yahoo, it’s all but useless for serving and attributing the CC-licensed images it’s been entrusted with by museums, galleries, national archives, libraries, and millions of individuals.” Cory Dodt and Alan Levine have both created bookmarklets that take the structured license data in a Flickr image page and extract the metadata and CC license link. But the Brooklyn Museum, sensing disaster, has already pulled out of Flickr Commons....
Boing Boing, Apr. 7; Free Technology for Teachers, Apr. 7; Adactio, Apr. 7
On the right to link
Dan Cohen writes: “On April 4, the Digital Public Library of America filed a comment with the US Copyright Office on its study of the Right of Making Available. This proposed right, which would be an explicit addition to existing copyright law in the United States, strongly restricts the ability to link to materials on the open web, reserving for copyright holders ‘communication to the public’ of the existence of works on the internet.”...
DPLA Blog, Apr. 4
European Union votes Net neutrality into law
The European Parliament has passed a major package of telecom law reform, complete with amendments that properly define and protect net neutrality. The amendments (PDF file) were introduced by the Socialist, Liberal, Green, and Left blocs after the final committee to tweak the package left in a number of loopholes that would have allowed telcos to start classifying web services of their choice as “specialized services” that they can treat differently....
GigaOM, Mar. 18, Apr. 3
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Samsung Galaxy S5
Sascha Segan writes: “The Samsung Galaxy S5, to be released officially on April 11, is America’s best-performing smartphone, bringing excellent voice quality, a terrific camera, speedy performance, and the best screen we’ve seen on a handheld yet. It’s better than last year’s Galaxy S4 in many ways. Mainstream smartphone fans, people who like to surf the web, and shutterbugs will thrill to this model, making it one of our two Editors’ Choices for T-Mobile smartphones.”...
PC Magazine, Apr. 9
The Heartbleed bug: Should you panic?
Chandra Steele writes: “Heartbleed, a bug within OpenSSL, is making headlines this week, and while it might seem like a rather technical issue, it has some real-world ramifications that could affect the online services you use every day. Even worse, there’s really no way to tell what malicious activity has occurred thanks to Heartbleed. If you are just a regular internet user like the rest of us, you undoubtedly have a few questions.”...
PC Magazine, Apr. 8–9
Sweeping away a search history
Molly Wood writes: “Your search history contains some of the most personal information you will ever reveal online: your health, mental state, interests, travel locations, fears, and shopping habits—information most people would want to keep private. Unfortunately, your web searches are carefully tracked and saved in databases. Fortunately, Google, Bing, and smaller companies provide ways to delete a search history or avoid leaving one.” Watch the video (2:27)....
New York Times: Personal Tech, Apr. 2
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Update
Michael Muchmore writes: “The Windows 8.1 Update released at Microsoft Build on April 2 can be viewed as both a step backward and a step forward for Microsoft’s vision of a hybrid OS that’s equally comfortable on tablets, slates, laptops, and desktops. In the first version of its daring two-in-one OS bet, the company put nearly all the focus on the touch interface. With this update, mouse and keyboard users finally get the attention they’ve been clamoring for.”...
PC Magazine, Apr. 2–3
Tools to make the most of Flickr
Alan Henry writes: “Flickr is a great tool to organize your photos and share them with the world. Plus, ever since Flickr got an overhaul and tons of free space, it’s a great place to back up your photos too. Still, it can be even better with a few useful tools from the user community. Here are some of the best.”...
Lifehacker, Apr. 3
Two more 3D printers from XYZprinting
Signe Brewster writes: “It’s no secret that Asia wants to rule the world of 3D printing. A prime example is XYZprinting, a subdivision of Taiwanese electronics giant Kinpo Group. XYZprinting revealed its first 3D printer at the Consumer Electronics Show this year: a $499 desktop machine known as the da Vinci. Now it is releasing two more desktop printers priced at $649 and $849. That’s still far cheaper than most US printers.”...
GigaOM, Apr. 3
Never fax a document again
Chris Hoffman writes: “Fax machines are still trucking along in offices around the world. Government agencies, lawyers, doctors, and other slow-moving organizations often still require faxes—at best, it’s a necessary evil. There are plenty of alternatives to faxing. If you aren’t limited by laws or because the person on the other end demands you use fax, try one of these alternatives.”...
How-To Geek, Apr. 7
The best cloud storage solutions
Jill Duffy writes: “If you don’t have a service for storing and syncing your data in the cloud, you need one. You might even need more than one. Many of the best solutions do something specific, like handle photos exceptionally well and make them easier to share. Using multiple services allows you to compartmentalize your data, which in turn may let you take advantage of the free space allotments most services offer. Here are the best online cloud storage solutions.”...
