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Cambridge Archive Editions, in partnership with East View Information Services, has digitized its collection of British archival documents from the 18th to the 20th century, including original print volumes and accompanying maps, and made them available as online editions via the East View ebook platform. Gale has also made several new collections available on the Gale Artemis: Primary Sources platform....
American Libraries column, July-Aug. |
Kathy Marquis and Leslie Waggener write: “Public libraries gather a wide variety of materials to build a local history reference collection, everything from cemetery records to hand-tied flies for anglers’ poles to whatever patrons give them. Determining what to collect is probably the most important set of decisions to make and is, in fact, the place to start. Let’s look at what is usually found in a local history assemblage of published materials.”...
American Libraries feature, July-Aug. |
Guadalajara International Book Fair (FIL), November 28–December 6, is the most important publishing event in the Spanish language. If your library serves Spanish-speaking populations, do not miss this great opportunity to access more than 300,000 titles in the exhibition floor. The ALA Free Pass Program offers three nights of lodging, free registration, and $100 airfare reimbursement. Apply by September 4....
Guadalajara International Book Fair |
The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on July 29 passed S. 779, the Fair Access to Science and Technology Research (FASTR) Act, unanimously by voice vote and moved it to the full Senate for consideration. This marks the first time the Senate has acted on a government-wide policy ensuring public access to the results of publicly funded research. As critical public access points, libraries provide every sector of their communities with a wealth of research information....
InfoJustice, July 29 |
Cinthya Ippoliti writes: “Libraries have undergone significant changes in the last five years, shifting from repositories to learning spaces, from places to experiences. Much of this is due to our growing relationships with our IT, instructional technology, and research colleagues as the lines between technology and library-related work become continually more blurred. So how can you best approach outreach to your IT campus departments and individuals?”...
LITA Blog, July 27 |
Carrie O’Maley Voliva writes: “Whether or not written into library policy, handguns may be allowed in public libraries in at least 30 states. That’s what Diana Gleason, head of public services at the University of Idaho College of Law Library, found in her 50-state survey of firearm laws impacting policies prohibiting handguns in public libraries. Gleason found that gun laws range from strict gun control to limited gun control (and everything in between).”...
Public Libraries Online, July 29 |
Michelle Purcell, Rachel Magee, Denise Agosto, and Andrea Forte write: “Are you struggling to find ways to engage teens at your library? Look no further! As part of our ongoing research relating to teen library services, we talked with teens across the country and have answers for you in these 10 questions to ask about your teen services.”...
YALSA Blog, July 30
Imogen Russell Williams writes: “Girls of picture-book age are still overwhelmed with princess-pink, sparkly-pony messaging. Be pretty, passive, and vapid, and your reward will be to remain so, while the prince you married gets on with the juicy business of living. But where are today’s equals of Princess Smartypants—intriguing, funny, unformulaic, and unbranded? Good news—there are many subversive antidotes out there, although they require some tracking down amid the glittery tide.”...
The Guardian (UK), July 30
Evidence that could conclusively prove there is no valid copyright claim to the lyrics of the “Happy Birthday” song was discovered in the University of Pittsburgh’s library storage facility. Attorneys for the plaintiffs in the class-action lawsuit Good Morning To You Productions Corp. v. Warner/Chappell Music contacted Pitt law librarian Linda Tashbook, who located the lyrics in a fourth edition of The Everyday Song Book (1922), which predates Warner/Chappell’s 1935 copyright registration....
PittLaw, July 28 |
A Eurasian eagle-owl that deters seagulls from nesting at the University of Bath in the UK has been given a library card in recognition of his “valuable service.” The seven-year-old Yoda the Owl visits the campus twice a week with his handler, Marcus, as an environmentally friendly method to control the numbers of gulls. Unfortunately, Yoda will be unable to go into the library himself and will have to rely on Marcus to pick his books....
BBC News, July 28 |
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