Engaged attendees, lively programs and events
18,626 librarians, library workers, and library supporters (including 5,607 exhibitors) from around the world joined energetically in the shared endeavor of “Transforming our libraries, ourselves” at the 2014 ALA Annual Conference and Exhibition, June 26–July 1 in Las Vegas. Attendees took part in spirited and productive conversations, sessions, problem-solving, events, discovery of the latest products and services and networking throughout the Las Vegas Convention Center and other venues. The program included more than 2,700 scheduled programs, sessions, and events. Watch videos showing highlights of the conference (2:26) and the exhibits floor (1:18)....
ALA Communications, July 1
On stage with Lois Lowry and Jeff Bridges
Phil Morehart writes: “The main attraction on Sunday was the ALA President’s Program, featuring President Barbara Stripling’s conversation with Lois Lowry, author of young adult dystopian classic The Giver, and Oscar-winning actor Jeff Bridges. The pair joined Stripling (above) to discuss the upcoming film adaptation of The Giver, which stars Bridges in the title role (he also served as the film’s producer), as well as discuss concepts found in the film. An exclusive sizzle reel with behind-the-scenes footage and clips from the new film was also screened for the audience.” Lowry spoke to American Libraries on The Giver (4:48) and libraries past and present (2:29)....
AL: The Scoop, June 30
Stan Lee and the librarians
Michele LeSure writes: “My spidey senses were tingling, but why? Stan Lee (right) was in the house (although I and hundreds of others wound up in the overflow room). At 91, Lee is an energetic and engaging speaker. The overarching message of his talk at the Auditorium Speaker Series on Saturday was that libraries, librarians, and comic books are all inspirations for children to learn to read. Lee said one of his favorite cameo roles in the Marvel superhero movie franchise was performing the role of a librarian during The Amazing Spider-Man.” Watch two excerpts of his presentation on the evolution of comics (4:33) and on reading and libraries (2:14)....
AL: The Scoop, June 28
Resetting the possibilities
Mariam Pera writes: “On Friday afternoon, ALA President Barbara Stripling kicked off the 2014 ALA Annual Conference and Exhibition at the Opening General Session, where she recapped many of the big events from her presidential year. And she introduced the session’s keynote speaker, alternate-reality game designer Jane McGonigal (right). An avid gamer herself, McGonigal cited a Gallup poll that found $3.1 trillion dollars is lost in the global economy because workers do not feel engaged in their work. Statistics also show a downward trend of students feeling less engaged the longer they stay in school.” McGonigal spoke to American Libraries on the impact of libraries (4:49) and video games (4:13)....
AL: The Scoop, June 28, 30
Ilyasah Shabazz on the power of family and heritage
Laurie D. Borman writes:
“‘We allow our children to be taught to hate,’ said Ilyasah Shabazz (right), the daughter of Malcolm X, and an auditorium speaker on Sunday at the 2014 ALA Annual Conference. When love and positive values are not instilled in a family, she said, ‘Ultimately, we have failed our obligation to God (if you believe in God), our obligation to our children, and our obligation to ourselves. We must do better.’” Shabazz spoke to American Libraries on impacting youth (4:03) and on books (2:47)....
AL: The Scoop, June 30
Championing introverts
Mariam Pera writes: “Appearing as an Auditorium Speaker on the ALCTS President’s Program on June 30, bestselling author Jennifer Kahnweiler (right) said she has been an avid library patron ever since she was a child. In fact, her father led the renovation of the library in their hometown. Author of The Introverted Leader and Quiet Influence: The Introvert’s Guide to Making a Difference, Kahnweiler argued that many ideas and solutions are not being expressed simply because someone in our work or personal life who is introverted may not be speaking up to offer input. She called them the ‘quiet 50%.’” Kahnweiler spoke to American Libraries on introverts (2:30) and libraries as a special place (1:45)....
AL: The Scoop, July 2
Jane Fonda on teens and escaping stereotypes
Michele LeSure writes: “The hall was packed with a very receptive audience for author and actress Jane Fonda (right), who appeared as part of the Auditorium Speaker Series on Saturday morning. When I arrived, she was getting weepy talking about how special librarians were to her life as she grew up. Fonda’s mother died when she was 12, and she used her personal tragedy as a segue to discussing how critical adolescence is to the development of personality. She talked about this in the context of her latest book, Being a Teen, published in March by Random House. Watch two excerpts of her presentation on adolescence (4:59) and on the refuge of libraries (1:35)....
AL: The Scoop, June 28
Alexander McCall Smith charms the audience
Heather Johnson writes: “Internationally acclaimed author Alexander McCall Smith (right) has penned more than 100 books, including his well-known and bestselling No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series, academic titles, and popular children’s books. Weaving humor throughout his presentation, McCall Smith spoke about the nature of readership, complaints from book groups, and adoration for his characters. He urged ALA to manage book groups as a serious issue like intellectual freedom and compared librarians to wine tasters who expertly classify and describe books.” McCall Smith spoke to American Libraries on libraries in the US and abroad (2:20) and on reading and writing (2:07)....
ALA Cognotes, Monday, p. 12
Azar Nafisi: Readers are born free
Brad Martin writes: “Azar Nafisi (right) spoke passionately about the freedom to read on Saturday, focusing on her forthcoming book, The Republic of the Imagination: America in Three Books, and the important meanings contained in literature. She returned again and again to the importance of reading and to what happens when individuals and countries as a whole do not read.”...