PC Magazine, Apr. 2
How to back up your cloud
Eric Griffith writes: “There are many ways to back up your local data to the cloud (see above). Online backup is everywhere, simple to set up, and accessible on most internet-connected devices. But that doesn’t help with all that content you created online. That’s why it’s best to step in occasionally and preserve your Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, and Evernote data.”...
PC Magazine, Feb. 17
Safety tips for people stuck with Windows XP
Rafe Needleman writes: “On April 8, Microsoft stopped supporting Windows XP. What if you’re stuck with a computer using XP? What’s going to happen to you and your computer? Nothing you’ll notice, at least not right away. Windows XP will continue to work. But your risk of a security breach into your computer increases over time. You can decrease your exposure in a few ways.” If you can upgrade, here’s how....
Yahoo Tech, Apr. 7–8; PC Magazine, Apr. 8
Five things to do before you ditch your old gadgets
Dan Tynan writes: “Getting rid of your old electronics? Whether you’re donating, reselling, or recycling your aging gear, you’ll want to take the following steps to make sure your data stays safe and your gear goes where it’s supposed to. And, no, these steps are not optional.”...
Yahoo Tech, Apr. 7
The birth of multipurpose computers
Peggy Aldrich Kidwell writes: “On April 7, 1964, 50 years ago, IBM Corporation announced a family of room-sized computers known as the System 360. Different versions of the IBM 360 met the needs of business and technical customers. To emphasize the full circle of applications, IBM called the computer the 360. Monthly rentals for models of the IBM System/360 started at $2,700 and went up to $115,000. This included software.”...
O Say Can You See?, Apr. 7
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Tick tock, Total Boox
James LaRue writes: “A vendor somewhere just had to try this approach: metered reading. And now someone has.
Yoav Lorch is the engaging and insightful CEO of an Israeli company called Total Boox. I met with him at PLA in March, and got a guided tour of his product. Total Boox is based on the premise that most of the usage limits that apply to physical books make no sense at all when applied to their digital counterparts. But consider the Total Boox approach from the standpoint of the library patron.”...
AL: E-Content, Apr. 4
Serious reading takes a hit
Michael S. Rosenwald writes: “Claire Handscombe has a commitment problem online. Like many web surfers, she clicks on links posted on social networks, reads a few sentences, looks for exciting words, and then grows restless, scampering off to the next page she probably won’t commit to. But it’s not just online anymore. She finds herself behaving the same way with a novel. To cognitive neuroscientists, her experience is the subject of great fascination and growing alarm.”...
Washington Post, Apr. 6
Random House ebooks available through EBSCO
EBSCO Information Services is now offering more than 30,000 popular fiction and nonfiction ebooks published by Random House. The partnership will help librarians acquire high-demand titles in a cost-effective way since there are no markups or fees of any kind on EBSCO ebook titles....
EBSCO, Apr. 8
Why I don’t buy print reference books
Bonnie Swoger writes:
“For students (and many librarians and faculty), using print resources is annoying, time-consuming, and generally not worth the effort. A quick Google or Wikipedia search can generally help me define concepts, understand acronyms and abbreviations, and get a brief overview on a topic. So why won’t I usually consider buying an electronic version of a specialized encyclopedia in order to push students toward resources that are more reliable than Wikipedia?”...
Scientific American: Information Culture, Apr. 4
Navigating the ebook reader market
Robert Harington writes: “This post is born of frustration: It is the good sort of frustration, however. You know—that feeling of being overwhelmed by choice in a sea of options, and all seem like good ways to go. So it is with ebook readers. There are so many out there, and many of them are good, if not downright fantastic. But there are variations in how they work and the features they provide, so I will describe a few of these and some of their pros and cons.”...
The Scholarly Kitchen, Apr. 3
Defining digital social sciences
Lisa Spiro writes: “I’m finding some significant points of intersection between digital humanities and digital social sciences. What are we to make of the connections between humanities and social science research? And what does digital research in social sciences entail, anyway? While ‘digital humanities’ is itself a fuzzy term, ‘digital social sciences’ seems to be even less well defined.”...
dh+lib, Apr. 9
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2014 Annual Conference and Exhibition, Las Vegas, June 26–July 1. Stories matter: Dig into why, and get 13 tips (and one cautionary note) for powerful narratives that drive social impact at the PR Forum with strategic communications expert Eric Friedenwald-Fishman.

