American Libraries Online
IFLA conference opens
Laurie D. Borman writes: “The theme ‘Libraries, Citizens, Societies: Confluence for Knowledge’ set the stage for the 80th International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions World Library and Information Congress in Lyon, France, August 16–22. On Monday, Her Royal Highness Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands (right), the founder of the Netherlands Reading and Writing Foundation, talked about ways to advocate for libraries.”...
AL: The Scoop, Aug. 19
ALA and German library association to collaborate
ALA President Courtney Young and Barbara Lison, a representative of the German library association Bibliothek & Information Deutschland (BID), signed an agreement on August 19 at the World Library and Information Congress in Lyon, France, establishing a collaboration between the two organizations through 2019. The agreement includes a variety of dialogue, networking, and exchange activities....
AL: The Scoop, Aug. 20
MOOCs and Horizon Report on library trends
Pierre Dillenbourg, the academic director of the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, spoke on his expertise, massive open online courses (MOOCs), during the August 20 plenary session at the 2014 World Library and Information Congress in Lyon, France. Samantha Adams Becker (right) of the New Media Consortium discussed the just-released New Media Consortium Horizon Report: 2014 Library Edition (PDF file), which examines trends in academic and research libraries....
AL: The Scoop, Aug. 20
High and low tech at IFLA
Laurie D. Borman writes: “Sometimes, low tech trumps high tech. At Tuesday morning’s plenary session of IFLA’s World Library and Information Congress 2014 in Lyon, French journalist Florence Aubenas (right) talked about her kidnapping and six-month imprisonment in Iraq in 2005 and the time since. ‘Very often, the countries at war create conditions that prevent us from using technology tools,’ she said. ‘It’s better sometimes not to use our computers. It’s like dynamite in your bag [due to hacking].’”...
AL: The Scoop, Aug. 19
Eyeing the new diversity
Alexia Hudson-Ward writes: “Workplace diversity management in our field has primarily focused on increasing the number of underrepresented populations among our ranks. Yet, an emerging paradigm shift that elevates values as a critical diversity factor is currently taking place in the global market. This article examines the rise of values-based diversity as the next evolutionary step in workplace diversity management and the implications of this new approach for librarianship.”...
American Libraries feature, July/Aug.
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Planning a Banned Books Week event?
The Executive Committee of Banned Books Week invites organizations and individuals to share how they are celebrating 2014’s Banned Books Week. This year’s celebration, which is taking place September 21–27, will shine a light on comics and graphic novels. The committee has created a simple form where organizations can post their activities....
Office for Intellectual Freedom, Aug. 19
Bring library programs to SXSW
Larra Clark writes: “The Office for Information Technology Policy is joining other library organizations, libraries, museums, and archives to build a growing presence at Austin’s annual South by Southwest (SXSW) Edu and Interactive festivals. Together, we hope to connect, inform, persuade, and change perceptions of libraries among established and emerging leaders in the technology and education spheres. But we need your help to bring our programs to the SXSW stage.”...
District Dispatch, Aug. 19
Understanding a turbulent world
On August 19, ALA released the draft Trends Report: Snapshots of a Turbulent World (PDF file), with appendices on further reading (PDF file) and trend diagrams (PDF file), to stimulate discussion about and ultimately inform a national policy agenda for the US library community. A draft policy agenda will be developed for public comment through the Policy Revolution! initiative led by the Office for Information Technology Policy with guidance from its Library Advisory Committee....
District Dispatch, Aug. 19
Library students: Join ALA before September 1
LIS students can join ALA before the dues increase on September 1. Join now for $34 and save $1. Save $3 if your state library association is one of 28 partnering with ALA to offer joint student membership. Before September 1, join ALA and your state library association for one low price of $35. After September 1, join for $38....
ALA Member Blog, Aug. 20
“Exploring Human Origins” traveling exhibition
The Public Programs Office, in collaboration with the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History Human Origins Program, is accepting applications from public libraries for the traveling exhibition “Exploring Human Origins.” Nineteen sites will be selected to host the 40-panel, 1,200-square-foot exhibition for four weeks each between April 2015 and April 2017. The exhibition will include at least two interactive kiosks, a display of skulls and two DVDs. The deadline to apply is November 19....
Public Programs Office, Aug. 19
Deadline extended for First Folio traveling exhibition
The application deadline for “Shakespeare and His First Folio,” a traveling exhibition offered by ALA in collaboration with the Folger Shakespeare Library and Cincinnati Museum Center, has been extended to October 24. The exhibition—part of the international events planned in observance of the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death—will bring the 1623 original edition of the playwright’s first published collection to 53 sites in 2016....