ALA Cognotes, Sunday, pp. 1, 19
High-wire creativity
Phil Morehart writes: “Card tricks. Sleight-of-hand magic. Props. Audience participation. No, this isn’t a description of a hot new show on the Vegas Strip. These were a few highlights of the United for Libraries President’s Program, held on Monday. Philippe Petit (right), the high-wire artist best known for his infamous tightrope walk across the World Trade Center in 1974, delivered a high-energy, often hilarious presentation on creativity and the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone to achieve maximum results.” Petit spoke to American Libraries on creativity and passion (2:26)....
AL: The Scoop, July 2
Hey librarians, call me
George Eberhart writes: “On Tuesday, comedian, actor, director, and author B. J. Novak (right) offered some entertainment at the Closing Session of the 2014 ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas. In addition to having the ‘honor of addressing an audience of more than 1,000 librarians in Las Vegas,’ Novak quipped that it was a ‘specific sexual fantasy.’ He put up a photo of himself and a phone number on the big screen with the caption, ‘Hey librarians, call me.’”...
AL: The Scoop, July 1
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A conversation about the future
George Eberhart writes: “On Saturday morning, ALA President Barbara K. Stripling (left) convened a panel to stimulate thinking about the future and the place libraries will have in it. The conversation was a follow-up to the national Summit on the Future of Libraries held May 2–3 at the Library of Congress. Stripling said that ‘Each one of us will have a different future library. We have the power to envision our future communities and make a difference right now.’”...
AL: The Scoop, June 28
Courtney Young takes the helm at the Inaugural Brunch
Mariam Pera writes: “On Tuesday, ALA got a new president. Courtney Young (right) began her term as 2014–2015 ALA President after being inaugurated at the Closing General Session by now Immediate Past President Barbara K. Stripling. During the Inaugural Brunch, Young thanked Stripling for her mentorship and the chance to develop a friendship she hopes will continue to help move the profession forward. The brunch was a fun-filled event with food, a DJ, and dancing.”...
AL: The Scoop, July 2
Turning outward
Mariam Pera writes: “The first of four Annual Conference programs presented by the ALA Public Programs Office, ‘Turning Outward to Lead Change in Your Community: Aspirations,’ introduced attendees to the concepts of the Harwood Institute and the ALA initiative—libraries transforming communities (LTC). Facilitated by Cheryl Gorman, vice president of national programs at Harwood, the program explained that the idea of ‘turning outward’ is not just a set of tools, ‘It’s a mindset that helps you learn to do the good work you already do [but] better.’” Oak Park (Ill.) Public Library Executive Director David J. Seleb talks about his experience “turning outward” (3:33)....
AL: The Scoop, June 29
Council I supports Air Force libraries
On Saturday, ALA Council met in its first session, with ALA President Barbara Stripling presiding. Among its actions, Council passed a Resolution in Support of Stable Funding for Air Force Libraries. The two-part resolution calls on “the US Department of Defense and Air Force to restore funding to Air Force base and command libraries back to FY2011 levels for staffing, materials, services, and programs.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 29
Council II passes three resolutions
ALA Council breezed through its second session on Monday, closing in under an hour and a half. The Policy Monitoring Committee’s resolution passed to improve member access to ALA governing unit information; the Committee on Organization’s resolution passed to amend the ALA Policy Manual to require committees to submit reports biannually to the ALA executive director; and a resolution passed to encourage Congress to grant budget autonomy to the District of Columbia government to allow city services, including libraries, to remain open during a federal government shutdown....
AL: The Scoop, June 30
Intellectual Freedom Manual dominates Council III
ALA Council met for its third and final session on Tuesday. The Intellectual Freedom Committee presented 14 action items as revisions to the Intellectual Freedom Manual, which is set to be published later in 2014. After a motion to refer the section on labeling and rating systems failed—though not without much discussion and in a very close vote—Council passed the package. Council also approved the adoption of “Copyright: An Interpretation of the Code of Ethics.”...
AL: The Scoop, July 1
Reflections on ALA Council
Marge Loch-Wouters writes: “For the first time since I got on ALA Council three years ago, the meetings got out early so I could actually participate in a few ALSC meetings and events. I have always prided myself on being a process junkie but Council truly challenged that perception. It was not an easy assignment for an action person like me but I was proud of my service. Here I am (right) with my ‘diploma’ certificate proving I sat through many meetings.”...
Tiny Tips for Library Fun, July 1
Résumé advice from an expert
Lindsey Halsell writes: “Saturday morning, I visited the ALA JobLIST Placement Center to take advantage of the résumé critiquing service. I met with Julia Frankosky (right), government information librarian at Michigan State University, who reviewed my résumé and gave me tips on how to make a better impression on potential employers. Résumés need to address the specific needs of individual jobs. Yes, this means rewriting or restructuring them depending on a position’s description.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 28
ALA’s volunteer Ambassadors
George Eberhart writes: “Now in its fourth year, the Ambassador program run by the ALA Membership Development Office was in full force at the 2014 ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas and operating out of the ALA Membership Pavilion. Paul Signorelli, who has served as consultant to the program, gave American Libraries a rundown on how it operates.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 29
ALA encourages next step in E-rate improvement
On July 1, ALA participated in an E-rate press call moderated by the FCC and was joined by several education and digital learning advocates. More than 4 million people visit America’s public libraries each day, and high-capacity broadband and Wi-Fi–enabled connections are at the center of what our communities need to connect with a world of online resources. Libraries complete education, jumpstart employment and entrepreneurship, empower people of all ages and backgrounds, and foster community engagement—“The E’s of Libraries.”...