Download or request the new ALA Editions catalog for Spring / Summer 2014 titles. Save up to 20% when you order more than $100.
on Film

Super (2010). Rainn Wilson as hapless short-order cook Frank D’Arbo decides to turn his life around by becoming a superhero, The Crimson Bolt. He poses as a student with a fake beard, goes to the college library to read comics about superheros, and asks the librarian (played by Laurel Whitsett) where he can find information on recent crimes. She locates abundant drug dealing on the internet and tells him the worst activity is on Euclid Street.

The Sure Thing (1985). John Cusack as Gib Gibson and Daphne Zuniga as Alison Bradbury meet in the library of an Ivy League college to study English, but Gib gets bored and says they should go exploring. They wind up on the library roof where Gib identifies constellations.

Surrender Dorothy (1998). Jason Centeno as Denis wants to turn his roommate Lanh (Kevin DiNovis) into a woman, so he visits the Free Library of Philadelphia to look up surgical procedures.

Suspect (1987). Public defender Kathleen Riley (Cher) and juror Eddie Sanger (Dennis Quaid) are nearly caught by Judge Helms (John Mahoney) as they collaborate in looking for an incriminating case. Filmed in a law library in Washington, D.C.
This AL Direct feature describes hundreds of films (and some TV shows) in which libraries and librarians are featured, from 1912 to the present. The full list is a Web Extra associated with The Whole Library Handbook 5, edited by George M. Eberhart and published by ALA Editions. You can browse the films on our Libraries on Film Pinterest board. |

Leads from

Children’s Librarian, District of Columbia Public Library. DC Public Library continues its transformation. Many wonderful things are happening here. If you enjoy a rewarding work environment where your hard work can truly make a difference, come join us! All positions require excellent customer service skills, commitment to public service and the willingness to learn and embrace change....