Public Programs Office, Aug. 18
FLA calls for proposals
The Florida Library Association is accepting proposals to present conference and preconference workshops and programs at its 2015 Annual Conference in Orlando, May 13–15. The deadline to submit a proposal is September 5. Program organizers will be notified of the status of their proposals in November....
Florida Library Association, Aug. 19
Cataloging for non-catalogers
The ability to catalog proficiently can be a valuable skill for every librarian, but proper training is essential. Offered by ALA Publishing in collaboration with the San José State University School of Information (SJSU iSchool), the new advanced eCourse “Cataloging for Non-Catalogers” will take participants from beginner to advanced cataloger in 12 weeks, beginning September 22. Register at the ALA Store....
ALA Editions, Aug. 19
How to find prospective donors
Individuals, not government sources or foundations, are the largest source of giving in the US. But how do you find the most likely prospective donors? Researching Prospective Donors: Get More Funding for Your Library, published by ALA Editions, outlines strategies for focusing your time and attention on the best donors and potential donors in your community. Susan Summerfield Hammerman, a successful prospect researcher, gives library directors, fundraisers, and board members all the tools they need to research individuals and their wealth....
ALA Editions, Aug. 18
Guide to general and LIS reference
Ideal for public, school, and academic libraries looking to freshen up their reference collections, as well as for LIS students and instructors conducting research, Guide to Reference: Essential General Reference and Library Science Sources, edited by Jo Bell Whitlatch and Susan E. Searing, collects the cream-of-the-crop sources in general reference and library science information. Encompassing internet resources, digital image collections, and print resources, it includes the full section on LIS resources from Guide to Reference....
ALA Digital Reference, Aug. 19
Libraries in emergencies
The federal Stafford Act of 2011 designates libraries as among the temporary facilities delivering essential services, making a Continuity of Operations Plan imperative for libraries. Library As Safe Haven: Disaster Planning, Response, and Recovery; A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians, published by ALA Neal-Schuman, is a nuts-and-bolts resource that enables libraries of all kinds to do their best while planning for the worst. Deborah D. Halsted, Shari C. Clifton, and Daniel T. Wilson pepper the manual with informative first-person narratives from librarians....
ALA Neal-Schuman, Aug. 18
Best books for one-room schools, 1922
Larry Nix writes: “During the 1920s, one-room schoolhouses for multiple elementary grades in rural America were common. So it wasn’t unusual that ALA and the National Education Association were interested in identifying the best books for these schools. In 1922 ALA published a small brochure (right) titled A Shelf of Books For A One Room School, which identified 25 of the best books for these schools. The books were selected by ballot by librarians and teachers at their conferences.”...
Library History Buff Blog, Aug. 16
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Featured review: Fiction for youth
Kain, Jamie. The Good Sister. Oct. 2014. 304p. Grades 9–12. St. Martin’s/Griffin, hardcover (978-1-250-04773-1).
Sarah, duly noted as the “good” and oldest sister in the Kinsey family, was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia at age 10. Before that significant heartbreak, she lived in a Northern California commune with her dad, Ravi (now John); her mom, Lena; her middle sister, Rachel; and her youngest sister, Asha. After the dissolution of Ravi and Lena’s marriage, Sarah and her mother and sisters move to town, where she begins to undergo treatment, Asha becomes a viable bone-marrow donor, and Rachel—doomed to be the wild one—grows apart from them all. Told in first-person alternating chapters, the novel’s three sisters, who simply never had a chance at normalcy, ache on the page with honesty, laying bare their place in the family and in their own orbits....
Carte Blanche: Against Ruth Graham
Michael Cart writes: “So, adults, are you ashamed of reading young adult literature? Journalist Ruth Graham thinks you should be. Writing in an article titled ‘Against YA,’ which appeared June 5 in the online magazine Slate, she averred, ‘Read whatever you want. But you should be embarrassed when what you’re reading was written for children.’ Really? Young adults are children? Since when? Well, apparently since Graham herself was a YA.”...
@ Visit Booklist Online for other reviews and much more....
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AASL preconference proposals
AASL is extending its submission deadline for preconference workshop proposals for its 17th National Conference and Exhibition. The new deadline is September 5. Half-day or full-day preconference workshops will be held November 4–5, in Columbus, Ohio. Proposals should include up to three learning objectives and should address how the session supports the AASL strategic plan, the AASL Standards for the 21st-Century Learner, or Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Programs....
AASL, Aug. 19
AASL webinar on “talk-alouds”
An upcoming AASL webinar will examine read-aloud strategies that promote the exchange of reader responses between children and educators. Presented by Raquel Cuperman, “Talk-Alouds: A Different Approach to Read-Alouds” will take place on September 10. For more information and to register, visit eCOLLAB....