Office for Information Technology Policy, July 1
ALA applauds Simon and Schuster
On the first day of its 2014 Annual Conference in Las Vegas, the American Library Association welcomed news (PDF file) from Simon and Schuster that it will convert its pilot library ebook lending program to serve all US libraries. ALA President Barbara Stripling released a statement....
Office for Information Technology Policy, June 26
ALA applauds ruling in two civil liberties cases
On June 25, the US Supreme Court unanimously upheld the Fourth Amendment when they ruled in David Leon Riley v. State of California and United States v. Brima Wurie that officers of the law must obtain warrants before they can search the cellphones of arrestees. In response to the victorious court decision, Emily Sheketoff, executive director of the ALA Washington Office, released a statement....
ALA Washington Office, June 25
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Literary tastes: The best genre reading of the year
Lindsey Halsell writes: “RUSA hosted Sunday morning’s ‘Literary Tastes: Celebrating the Best Reading of the Year’ program. Sponsored by publishers Penguin, HarperCollins, and Macmillan, the program featured talks by four authors who won the 2014 Notable Book Award and Reading List Book Awards, which honor authors in genre fiction and nonfiction. The program featured authors Daniel J. Brown, Tessa Dare, Christopher Buehlman, and Victoria Schwab.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 29
Literary speed dating
Jennifer Petti writes: “With a plethora of exciting titles on the horizon, a quick and fun way to get the word out is through literary speed dating—the first of its kind at Annual Conference. I had the opportunity to attend two of these whirlwind events, and they were quite the experience. First I went to the Association of American Publishers’ Children’s Author event. In one hour I spoke with 14 authors in three-minute increments. At the second, YALSA’s YA Author Coffee Klatch, I was able to hear from 12 authors.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 30
Heather Gudenkauf at the Gala Author Tea
Mariam Pera writes: “Heather Gudenkauf (right), author of The Weight of Silence and Little Mercies, was featured as a speaker at the United for Libraries Gala Author Tea on Monday. She sat down with American Libraries to talk about her love of reading, her writing process, and the importance of small gestures.”...
AL: The Scoop, July 2
Using sci-fi to tinker with mankind
Phil Morehart writes: “Science fiction and fantasy are broad genre labels. There are no boundaries to their fantastic natures—they can encompass all variety of settings, times, and narrative structures. As a result, sci-fi and fantasy can be prime petri dishes for experiments on the human condition. ‘Redefining Humans from the Past to the Future,’ a LITA-sponsored panel discussion held Saturday, explored such experiments by talking to some of the genres’ best-known authors.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 30
Eat what you love
Laurie D. Borman writes: “Marlene Koch, author of Eat What You Love—Everyday, demonstrated how to make a 120-calorie, low-fat, and low-sugar cupcake taste like a traditional 400-calorie version. She even had samples for the audience at the What’s Cooking @ ALA stage at 2014 ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas on Sunday.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 29
Judy Blume in the exhibit hall
Dawn Abron writes: “Popular authors of the 1980s made an appearance at the book-signing tables, among them Ann M. Martin and Judy Blume (right). As I walked around the exhibit hall with my Wimpy Kid fan that says, ‘Millions of kids are readers because of this book,’ I remembered the days when this was said about Judy Blume. If you hadn’t read Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret, you would get crazy looks from your friends. Kids would read this book so that they wouldn’t get left out of the conversation at lunch—even boys.”...
ALSC Blog, June 30
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The weight of student debt
Laurie D. Borman writes: “Michelle Singletary (right), financial columnist for the Washington Post, had the audience at the ACRL President’s Program singing and swaying to Bill Withers’s ‘Lean on Me’ as she talked about how librarians can lean on experts to assist in offering financial literacy programs for college students. Outgoing ACRL President Trevor Dawes, who introduced the program, has focused his presidential initiative on the issue of financial literacy.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 28
Finding yourself in the public library
Ashley Smolinski writes: “‘Nobody does any of this alone,’ Barry Lopez (right) said as he described the process of writing, publishing, and providing books to those who will cherish them. Lopez, award-winning author of Arctic Dreams, spoke about his experience and relationship with libraries, his appreciation for public libraries, and his work as a writer at the PLA President’s Program on Sunday.” Watch an excerpt of his presentation on the need for libraries (2:56)....
ALA Cognotes, Monday, pp. 1, 22
Boba Fett at the circ desk
Jennifer Petti writes: “Star Wars nerds and public librarians united on Friday for a hilarious and important panel about managing a circulation desk with moxie to match the Rebel Empire at ‘Boba Fett at the Circ Desk: Library Leadership Lessons from The Empire Strikes Back,’ sponsored by PLA. Library directors Brad Allen of Lawrence (Kans.) Public Library and Susan Brown of Chapel Hill (N.C.) Public Library shared the important lessons learned from The Empire Strikes Back and how we can apply those to managing employees. Their goal? To fight the ‘imperial’ status quo.”...