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Digital Library of the Week

The W. R. Gray Studio photographic collection, hosted by Fort Hays State University, Kansas, features some 29,000 images from glass plate negatives that were produced by W. R. Gray Studio in St. John, Kansas. The original negatives are located in the Stafford County (Kans.) Historical Museum. The names of the people photographed are given as they are written (and sometimes misspelled) in the ledger; they are the payees, or the persons who paid for the photos. The Gray Studio was in operation in St. John from 1905 to 1981.
Do you know of a digital library collection that we can mention in this AL Direct feature? Tell us about it. Browse previous Digital Libraries of the Week at the I Love Libraries site, Check out our Featured Digital Libraries Pinterest board. |
Noted and Quoted
“A public library can mean different things to different people. For me, the library offers our best example of the public commons. For many, the library upholds the nineteenth-century belief that the future of democracy is contingent upon an educated citizenry. For others, the library simply means free access to the Internet, or a warm place to take shelter, a chance for an education, or the endless possibilities that jump to life in your imagination the moment you open the cover of a book.”
— Robert Dawson, author of The Public Library: A Photographic Essay (Princeton Architectural Press, 2014), on his website.
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Apr. 13–19:
National Library Week.
Apr. 15:
National Library Workers Day.
Apr. 16:
National Bookmobile Day.
Apr. 17:
Celebrate Teen Literature Day.
Apr. 17:
Institute of Museum and Library Services, public hearing, “Libraries and Broadband: Urgency and Impact,” Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, Washington, D.C.
Apr. 23:
World Book Night US.
May 1–7:
Choose Privacy Week.
May 8–10:
LOEX, Annual Conference, Amway Grand Plaza Hotel, Grand Rapids, Michigan. “Creative Visualization: The Art of Information Literacy.”
May 10–14:
Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials, Annual Conference, Radisson Downtown, Salt Lake City. “Family, Local, and Micro-Regional Histories and Their Impact on Understanding Ourselves.”
May 12:
Content Delivery Summit 2014, New York Hilton Midtown, New York City.
June 20–25:
Next Library Conference, Chicago Public Library.
July 15–17:
Open Knowledge Festival, Kulturbrauerei, Berlin.
July 16–18:
Frontiers of Democracy Conference, Tufts University, Boston.
Aug. 13–15:
Pacific Northwest Library Association, Annual Conference, Helena, Montana. “Mining the Past to Plan for the Future.”
Sept. 28–30:
International Library Symposium, The Southport School, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. “Embracing New Landscapes.”
Oct. 12–15:
Library and Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa, Annual Conference, SkyCity Convention Centre, Auckland. “Connect and Thrive.”
Oct. 17:
The Conference for Entrepreneurial Librarians, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. “Take Risks, Embrace Change!”
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15 books about libraries and librarians
Joelle Herr writes: “All of the library love in preparation for National Library Week got us thinking about our favorite books about libraries and librarians, so we decided to put together a list of them. Featuring cats, bookmobiles, archivists, time travelers, even Dracula—these 15 books will inspire a renewed appreciation for a place that is, in the words of Jamie Ford in his novel The Songs of Willow Frost, ‘like a candy store where everything is free.’”...
BookPage, Apr. 1
Where’s the African-American Harry Potter?
Ashley Strickland writes: “According to the Cooperative Children’s Book Center, fewer children’s books were written by Latinos or African Americans in 2013 than in previous years. Numbers increased slightly for American Indians and Asian Americans. In 2014, the movement to publish more authors of color and write multicultural main characters remains slow and incremental. Even though YA literature is enjoying a golden age, lead characters of color or LGBT characters are still slow to appear in popular mainstream young adult fiction.”...
CNN, Apr. 9; Cooperative Children’s Book Center
What would Captain America read?
Katie Shanahan Yu writes: “Captain America: The Winter Soldier debuted in theaters this weekend. It’s an entertaining new installment to the Marvel universe and one that has certainly shaken up the status quo for subsequent movies and the Marvel-verse. I thought it would be fun to create a ‘What would they read?’ list for some of our favorite Captain America characters from Winter Soldier.”...
YALSA The Hub, Apr. 7
Rethinking the model for library book groups
Neil Hollands writes: “The tradition of book groups is quite entrenched. For each meeting, we select one common book, which we ask all of our members to read, and then we hold a shared discussion of that title. Is this the best model? For many groups, it is. But if your group needs refreshing, it might be time to rethink the most basic elements of practice. Here is a list of groups for which the one-book model might not be best.”...
Booklist Online: Book Group Buzz, Apr. 8
50 essential books of poetry
Emily Temple writes: “It’s National Poetry Month, and you’re probably thinking: ‘I should really read more poetry. But where do I start?’ Well, sound the trumpets, because Flavorwire is coming to the rescue. Here you’ll find a list of 50 essential books of poetry that pretty much everyone should read, from the deeply established canonical works to riveting, important books by newer poets, from the Romantics to the postmodernists, from the goofy to the staid.”...
Flavorwire, Apr. 7
Novels in verse for National Poetry Month
Geri Diorio writes: “What’s that? Poetry is too hard? If you would rather not attempt a sonnet, a haiku, or even a limerick, there is a great way to ease yourself into the world of poems—novels written in verse. The tales are so compelling and the verse so subtle, you won’t even realize you are reading poetry. It can be astonishing how authors cover deep, dark topics with just a few, perfectly chosen words. Here are a few to get you started.”...
YALSA The Hub, Apr. 3
More National Poetry Month resources
Mary Burkey writes: “Celebrate National Poetry Month by listening to classic, modern, and children’s poetry. Here are some for audio links, poet biographies, informational podcasts, and searchable collections of online poems. Plus, stop by Sylvia Vardell’s Poetry for Children blog for incredible free printables of exclusive poems from the stars of children’s poetry as well as ready-to-use classroom lessons.”...
Booklist Online: Audiobooker, Apr. 4
Russia-infused YA lit