AASL, Aug. 19
The benefits of virtual committees
Jill Bickford writes: “Over the last few years many ALA divisions, including ALSC, have transitioned to having more committees, task forces, and other groups operate primarily, if not wholly, via virtual methods. The change toward more virtual work provides numerous benefits to individual members as well as the Association and profession as a whole.”...
ALSC Blog, Aug. 19
Fall ACRL-Choice webinars
The ACRL-Choice webinar program connects academic and research librarians with a host of content and service providers, publishers, and other experts who serve their market. Upcoming webinars, held from September 9 to October 28, will cover a wide gamut of new topics important to academic libraries....
ACRL, Aug. 18
Discussion group for state Friends groups
Those who work with, are members of, or serve as board members of state Friends of the library groups are invited to participate in a new United for Libraries electronic discussion group. State Friends groups from around the country can share advice and discuss their real-world experiences....
United for Libraries, Aug. 19
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2015 IFLA/OCLC Fellows
OCLC, along with the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, has selected five librarians to participate in the Jay Jordan Early Career Development Fellowship Program for 2015. The program supports library and information science professionals from countries with developing economies. The Fellows (from Pakistan, Philippines, Serbia, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe) were announced August 19 by OCLC President Skip Prichard at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Lyon, France....
OCLC, Aug. 19
National Leadership Grants for libraries
The Institute of Museum and Library Services has announced the first round of National Leadership Grants for Libraries FY 2015. The program invests $12 million annually in projects that improve professional library and archive practice with implications far beyond the grantee institutions. The grants help drive innovation and support projects with national impact. The deadline for preliminary proposals is October 13....
Institute of Museum and Library Services, Aug. 13
ULC recognizes top innovators
The Urban Libraries Council has recognized 22 libraries for their innovative programs, services, and operating practices—from a Wi-Fi bicycle that delivers resources to underserved communities, to a platform for distributing self-published ebooks, to heroic efforts that meet community needs in the wake of natural disasters. The 2014 Top Innovators and Honorable Mentions were chosen by a panel of expert judges who considered more than 180 submissions in 10 categories....
Urban Libraries Council, June 26
Ancillary Justice wins Hugo Award
US author Ann Leckie secured her place in the annals of science fiction history after her debut novel, Ancillary Justice, was named best novel at the prestigious Hugo awards. The award was presented in a ceremony held August 17 at the 72nd World Science Fiction convention in London. The novel is a space opera narrated by the artificial consciousness of a starship. The complete list of winners is here....
The Guardian (UK), Aug. 17; Hugo Awards, Aug. 17
2014 Paolucci Book Award
British politician and journalist Daniel Hannan has won the 2014 Henry and Anne Paolucci Book Award for his book Inventing Freedom: How the English-Speaking Peoples Made the Modern World. The $5,000 award, presented by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, honors the “best work of conservative scholarship published in the previous year.” Hannan will deliver a public lecture in November that ISI hosts in Wilmington, Delaware....
Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Aug. 18
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Libraries in the News
Ferguson library becomes a refuge
Amid all of the strife engulfing Ferguson, Missouri, this month, there is one spot in town that has become a refuge for children, parents, and residents: the library. The Ferguson Municipal Public Library has been an oasis of calm since the town’s residents erupted in anger at the police after one of them shot and killed an allegedly unarmed black teen, Michael Brown, on August 9. It has used Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to offer residents a place of respite for them to get bottled water, check their emails, and avoid the unrest developing on Ferguson’s streets....
ABC News, Aug. 20
Frederick Ruffner dies at 88
Frederick Gale Ruffner Jr. (right), who founded one of the largest reference book publishing companies in the world, died August 12 following a long illness. He was 88. Ruffner and his wife Mary founded Gale Research Company in 1956, starting with the classic Encyclopedia of Associations. In 1987, ALA awarded Ruffner an honorary membership in recognition of his publishing creativity and leadership role in library advocacy. He was also one of the first presidents of the Friends of Libraries USA organization, a precursor of United for Libraries....
Detroit Free Press, Aug. 15
Six ex-trustees lose bid to keep their seats
The six former Queens (N.Y.) Library trustees who took Borough President Melinda Katz and state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to federal court in a bid to retain their volunteer positions on the board suffered a major setback August 12. Brooklyn Magistrate Judge James Orenstein recommended that their requests for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction that would nullify their July 23 dismissal by Katz be denied....
Queens (N.Y.) Chronicle, Aug. 14
Orland Park keeps unfiltered internet access
Orland Park (Ill.) Public Library trustees on August 18 voted to continue to allow patrons 18 and older unfiltered internet access, reaffirming a vote taken earlier this year. Before the 4–2 vote, some patrons asked the board to install a filter to prevent adults from being able to view pornographic material online, and two library trustees said they supported the use of filters....