AL: The Scoop, July 1
Evaluating early literacy apps
Amy Musser writes: “Saturday I attended PLA’s ‘ECRR 2.0: Using Apps and Ebooks in Early Literacy Programs.’ A panel of six individuals passionate about early literacy discussed current research for best practices and demonstrated a few of their favorite apps. Panelist Chip Donohue from the Erikson Institute encouraged us to think about the three C’s.”...
ALSC Blog, June 29
Connected learning and libraries: Case studies
Lindsey Halsell writes: “Libraries are at the center of a new education methodology: connected learning. Kylie Peppler, assistant professor of learning sciences at Indiana University, Bloomington, presented the program ‘Connected Learning and Libraries: At the Intersection of the Arts, Media, New Technologies, and Informal Learning.’ The session, part of the ASCLA President’s Program, highlighted the pivotal role that libraries play in helping young people recognize and pursue interests in a way that helps them develop real-world skills.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 29
Programming on the autism spectrum
Suzanne Walker writes: “Serving children on the autism spectrum can be an intimidating endeavor, particularly if you have little to no experience working with these families. However, as the session I attended Saturday afternoon discussed, libraries are absolutely not alone in this. ASCLA’s ‘Creative Collaborations: Successful Partnerships that Serve Children with Autism’ included presentations by four librarians who highlighted several different kinds of partnerships available to the vast majority of public libraries.”...
ALSC Blog, June 29
Examining our values
George Eberhart writes: “The RUSA President’s Program on Saturday afternoon offered a wide-ranging look at how academic and public libraries developed their traditional service values. Wayne Bivens-Tatum, philosophy and religion librarian at Princeton University, called upon the research he conducted for his book Libraries and the Enlightenment to explain the origins of the 20th-century academic service model. Florida State University LIS Professor Wayne Wiegand drew upon the research for his forthcoming book, Part of Our Lives: A People’s History of the American Public Libraries, to examine what people really value about public libraries.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 29
Discussing virtual reference
Michele LeSure writes: “If you are thinking about or are in the early stages of building a virtual reference service for your library, the virtual reference discussion group is a great place to start. I had the opportunity to meet with this part of RUSA (known as MARS: Emerging Technologies in Reference Section) Sunday at the Paris Hotel, and the discussion topics were about developing a Virtual Reference Companion and how attendees could help expand the VRC’s knowledge base.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 29
How to fix your programming foul-ups
Dawn Abron writes: “One of the best sessions of #alaac14 (I happened to be a presenter) was YALSA’s ‘We F’d Up, But We Fixed It: Thriving When Things Go Wrong.’ This program was designed to help you accept your teen programming failures and turn them into successes. The overall takeaway is that failure will happen. Learn from your mistakes to make successes.”...
ALSC Blog, June 30
Donalyn Miller at the AASL President’s Program
Audrey Church writes: “Kudos and sincere thanks to AASL President Gail Dickinson for inviting Donalyn Miller to be the keynote speaker at her President’s Program on Saturday. As librarians, we know Miller as the author of The Book Whisperer and Reading in the Wild. If you were fortunate enough to hear her speak, you now know her as a teacher who believes that reading, in and of itself, should be a reward for reading and as a teacher who motivates students in her classroom to read 40 plus books a year.”...
AASL Blog, June 30
AASL research agenda white paper
The white paper resulting from the “Causality: School Libraries and Student Success (CLASS)” forum, convened by AASL and funded through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, is now available for view and comment (PDF file). The white paper and research findings were discussed at an Annual Conference session on Sunday....
AASL, June 28
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Resurrecting The Speaker
Phil Morehart and George Eberhart write: “In 1977, ALA decided to get into the movie business. Produced by the Intellectual Freedom Committee, The Speaker follows the aftermath of a high school group’s decision to invite a controversial scientist (loosely based on William Shockley, co-inventor of the transistor and an outspoken eugenicist) to speak on campus. The scientist believes that blacks are genetically inferior to whites. News of the speaker’s engagement sends the school and community into an uproar, but the group holds firm to the scientist’s right to speak at the school, regardless of how they personally feel about his views. The Speaker (41:33) rocked the Association upon completion, with members accusing the film and ALA of racism.”...
AL: The Scoop, July 1
How to handle controversial programming
Mariam Pera writes: “On Saturday, the ALA Public Programs Office and the Office for Intellectual Freedom presented ‘Managing Challenges, Maximizing Impact: Policies and Practices for Controversial Programming.’ Using the Muslim Journeys program as an example, Lesley Williams, head of adult services at Evanston (Ill.) Public Library, and Martin Garnar, reference services librarian and professor at Regis University in Denver, talked about managing controversial programming.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 29
Mass surveillance and the Snowden revelations
George Eberhart writes: “As part of its ongoing collaboration with the National Security Archive (NSA), database publisher ProQuest invited NSA Executive Director Tom Blanton (right) to keynote its customer luncheon at the 2014 ALA Annual Conference on Saturday. ProQuest’s Digital National Security Archive makes this enormous trove of primary documents accessible through deep indexing and metadata curation. An ALA member since 1987, Blanton said that the effort to make these documents accessible ‘goes right to the heart of ALA’s mission to inform everyone about privacy issues. It should be our mantra: What happens in our users’ computers stays in our users’ computers.’”...