Jessica Lind writes: “Over the past couple of years, it seems that Russia (or the USSR) has been popping up everywhere. What is it about Russia that makes for such an interesting background in YA lit? Is it simply because it is a country that has such a long history filled with royalty, religion, and rebellion? The books that I have included in this post focus on various aspects of Russian history and culture, across a range of historical time periods.”...
YALSA: The Hub, Apr. 9
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Open access to ProQuest and Oxford University databases
Database publishers ProQuest and Oxford University Press are celebrating National Library Week, April 13–19, by providing free access through library websites to a rich assortment of their databases. Libraries can access ProQuest resources here and can extend complimentary access for up to 30 days. OUP is offering all of its resources free that week; use the username and password found here....
ProQuest, Apr. 1; Oxford University Press
CNN Assignment: Your favorite libraries
In honor of National Library Week, April 13–19, CNN wants to hear from people who love to tour and photograph libraries around the world. Tell them about the libraries you love the best and what makes them so special. Share your original photos, and you could be featured in a story on CNN Travel. The deadline is April 14....
CNN, Mar. 31
The oldest library in the South
Erin Z. Bass writes: “The Charleston (S.C.) Library Society predates the idea of public libraries. When it was founded in 1748, it consisted of volumes of reading material that moved from house to house. Today, the library is about 2,200 members strong, and 2014 celebrates a century of its Beaux Arts–style building near the intersection of King and Queen streets. It is also one of only 16 membership libraries left in the country.”...
Deep South Magazine, Apr. 7
Acquiring books and people
Bernadette Lear writes: “I took a deep breath as I entered the Carnegie Library of Beaver Falls to continue my research on the history of public libraries in Pennsylvania. Within 15 minutes, I was elbow-deep in board minutes, librarian’s reports, and scrapbooks. Along the way, I found an unrelated, but very thought-provoking item—an old ‘accession book.’ I don’t believe I have ever described one of these in this blog, so perhaps readers would be interested in seeing it (right).”...
In Search of Pennsylvania Library History, Apr. 5
The ideal length for everything online
Kevan Lee writes: “Every so often when I’m tweeting or emailing, I’ll think: Should I really be writing so much? Curious, I found some answers for the ideal lengths of tweets and titles and everything in between. Many of these could have been answered with ‘it depends,’ but where’s the fun in that? Solid research exists to show the value of writing, tweeting, and posting at certain lengths. Here’s the best of what I found.”...
Buffer, Mar. 31
A mobile app for converting weights and measures
Kit Eaton writes: “You probably often convert units of currency or measurement from one type to another. Doing these calculations mentally can be tricky, so let an app do it. Convertible: The Ultimate Unit Converter on iOS stands out from many other apps of its type. It can convert between many units, and it’s visually pleasing.”...
New York Times: Personal Tech, Apr. 2
Recipe swap: A programming collaboration
Amy Koester writes: “My adult services colleagues and I have been brainstorming ways to offer joint children’s and adult programs. We offered our first joint programming endeavor in late March. It wasn’t heavily attended, so we still need to figure out how to best advertise this new style of program—but it was fun. It was a Recipe Swap for kids and caregivers. Here are the details.”...
The Show Me Librarian, Apr. 2
School librarians are the heart of the school
Texas Woman’s University assistant professors Judi Moreillon and Teresa Starett have produced this video (5:15) that highlights the importance of school librarians in the educational curriculum. School librarians across the country asked their principals to appear and add their testimonials to this powerful narrative. Funding was provided by a grant from the Texas Library Association, Demco, and the TWU Dean’s Research Funds....
YouTube, Apr. 4
A look back at board games
Kristi Finefield writes: “Like many kids and adults, I love playing board games. I’ve spent many an hour rolling dice and moving around a board in a race against my opponents to either the finish line or to some other goal, like accumulating the most wealth or properties. But I have not yet tried to reach The Mansion of Happiness (right) or take The Road to Washington or win the New Game of the Steeple Chase. These are also board games, though of a much earlier era, and their lively gameboards are part of the LC Prints and Photographs Division’s collections.”...
Picture This, Apr. 3
Parlaying vintage postcards into your next great exhibit
Steve Wieberg writes: “For years, the Kansas City (Mo.) Public Library had tucked away in its Missouri Valley Special Collections an array of more than 16,000 vintage postcards that Public Affairs Director Henry Fortunato saw as both overlooked and underutilized. That changed in 2013 when he, Special Collections Manager Eli Paul, and their respective staffs fashioned some 200 of the cards into one of the most popular and praised exhibits in the library’s history.”...
Programming Librarian, Apr. 4
Fishing for a good book
Hunting or fishing for a good book is easy when you check out your public library. This promotional video (0:30) was created by staff at the Calcasieu Parish (La.) Public Library as a way to market its library services and the wonders of southwestern Louisiana. No books were harmed during the making of this video....
YouTube, Apr. 7
Harvard book bound in sheepskin, not human flesh
Steve Annear writes: “Science: 1, internet: 0. For one reason or another, an old story published by the Harvard Crimson in 2006 about a collection of books at Harvard Law School Library that are allegedly bound in human skin, crawled to the surface of the internet in late March. But a new analysis shows that it’s not human skin after all—it’s actually sheepskin.”...
Boston magazine, Apr. 3; Harvard Crimson, Feb. 2, 2006; Et Seq., Apr. 3
Professional library literature
Gene Ambaum writes: “A few years ago I met LisaGenius when Bill and I were doing a speaking gig. She told me she was creating some library-related humor, but she didn’t tell me that she was repurposing lurid paperback covers into naughty library-related titles. Now I’m just hoping she’ll write one of these for real.” This slideshow features such essential reading as Pay Your Fines or Die, To Hell with Grant Writing, and Story Hour with Satan’s Spawn....
Unshelved, Apr. 8
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