Chicago Southtown Star, Aug. 18
Ali Abunimah’s talk at Evanston Public Library
An overflow crowd listened to Chicago writer Ali Abunimah read from his book, The Battle for Justice in Palestine, at the Evanston (Ill.) Public Library on August 11 after the library’s controversial decision to postpone, and then reissue, his invitation to speak. More than 120 people packed the conference room, with police presence inside and outside the library. But the tone was peaceful and mostly supportive of Abunimah’s message. Watch the video (1:44:12) of his presentation....
Chicago Tribune, Aug. 11
Copernicus book rediscovered in Weimar
In 2004, the Duchess Anna Amalia Library in Weimar, Germany, housed one of the most important collections of books and manuscripts in the country, including De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium, Libri VI (1543), a work by famed Renaissance astronomer and mathematician Nicolaus Copernicus. In that year, the library was severely damaged in the fire. Now, 10 years later, the Copernicus book has been found among the many damaged works still waiting to be restored....
Christian Science Monitor, Aug. 15
Six New Jersey libraries to offer high school programs
On August 18, the New Jersey State Library launched its Online High School Completion Program, which will allow state residents to earn an accredited high school diploma and credentialed career certificate at six public libraries. The groundbreaking program is designed to reengage adults in the education system and prepare them for entry into post-secondary education or the workforce....
New Jersey State Library, Aug. 19
Seven-day service for large Miami branches
A higher library tax would mean a return to seven-day hours for some of Miami-Dade’s largest branches under a new plan by Mayor Carlos Gimenez’s administration. A summary of proposed hours released August 19 shows five branches adding back Sunday service to their schedules. The branches are Miami Beach, North Dade, South Dade, West Dade. and West Kendall....
Miami (Fla.) Herald, Aug. 19
County of Los Angeles Library restores its hours
The County of Los Angeles Public Library will restore its service hours at branches that had hours reduced in 2009–2010, effective September 2. The restoration was made possible by the county board of supervisors’ approval to increase the library budget by $3.6 million to restore hours as they were four years ago....
Santa Clarita Valley (Calif.) Signal, Aug. 12
Why the Boston Public Library is discarding books
Edgar B. Herwick III writes: “It’s housecleaning time at the Boston Public Library, with tens of thousands of books being pulled from branch shelves all around the city. And it’s a beast of a task. Some of the books being weeded are perfectly up-to-date and in good shape. They just aren’t being checked out. BPL is targeting books that haven’t circulated for four to six years. Others are simply database corrections that include missing books.” More on BPL’s process here....
WGBH-FM, Boston, Aug. 14; BPL Compass, Aug. 8
Library tries out shoe-recycling program
Plum Borough (Pa.) Community Library Director Marilyn Klingensmith is always on the lookout for outreach and fundraising opportunities. When she received a packet about a shoe-recycling program, she wanted to learn more. And this led to a partnership with ShoeBox Recycling of Fairless Hills, north of Philadelphia. Through the program, the library receives recycling bins where patrons can place their gently used shoes....
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Aug. 13
How legal are seed libraries?
Janelle Orsi and Neil Thapar write: “After the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture cracked down on a community seed library, hundreds of seed libraries in the US are suddenly wondering if they are breaking the law. According to Pennsylvania regulators (PDF file), in order to give out member-donated seeds, the Simpson Seed Library in Cumberland County would have to put around 400 seeds of each variety through prohibitively impractical seed-testing procedures. It’s important to set the record straight about the legalities of seed libraries.” Seed Matters, a program run by the Clif Bar Family Foundation, has offered funding to support mediation and legal guidance but has not heard back....
Post Carbon Institute, Aug. 15; Carlisle (Pa.) Sentinel, July 31; TakePart, Aug. 14
Students turn to Indiegogo to help their school library
Grade 2 students Josephine Sinclair and Sarai Williams want their school to have a library. Due to changes in their district, what was once the school library at Willow Creek Academy in Sausalito, California, is now just a room with empty shelves. With their “Dr. Seuss Wants You!” Indiegogo campaign, the students are hoping to change that. The youngsters and their parents have collected donated books and even picked out a “wonderful librarian” who is available to start this year if they can raise the funds to pay her. Watch the video (1:18)....
Yahoo! News Canada: Good News, Aug. 15; YouTube, Aug. 7
Stolen maps still missing from National Library of Wales
Scores of maps worth hundreds of thousands of pounds are still missing almost 15 years after they were stolen from the National Library of Wales. Peter Bellwood was jailed for four-and-a-half years at Swansea Crown Court in 2004 after confessing to stealing 50 documents from the Aberystwyth library from March to August 2000. The gambling addict sold them for £70,000 ($116,300 US). Only 12 maps have ever been recovered, leaving 95 maps and one portrait still unaccounted for....