AL: The Scoop, June 29
Our work in Washington
Phil Morehart writes: “Advocacy and lobbying in the nation’s capital on behalf of libraries and the library profession was the focus of ‘Washington Update: 2014 Congressional Election and Its Impact on Libraries,’ an event held Saturday morning. The event’s main speaker, former Senator Jim Webb (D-Va., right), detailed his life before, during, and after his time in office—the bulk of which is detailed in his new book, I Heard My Country Calling—and gave his thoughts on the current state of American politics. Webb began by recounting his discovery of James Michener at an early age.” Watch a portion of his presentation on the role of libraries (2:50)....
AL: The Scoop, June 29
Libraries and the “Internet of Things”
Mariam Pera writes: “Prior to the official conference kick-off, OCLC hosted a symposium on Friday that focused on the ‘internet of things’ (IOT)—the trend in technology moving toward automation and digitally connecting analog items. Lisa Carlucci Thomas, director and founder of Design Think Do, presented an introduction to the topic and to the symposium’s featured speaker, Daniel Obodovski, coauthor of The Silent Intelligence: The Internet of Things. With IOT, everything from the GPS tracking of children or endangered animals to monitoring a pregnant woman’s unborn child for health concerns, is possible.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 28
Earn what you are worth
Lindsey Halsell writes: “Agreeing to the first salary an organization offers is not the best career move, according to the ALA–Allied Professional Association’s Sunday program ‘Earn What You’re Worth: Salary Negotiation for Library Workers.’ Attendees heard from ALA Past President Maureen Sullivan; Dale McNeill, assistant director of public services at San Antonio Public Library; Leo Agnew, director of human resources and diversity programs at the University of Iowa Libraries; and Kathryn Kjaer, academic personnel and training coordinator at the University of California, Irvine Libraries.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 30
Out-of-the-box book clubs
Mariam Pera writes: “On Sunday afternoon, programming librarians shared their ideas for out-of-the-box book clubs. Janie Hermann, public programming librarian at Princeton (N.J.) Public Library, shared some of the success stories and troubles her library has had. She stressed the importance of getting to know your community and offering variety, because what’s boring to one person may be interesting to another.”...
AL: The Scoop, July 2
Practical professional development
Jennifer Whitley writes: “Sharon Skinner, national president of the nonprofit Grant Professionals Association, presented tips on ‘Crafting a Successful Grant Proposal’ at a Sunday program. Skinner’s advice provided skillful guidance for any grant-writing novice. For experienced writers, she offered reminders and tools to get at the heart of any proposal. These skills are especially relevant today, as library budgets diminish and many of us form partnerships to provide services, programming, tools, and equipment for our users.”...
AL: The Scoop, July 1
Finding hope through tragedy in Rwanda
Phil Morehart writes: “Paul Rusesabagina’s last name translates to ‘he who disperses his enemies’ in the Kinyarwanda language. There is no more fitting name for the man responsible for saving 1,268 Tutsi refugees from certain death at the hands of Hutu soldiers during the Rwandan genocide. Rusesabagina (right) was the featured speaker at the always popular Alexander Street Press breakfast, held Sunday morning.”...
AL: The Scoop, July 2
Emerging leaders and the new girl
Jennifer Petti writes: “Every year the selected class of Emerging Leaders is tasked with working as part of small teams to complete a project on behalf of one of ALA’s many divisions and round tables. This year’s teams presented posters on everything from advocating for youth services access (for ALSC) to strategizing a social media plan (for ALCTS). It didn’t take long for me to become interested in what these leaders had worked on in the past six months.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 28
The power of the TEDx program
Jennifer Whitley writes: “If you present information in a visual format, it may be tweeted, shared, and commented on for months to come, as ideas make their way around the world. That’s where a 20-minute TED (technology, entertainment, design) talk has the ability to meet the public at just the intersection between attention and a need for visual. At Friday’s program ‘TEDx: An Independently Hosted Event at Your Library,’ speaker Robert Barr, director of Juneau (Alaska) Public Library, demonstrated how he is capitalizing on the civic engagement tools that a TED talk can provide a community.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 29
Tumblr talk
Jennifer Petti writes: “It’s quite common to see libraries on Facebook and Twitter, but many institutions have gradually been branching out to Tumblr. This social media platform is fast becoming a vibrant online community where libraries and librarians connect with peers and patrons. These ‘tumblarians’ are using the platform to promote collections, perform readers’ advisory, and start conversations about our profession. At the Monday ‘TumblarianTalk’ conversation starter, six tumblarians shared a bit of background on their respective Tumblrs and gave insight on how they approach content sharing.”...