Cardiff (UK) Western Mail, July 20
A floating library for Minneapolis
The Floating Library (right) is a real library with books that can be checked out. What more do you need? Well, you’ll need a canoe or a kayak or a paddleboat or some other floating device to get to the library, which is somewhere in the middle of Cedar Lake on the west side of Minneapolis. It’s actually a project created by local artist Sarah Peters, who stocks a rowboat with shelves and donated art books....
Minneapolis Star Tribune, Aug. 16
Tehran’s taxi bookstore
The husband-and-wife team of Mehdi Yazdany and Sarvenaz Heraner have created a mobile reading room and taxi service in Tehran, Iran, complete with a chauffeur-bibliophile. More than 40 titles, 130 volumes in all, are stacked behind the back seat, shelved on racks over the passenger window, cluttering the dashboard, crammed into side pockets, and stuffed in the trunk. When you pay the fare, you can either buy a book or just browse and listen to the classical music during your ride. They call it Ketabraneh, or Books on Wheels....
Wall Street Journal, Aug. 14
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The news from Ferguson: Live, on Twitter
Barbara Fister writes: “Twitter has become the way I keep up with what is going on in my field. Last week I realized it has also become the way I find out what’s happening in the world, which makes me wonder what that means when it comes to helping students learn about how information works. I’ve spent the last week, like many people, in a state of raw unsettledness over what has been happening in Ferguson, Missouri.”...
Inside Higher Ed: Library Babel Fish, Aug. 17
Monkey selfie
James LaRue writes: “Here’s one digital dispute I didn’t see coming: interspecies copyright disputes. According to the Guardian and the Washington Post, British photographer David Slater was taking photos in an Indonesian forest in 2011. His primary target was crested black macaques. He left his tripod and camera alone for a few minutes. And in those moments, one macaque grabbed the camera and took a series of selfies. That’s right: monkey selfies.” Kevin Smith weighs in on the matter and David Smith takes an opposing viewpoint. A new draft of the Compendium of US Copyright Office Practices specifically prohibits non-human authorship (PDF file) and lists the photo as an example....
AL: E-Content, Aug. 15; The Guardian (UK), Aug. 7; Washington Post, Aug. 6; Scholarly Communications @ Duke, Aug. 10; The Scholarly Kitchen, Aug. 11
Conserving constitutional copyright
Charles Wapner writes: “Copyright discourse has been knocked off its moorings. Rights holders would have you believe that the foundational purpose of the copyright law is to protect their exclusive ability to reap the financial windfalls their works generate. Although this argument is just as unconvincing as it is unappealing to most ordinary Americans, it has come to be reflected in our public policy.”...
District Dispatch, Aug. 20
Teens need well-funded libraries
Danyelle Barber writes: “If my patrons, the poor kids in a slightly wealthy town, need us for after-school snacks, computer access, and a sense of community, then the teen patrons of poorer communities struggling to keep their libraries open definitely do. According to YALSA, teens are the most likely to suffer from lack of library funding. We are vital to learning—social, digital, traditional—and preparing teens to enter the changed workforce is a task that many schools have not been able to keep up with.”...
xoJane, Aug. 14; National Forum on Libraries and Teens
Digital citizenship and public libraries
Mantra Roy writes: “Just as political citizenship expects principles of integrity of its citizenry, digital citizenship refers to expected modes of conduct in the digital world. Libraries offer different types of services that are attended by community members of various age, ability, and ethnic groups. We attend to their language-skill needs, their creative needs through makerspaces, and their technical literacy needs by checking out iPads and sometimes Google glass.”...
WebJunction, Aug. 18
The challenge of broadband in rural libraries
Justine Brown writes: “98% of libraries now provide free public access to Wi-Fi, up from 89% in 2012. But digital differences among states still exist—as does an urban/rural divide, according to the new 2014 Digital Inclusion Survey released by the ALA. the study found that cities still fare far better when it comes to broadband; they report an average download speed of more than 100Mbps, compared to an average speed of just over 21Mbps for rural public libraries.”...
Government Technology, Aug. 11
Improving digital inclusion in Native American communities
On August 12, the Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums released a study on Digital Inclusion in Native Communities: The Role of Tribal Libraries (PDF file). The national study is the first to provide comprehensive data on the structure, activities, and needs of tribal libraries as they improve broadband access and digital literacy in Native communities....
District Dispatch, Aug. 12
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How to turn a YouTube clip into an animated GIF
Daniel Bean writes: “We love animated GIFs, and we love how it’s becoming easier and easier to create your own online. A tool called GIF YouTube has taken almost all the pain and thought out of turning your favorite YouTube clip into a shareable animated GIF. There are really only three simple steps involved.”...