AL: The Scoop, July 1
ALAPlay 2014
Brian Mayer writes: “Each year at ALA Annual Conference, the Games and Gaming Round Table, along with the ALA Comic Book and Graphic Novel Member Initiative Group, put together an evening full of fun and learning where the gaming, graphic novel, and cosplay communities collide. This year’s event—at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas on Friday—was the biggest event to date, signaling a tipping point for both the event and GameRT.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 28
Make a game
Brian Mayer writes: “Saturday’s Games and Gaming Round Table’s featured program—‘Come Make a Game’—was filled with more than 100 people and hummed with an enthusiasm rarely seen at programs. ‘This is the most energy I have seen in one of my sessions,’ said Scott Nicholson, associate professor at the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University and director of the Because Play Matters game lab.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 29
Gaming in libraries
Brian Mayer writes: “The Game Making Interest Group’s meeting this year centered around the recently published book Gaming in Libraries: Essays on Using Play to Connect and Instruct (McFarland, 2014), which was edited by the group’s chair, Breanne Kirsch. The Sunday discussion, sponsored by LITA, was filled with short lightning presentations from those who contributed to the book, giving attendees an opportunity to directly engage authors with questions about their work.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 29
Learning about comics and intellectual freedom
Nicole Martin writes: “I had the pleasure of attending a wonderful program on Saturday, ‘The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund: Intellectual Freedom and the Defense of Graphic Novels and Comic Books,’ sponsored by the Intellectual Freedom Round Table. The entertaining and educational presentation led by the executive director of the CBLDF, Charles Brownstein, covered nearly 30 years of comic book censorship history. Did you know that there were public burnings of comic books in this country in the 1940s?”...
ALSC Blog, June 28
Drawing with comic artists
Ashley Waring writes: “Yup, I totally got to draw an awesome comic with some of my favorite comic artists. Then they signed it and took a picture with me. For real! What a great way to finish off my long first day at Annual. The Comics Quickfire event was like a game show with audience participation and super- talented and funny comics combined.”...
ALSC Blog, June 27
Now showing @ ALA: Defiant Requiem
Jennifer Whitley writes: “Coming from a small town with just one movie theater (showing only commercially predictable films), I was especially excited to check out the ‘Now Showing @ ALA’ series. Saturday’s viewing of Defiant Requiem was high on my list since my book club has read several Holocaust fiction titles in the past few years. Alyson Richman’s The Lost Wife was one such title, with discussion spent long past our book club time as we talked about the plot twists that included new information on the Terezín camp in the Czech Republic. Similarly, Defiant Requiem did not disappoint.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 29
“Alexandria Still Burns” in Las Vegas
George Eberhart writes: “Philadelphia photographer Kyle Cassidy (right) generated so much interest with his portraits of librarians taken at the ALA 2014 Midwinter Meeting in a February 11 article in Slate that he returned to take more at the Annual Conference in Las Vegas. This time he took photos and interviewed some 100 library professionals of all types for a traveling photo gallery, ‘Alexandria Still Burns,’ that libraries across the country will be able to host.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 27; Slate, Feb. 11
Connecting youth
Lindsey Halsell writes: “There is more to connecting youth than text messaging, it was clear in ‘Connecting Youth: Key Findings from the Learning Labs in Libraries and Museums Projects’ program on Friday morning, sponsored by the Urban Libraries Council. Connecting youth is about engaging teens through subjects that interest them. The Learning Labs Initiative, started in 2012, helps teens connect activities and interests that they pursue in the library with skills that can help them at school or in a future career.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 27
Reforma President’s Program on climate change
Michele LeSure writes: “On Saturday, Isabel Espinal, president of Reforma: The National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking, and Omar Poler, from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, copresented the Reforma President’s Program, ‘Library Power to the People: Facing Up to the Climate Crisis with Information and Action.’ It was cosponsored by the American Indian Library Association and the newly formed ALA Sustainability Round Table. Espinal said the urgency of the crisis is what prompted her to focus her presidential program on climate change.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 28
Restrooms of Las Vegas
Amy Musser writes: “Las Vegas was definitely a unique, if difficult city to navigate. But I won’t soon forget the over-the-top glitz and glitter. In fact, even the restrooms were luxurious! I thought it would be a fun adventure to take pictures of these sumptuously lavish (but oh-so-necessary) rooms as I traversed the city. Here are a few of my favorites.”...
ALSC Blog, July 1
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 Goodwin, Tartt win Andrew Carnegie Medals
ALA has awarded Donna Tartt and Doris Kearns Goodwin the 2014 Andrew Carnegie Medals for Excellence in Fiction and Nonfiction. Donna Tartt’s The Goldfinch received the medal for fiction, and Doris Kearns Goodwin’s The Bully Pulpit received the medal for nonfiction. The selections were announced Saturday night at the Carnegie Awards presentation. The awards recognize the best of the best in fiction and nonfiction for adult readers published in the US the previous year. Watch their acceptance speeches here, as well as Goodwin praising grassroots activism and Tartt sharing (MP4 file) how New York Public Library staff helped her research....
Booklist, RUSA, June 28
Lemony Snicket shakes up the President’s Program
Phil Morehart writes: “The President’s Program at the 2014 ALA Annual Conference and Exhibition began as a calm affair. Then Lemony Snicket hit the stage. Daniel Handler—better known under his pen name, Lemony Snicket—was on hand to present the first-ever Lemony Snicket Prize for Librarians Faced with Adversity, which honors a librarian who has faced adversity with integrity and dignity intact. Handler transformed the calm awards presentation into a hilarious affair as he poked fun at award-winner Laurence Copel (left), youth outreach librarian and founder of the Lower Ninth Ward Street Library in New Orleans. Author Mo Willems (right) surprised everyone when he literally jumped onstage to join Handler in the wackiness.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 30
Pura Belpré Award celebration
Tessa Michaelson Schmidt writes: “How wonderful to be in a full room for the 2014 Pura Belpré Celebration and Award Ceremony at #alaac14 on Sunday! The Octavius Room at Caesars Palace was transformed with colorful decorations, live music, and positive energy for the 18th anniversary of this important award, sponsored by ALSC and Reforma.”...