Yahoo! Tech, Aug. 18
21 Flickr tips for photographers
Eric Griffith writes: “Flickr truly stands out for one core audience: photographers. While Instagram and Facebook are great for sharing casual images, Flickr’s tools and interface and information all scream out for artists with a camera to take them seriously. From the camera info stored there to the ability creators have of tagging and copyrighting images, Flickr is an amazing service for those serious about pictures and photography. Here are some of the best tricks that will help you get the most out of Flickr, both mobile and desktop.”...
PC Magazine, Aug. 19
How long do CDs last?
Laura Sydell writes: “Back in the 1990s, historical societies, museums, and symphonies across the country began transferring all kinds of information onto what was thought to be a very durable medium: the compact disc. Now, preservationists are worried that a lot of key information stored on CDs—from sound recordings to public records—is going to disappear. Some of those little silver discs are degrading, and researchers at the Library of Congress are trying to figure out why.”...
NPR: All Things Considered, Aug. 18
Upgrade to an SSD right now
Chris Hoffman writes: “It’s time to upgrade to a solid-state drive if you’re still using a mechanical hard drive in your computer. An SSD is the single biggest upgrade you can give your computer, and prices have come down dramatically. SSDs are so much faster because they don’t have a spinning magnetic platter and moving head. After upgrading, you’ll be amazed at the performance improvements and wondering why you waited so long.”...
How-To Geek, Mar. 8, 2011; Aug. 18
Microsoft Virtual Academy
Melanie Pinola writes: “Microsoft Virtual Academy offers hundreds of free courses for anyone interested in improving their computer or IT skills. Many of the courses, as you might expect, are geared towards Microsoft products: developing Windows apps, migrating from Windows Server, Office 365 training, and so on. There are also some that are more universal, like learning JavaScript and C#.”...
Lifehacker, Aug. 13
How to create RSS feeds for Twitter
Amit Agarwal writes: “Twitter has dropped support for RSS Feeds but there is a simple solution that you can use to generate feeds for your various Twitter streams including Twitter search results, user timelines, favorites, and even Twitter lists. Without RSS feeds, it is difficult to use your Twitter data elsewhere. The trick is simple.” Watch the video (3:21)....
Digital Inspiration, Aug. 15; YouTube, July 31, 2013
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Turn up the Volume
James LaRue writes: “Denver Public Library has announced a new service called Volume. The product is intriguing: 37 albums of DRM-free downloadable or streamable music by Colorado artists. The music is available to any DPL cardholder for two years as a downloadable file; after that, it will be archived by the library, and may be rebroadcast. This is the starting collection; the library will put out the call for another 25 albums every quarter or so.”...
AL: E-Content, Aug. 19
Hugh Howey’s defense of Amazon
James LaRue writes: “Responding to four questions in Publishers Weekly on August 13, mega-successful author Hugh Howey sticks up for Amazon in its ongoing dispute with Hachette. It’s clear that the publishing world is changing. And Howey, whose books are available on Amazon, is probably better versed than most in how things work from several sides. He has taken this moment to do what he says many writers, bound to their legacy publishers and fearful of reprisal, cannot: speak out about the concerns of authors.”...
AL: E-Content, Aug. 18; Publishers Weekly, Aug. 13
Barnes & Noble’s new Nook
Barnes & Noble has unveiled a new seven-inch tablet called Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook. This is the first time the bookseller has outsourced the design to another company and instead focused on user experience. Unlike prior Nook tablets, this one has two cameras, which will ensure that apps like Vine and Snapchat will be relevant. It also has access to Google Play, which means that hundreds of thousands of apps are available to download....
Good eReader, Aug. 20
Amazon and Purdue team up on textbooks
Amazon has teamed up with Purdue University in Indiana to sell discounted textbooks to college students. The Purdue Student Store on Amazon will offer textbooks for up to 30% off. Students can use the site to rent or buy new and used print textbooks, as well as to purchase and rent digital textbooks from Kindle....
GalleyCat, Aug. 14; Purdue News, Aug. 13
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2014 Annual Conference and Exhibition, Las Vegas, June 26–July 1. Look back at the 2014 ALA Annual Conference, enjoyed by 18,626 attendees and exhibitors. Enjoy American Libraries coverage. Get the Cognotes highlights. Looking for handouts? See you in 2015! Bundle registration opens on September 9.

on Film

Slow Fires: On the Preservation of the Human Record (1987, made for TV, US / Canada). This documentary looks at the disintegration of library holdings worldwide due to acidic paper and other fragile media, and the efforts to preserve the information (if not the items themselves) before it is lost forever.

Small Faces (1996, UK). Liz Lochhead plays a librarian in Glasgow in 1968.

Smashing the Money Ring (1939). Counterfeiters in a state prison smuggle bills out through the prison library in stacks of newspapers.