ALSC Blog, June 29, July 1
Award acceptance speeches
If you were not able to attend the Newbery Caldecott Banquet in Las Vegas and are sad that you missed hearing the speeches, do not despair. They are now available online....
ALSC Blog, July 1
Markus Zusak: Follow your vision completely
Amy Koester writes: “Markus Zusak (right) said something in his Margaret A. Edwards acceptance speech that really resonated with me: ‘Follow your vision completely. Follow it and do not stop.’ Zusak was speaking specifically about writers sticking to the story they know they want to write, but I think those words have relevance to youth services practitioners too. When we have ideas for excellent services, we need to follow those visions.”...
ALSC Blog, June 28
The Printz authors speak
Mariam Pera writes: “After 40 years of the Booklist Books for Youth Forum, it was time for a transition. On Friday, Booklist and YALSA partnered to present the Michael L. Printz Program and Reception. YALSA President Shannon Peterson introduced this year’s Honor Books—Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell, Kingdom of Little Wounds by Susann Cokal, Maggot Moon by Sally Gardner, and Navigating Early by Clare Vanderpool—and the 2014 winner Midwinterblood by Marcus Sedgwick.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 29
Will Eisner Graphic Novel Grants
ALA and the Will and Ann Eisner Family Foundation announced the two winners of the first Will Eisner Graphic Novel Grants for Libraries on Saturday. The grants are administered by the Games and Gaming Round Table and the Graphic Novels and Comics in Libraries Member Initiative Group. The Will Eisner Graphic Novel Growth Grant was presented to Ypsilanti (Mich.) District Library, and the Will Eisner Graphic Novel Innovation Grant was presented to Lewis and Clark Library, Helena, Montana....
Graphic Novels and Comics Member Initiative Group, June 29
American Indian Youth Literature Awards
Michele LeSure writes: “The American Indian Youth Literature Awards ceremony took place on Sunday afternoon. The awards are presented every two years to authors whose works ‘identify and honor the very best writing and illustrations by and about American Indians,’ and present American Indians ‘in the fullness of their humanity,’ both past and present. Naomi Bishop, cochair of the 2014 AIYLA Jury as well as AILA secretary, introduced keynote speaker Tim Tingle.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 30
Crystal Apple awarded to Marlene Woo-Lun
AASL President Gail Dickinson has selected Marlene Woo-Lun (right) as the recipient of the 2014 Crystal Apple. The Crystal Apple honor is given at the discretion of the AASL president to an individual or group that has had a significant impact on school library programs and students. Woo-Lun has been involved in publishing materials to assist building-level school librarians build strong school library programs. Read about more AASL awards....
AASL, June 28; AASL Blog, June 29
AASL best apps and websites for teaching and learning
AASL announced its 2014 lists of Best Apps and Best Websites for Teaching and Learning at the ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas. The two lists of 25 apps and 25 internet sites provide new technology resources and enhanced learning for school librarians and their teacher collaborators....
AASL, June 28
AASL Beyond Words grants
Paul Robeson Malcolm X Academy in Detroit and Rowe Elementary School in Rowe, Massachusetts, are the recipients of the 2014 catastrophic disaster relief grants offered as part of the AASL Beyond Words Grant funded by the Dollar General Literacy Foundation. To qualify for a $50,000 catastrophic award, eligible schools suffered a 90% or greater loss to the school library program due to a natural disaster, fire, or terrorist act....
AASL, June 28
Friends of ALSC Institute scholarships
The Friends of ALSC have awarded scholarships to the 2014 ALSC National Institute to Nicole Martin and Gesse Stark-Smith in efforts to support ALSC’s goal of continuing education for children’s librarians....
ALSC, June 27
Sacramento librarian wins Pride Award
Jessica Zaker, supervisor of the Sacramento (Calif.) Public Library’s Arcade branch, won a Pride Award from Sacramento Pride, an LGBT advocacy organization, on June 24. Zaker created and coordinated a series of “You Belong at Your Library” events to coincide with National Library Week in 2012. These events and the marketing campaign supporting them were designed to let members of the GLBTQIA (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex, and Ally) community know that they are welcome at the library....
Sacramento Public Library, June 30
2014 Miles Franklin Award
British novelist Evie Wyld has won the 2014 Miles Franklin literary award for her novel, All the Birds, Singing. The $60,000 Miles Franklin award is Australia’s highest literary honor, celebrating literature that features aspects of Australian life. The novel, a dark tale centered around the mysterious deaths of a protagonist’s sheep, has won multiple awards since its release, including the Encore award and a Jerwood Fiction Uncovered prize....
The Guardian (UK), June 26
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3D printing and libraries
Lindsey Halsell writes: “3D printers may be the coolest new tech for libraries, but the complicated relationship between interactive content and libraries means that ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom and Office for Information Technology Policy need to set policy. In ‘3D Printers and Library Policies,’ presented by United for Libraries on June 28, Barbara Jones, Corinne Hill, and Charlie Wapner spoke about the present uncertainty over how to manage legal issues related to 3D printers and how to develop best practices for future use.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 28
The Girl Scouts of technology
Jennifer Petti writes: “Computer science is currently the fastest-growing, highest-paying profession in our economy, but the US can only fill 30% of the available jobs. With such a rich and open field, one might assume that men and women would be flocking to this career path equally. However, that is not the case. Enter Black Girls Code, whose founder and CEO, Kimberly Bryant, was the keynote speaker at the LITA President’s Program, ‘Transforming: Systems and Technology.’”...
AL: The Scoop, June 30
Ebook strategies for librarians and publishers
George Eberhart writes: “E-Content Quarterly Editor Mirela Roncevic on Sunday served as moderator for a panel of librarians and publishers who discussed ‘Leading with Ebooks: New Strategies for Librarians and Publishers.’ The event was sponsored by Total BooX, an ebook provider that offers a pay-as-you-read model. Roncevic opened the discussion by explaining the difference between managing and leading. ‘In the past decade,’ Roncevic said, ‘libraries and publishers have been managing ebook technology. Leading involves creating instead of building.’”...
AL: The Scoop, June 30
Libraries as publishers
Laurie D. Borman writes: “‘Everyone’s an author, everyone wants you to buy their book, everyone wants you to put their book in your collection,’ said moderator Melissa Rice, head of adult services at Frankfort (Ill.) Public Library District, at ‘The New Library Imprint: Libraries and Self-Publishing’ program at the ALA Annual Conference Saturday morning. With 391,000 self-published titles launched in 2012 alone, it is an exploding scene that libraries may want to be a part of.”...
AL: The Scoop, June 28
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A grand total of 18,626 librarians and library staff, exhibitors, and library supporters attended ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas, June 26–July 1. Attendance for last year’s conference in Chicago was 26,362. The 2012 conference in Anaheim, California, had 17,642 registrations.

Visit Flickr to see photos of Annual Conference and watch videos on the official ALA YouTube channel.

Find more conference coverage in the online version of Cognotes.

Twitter Noted & Quoted

“Nationally, cat sitter business increases 300% the week of ALA conferences.”
—Fake Library Stats, June 25
“[looks at forecast for Las Vegas] [contemplates lack of professional attire suitable for 100-degree weather] [despairs].”
—Amanda Watson, June 23
“I was going to meet some librarians ‘at the hotel bar,’ but I think my entire hotel is a bar.”
—Kyle Cassidy, June 26
“Wait, you’re telling me that *none* of the meeting rooms have slot machines?”
—Katie Fortney, June 27
“Know what would make #alaac14 better? If it was a bit warmer and things were a little further apart.”
—Emily Clasper, June 27
“shibe very such hung overs,
friend making bad punnings & laugh TOO LOUD,
doge just want quieting.”
—Doge B. Rarian, June 28
“Fitbit tally, #alaac14 day 1: 21,701 steps; 9.67 miles; 84 very active minutes.”
—Chad Haefele, June 27
“The opening of the exhibit hall can only be compared to the running of the bulls. Librarians turn linebackers. Crazy for free swag.”
—John Trischitti III, June 27
“Crazy energy in the room at the Printz reception. Teen librarians are the best.”
—Gregory Taylor, June 27

“Alexander McCall Smith was hilarious! He had us laughing our heads off.”
—Janet Owen, June 28
“I tried to be normal sauce when I met Gene Luen Yang at #alaac14, but I ended up fangirling. I may have even squeaked.”
—Jessica Olin, June 28
“I am in Las Vegas to speak to a conference of librarians and could not be happier about the life choices that have led me to this.”
—B. J. Novak, June 29
“Cab driver: You librarians . . . you wear a lot of clothes.”
—M. P. Cooley, June 29
“Sadness is expecting an awesome discussion group and getting a lecture instead.”
—Juliann Couture, June 29
“Can’t confirm but I bet Jeff Bridges would think our carpet at #alaac14 really ties the booth together.”
—OverDrive Libraries, June 29
“You go through the casino. . . The beginning of every set of directions in Las Vegas, ever.”
—Angela Newman, June 28
“When the Vegas cops arrest drunk librarians attending #alaac14 do you think they say ‘Book ’em’?”
—Miguel M. Morales, June 30
“Interesting tweets in #alaac14, but gotta check #alaleftbehind, ’cause that’s where the good stuff is.”
—Ray Maxwell, June 28
“Watching Librarians improvise flannelboard stories at #LibGames14. First title, ‘If You Give a Librarian a Budget Increase.’”
—Tara Brady, June 30
“Askhole: a person who asks for advice then always does the opposite, #LibGames14.”
—Dorlissa Beyer, June 30
“While wearing their conference badges that say they’re not from Vegas 89% of #alaac14 attendees will still get asked for directions.”
—Fake Library Stats, June 30
“Blessed is the #alacouncil bc they share a council heritage with the Jedi Council and Council of Elrond and Counselor Troi.”
—Librarian Jesus, June 30
“Eye makeup down my face. Thank you Kate DiCamillo. Wonderful Newbery speech!”
—Cristina Gilbert, June 29
“Playing Find the Librarian while walking down the Strip through the casinos. I feel like we need a secret hand sign.”
—Stephanie Arbet, June 29
“Had a $20 left from cab money, decided to play slot at gate. Won $60, cashed out $80.”
—Jason Griffey, July 1
“My coffee cost under $6 today! That means I’m back from #alaac14.”
—JainaLibrarian, July 2
“See ya later Vegas. It’s been real. Leaving #alaac14 with good ideas, good memories, and good vibes.”
—Corinne Jessica, July 1
@ More
quotes... |
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