The Smile Behind the Mirror (2010). Evangeline Joy Galliford is Eleanor, a librarian who seeks to make her mark on history with the help of a friend’s time-machine computer.
This AL Direct feature describes hundreds of films (and some TV shows) in which libraries and librarians are featured, from 1912 to the present. The full list is a Web Extra associated with The Whole Library Handbook 5, edited by George M. Eberhart and published by ALA Editions. You can browse the films on our Libraries on Film Pinterest board. |
Sept. 17–20:
North Dakota Library Association, Annual Conference, Ramada Inn, Bismarck. “Library Services for the Next 125 Years.”
Sept. 17–20:
Kentucky Library Association / Kentucky Association of School Librarians, Joint Conference, Galt House Hotel, Louisville. “Libraries Leading the Way in the Information Age.”
Sept. 18–20:
Digital Scholarship Cooperative, Digital Frontiers 2014 conference, Texas Woman’s University, Denton.
Sept. 19–23:
Southeast Florida Library Information Network, Virtual Conferences. “User Experience: Seeing Your Library through the User’s Eyes, Mobile Devices: Gateway to Your Library; eBooks: Benefits, Challenges and the Future; Library Resource Sharing: Emerging Trends and Technologies.”
Sept. 22–23:
Great Lakes E-Summit, Maumee Bay Lodge and Conference Center, Oregon, Ohio. “Delivering Information vs. Collection Building.”
Sept. 29:
National Federation of Advanced Information Services, Humanities Roundtable, Graduate Center of the City University of New York, New York City. “Digital Humanities and Digital Publishing: Insights and Opportunities.”
Oct. 1–3:
Georgia Council of Media Organizations, Annual Conference, Augusta. “Transforming Our Libraries: Master the Possibilities in Augusta.”
Oct. 17:
The Conference for Entrepreneurial Librarians, Z. Smith Reynolds Library, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. “Take Risks, Embrace Change.”
Nov. 5–8:
Charleston Conference, Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition, Charleston, South Carolina.
Nov. 14–16:
Boston International Antiquarian Book Fair, Hynes Convention Center, Boston.
Dec. 5:
ACRL Greater New York Chapter, Symposium, Baruch College Vertical Campus Conference Center, New York City. “The Academic Librarian in the Open Access Future.”
Feb. 13:
Online Northwest, Conference, CH2M Hill Alumni Center, Oregon State University, Corvallis. Deadline for proposals: Oct. 17.
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The Giver movie: A reader’s perspective
Hannah Gómez writes: “As a reader, I’m not sure if I went to the movies because I wanted to watch The Giver or because I wanted to hatewatch it. I did a little of each. I’ll try to explain my reaction to the film, while also leaving out enough information to keep the movie surprising if you’d like to be surprised. Be forewarned: This post either has spoilers or is impossible to understand. I think your liking of this film will depend on how passionate you are about the book.”...
YALSA The Hub, Aug. 18
An experiment in extreme reading
Rachel Cooke writes: “Phyllis Rose’s book about her extreme reading experiment in 2011, in which she tackled the entire contents of one shelf in the New York Society Library on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, has won high praise. But are such bibliomemoirs a sign of an increasingly superficial literary culture or vital guides for a public swamped by choice? In the world of the bibliomemoir, Rose’s book, which explores mostly unknown and obscure novels, stands very much alone.”...
The Observer (UK), Aug. 16
10 books about libraries and librarians
Simon McDonald writes: “In the words of Jamie Ford in his novel The Songs of Willow Frost, libraries are ‘like a candy store where everything is free.’ These 10 books will remind you of why libraries are such special places.” For example, Rebecca Makkai’s The Borrower: Lucy Hull, a young children’s librarian in Hannibal, Missouri, finds herself both a kidnapper and kidnapped when her favorite patron, 10-year-old Ian Drake, runs away from home....
The Reading Room, Aug. 18
Social media in YA literature
Molly Wetta writes: “Teens today are coming of age in an environment saturated with social media, so it’s no surprise to find it featured prominently in the plots of many young adult novels. When I started noticing this trend that explores the impact social media has on the lives of teens, I decided to compile a list showcasing the various ways that teens’ use of Facebook, Twitter, blogging, and other social media are depicted in YA literature.”...
YALSA The Hub, Aug. 20
YA books featuring transgender characters
Alegria Barclay writes: “In May, Time magazine made history by putting Laverne Cox on its cover, declaring that America is in the midst of a ‘Transgender Tipping Point.’ This increase in visibility extends to young adult literature. Indeed, YA has been ahead of the curve. Luna, the first YA book to feature a transgender protagonist, was published over a decade ago to wide critical acclaim. Here are some recently published and soon-to-be-published books that feature transgender characters.”...
YALSA The Hub, Aug. 19
The first audiobooks
Matt Novak writes: “Long before they were used for music, long playing records (LPs) were used almost exclusively for audiobooks. These audiobooks were distributed to blind Americans in the 1930s and 1940s. In fact, it was effectively illegal for sighted persons to listen to LP audiobooks from 1934 until 1948, due to licensing agreements with publishers and authors’ unions. The LP’s sound quality was so bad back then that music sounded terrible on it. What it could handle just fine was the spoken word.”...
Gizmodo, Aug. 13
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Back to school
Clair Segal writes: “It’s almost that time again. Time for all of us school librarians and teachers to pack away the short-shorts, scrape off the beach sand, and start going to bed at a reasonable hour once more. Are you ready? Is your bag packed and stocked with notebooks, clean writing pens, and fresh, sharp crayons wrapped in perfect paper? Here are a few back-to-school necessities that won’t break your budget (or your brain), while still being fabulous.” Here is another list of resources....
YALSAblog, Aug. 19; A Media Specialist’s Guide to the Internet, Aug. 15
Services and programs for children with disabilities
Bethany Lafferty writes: “I have found many great resources to help youth librarians educate themselves on getting started with programs and services for people with special needs. One common concern is having relevant knowledge and understanding to work with children with disabilities. Here are several online resources that can help you prepare for creating an inclusive environment for children of all abilities.”...
ALSC Blog, Aug. 20
20 map creation tools for students
Richard Byrne writes: “A couple of years ago I published a list of 21 online map creation tools. Since then some of those tools have gone offline and new tools have replaced them. Here’s my updated list of online map creation tools for students and teachers.”...
Free Technology for Teachers, Aug. 17
Changes to the Twitter timeline
Christina Warren writes: “Twitter just took another step to become more like Facebook. Several days ago, we noticed that Twitter rolled out an experiment to some users that began showing actions—like favorited tweets—on the main Twitter timeline. Earlier this month, it experimented with showing tweets from accounts users didn’t follow. Now, Twitter has updated some key language on its help page that indicates this is a permanent change.”...
Mashable, Aug. 5, 17, 20
10 libraries to visit with Google Street View
Piotr Kowalczyk writes: “You can visit the library that is thousands miles away, without leaving your chair. Just open Google Street View, which is being used not only outside but also inside buildings. Several institutions and businesses can use the advanced tool called Google Interior Tours. Bookstores and libraries are most suitable for that. We’ve picked 10 libraries for your convenience. Click in the upper right corner to switch to full-screen view.”...
Ebook Friendly, Feb. 15, 2013; Aug. 14
The secret libraries of London
Kevin Lo writes: “Libraries are often public spaces with a rather private focus, each visitor engrossed in quiet contemplation or simply curled up with a good book. However, the beauty of London is found in its nooks and crannies, so let’s take a look at eight libraries that are tucked a little further off the beaten track, such as the St. Bride Library, which specializes in printing and graphic arts.”...
Atlas Obscura, Aug. 18
Wardrobe preparation for the job interview
Dan Trout writes: “Dress for the position that you want, not for the position that you have. I’ve worn a suit and tie to every interview that I’ve attended. You can always gauge the atmosphere and culture of an organization during the interview and after you are hired, but you’ll never get a second chance to make a first impression. If you are overdressed and it makes you uncomfortable, it is very easy to take off your tie and your jacket to dress down to business casual.”...
INALJ, Aug. 19
Medieval lapidaries
Julie Somers writes: “The medieval lapidary is essentially a book about stones, both precious and semiprecious gems and minerals, as well as mythical stones that may never have existed. Closely linked to the bestiary, which has been discussed in previous blog posts, the medieval lapidary tradition can be traced back to antiquity with the text on Natural History by Roman historian Pliny the Elder (ca. 23–79 CE).”...
Medieval Fragments, Aug. 16, 2013; Jan. 21, Aug. 15
15 incredibly specific special collections
Virginia C. McGuire writes: “Special collections libraries are a strange and wonderful world, full of odd collections and even odder researchers. We chose a handful of our favorites. For example, the Ray and Pat Browne Library for Popular Culture Studies at Bowling Green (Ohio) State University is something of a legend. Its collections include over 10,000 comic books and graphic novels, an array of materials related to the Miss America pageant, a Pokemon collection, Star Trek memorabilia, and many vintage paperbacks.”...
Mental Floss, Aug. 15
Searching for Harry Potter pix
For a book tentatively titled Part of Our Lives: A People’s History of the American Public Library that Oxford University Press will be publishing in late 2015, Wayne Wiegand, F. William Summers professor of library and information studies emeritus at Florida State University, is looking for public library photos of Harry Potter activities 2000–2010. If you have any, contact him by email....
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