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Laurie D. Borman writes: “Each day in January, more and more people arrived to see Shakespeare’s First Folio tour at the University of Notre Dame’s Hesburgh Libraries. Guided tours drew university students, groups of schoolchildren, and local residents, many of whom had never set foot in the South Bend, Indiana, library’s special collections room before. If the response from Notre Dame is any indication, this will be the 2016 blockbuster public program for libraries.” Also for the First Folio tour, students at Florida International University have created a virtual-reality version of Shakespeare’s London, circa 1598....
AL: The Scoop, Feb. 3; FIU News, Jan. 26 |
Carrie Russell writes: “The Department of Commerce’s Internet Policy Task Force released its White Paper on Remixes, First Sale, and Statutory Damages on January 28 with somewhat promising information for the library community. US libraries were represented by the Library Copyright Alliance at task force meetings. The task force recommended that the Copyright Act of 1976 be amended to provide more guidance to courts and juries when calculating statutory damages in infringement cases.”...
AL: E-Content, Feb. 5; US Patent and Trademark Office, Jan. 28 |
Stephen Mayeaux and Adam Eisgrau write: “Nearly everyone, including most members of Congress and certainly most librarians, can agree that an individual’s electronic records should be no less protected from unwarranted search and seizure than if they existed in printed form. Faced with Washington’s increasing congressional gridlock, what are privacy advocates to do? Taking control of the issue at the state level may well be the answer. #TakeCTRL is a new nationwide privacy campaign spearheaded by the ACLU.”...
AL: The Scoop, Feb. 5 |
ALA Annual Conference attendees have the chance to inspire colleagues and move the needle forward for the profession in 45-minute Conversation Starters and five-minute Ignite Sessions in Orlando, June 25–27. Proposals will be accepted through the end of March 15. Find out more about these opportunities and how to submit your proposals....
Conference Services, Feb. 4 |
Vandy Pacetti-Donelson writes: “Now that you have made the commitment to attend the ALA Annual Conference in Orlando, on to some important questions: what to pack and what to leave at home? The well-traveled librarian who has attended many conferences has immeasurable experience in this department. So, let’s start with the basics. What to bring?”...
YALSAblog, Feb. 4 |
Sereena Hamm writes: “In my school library, I send out a quarterly newsletter to faculty and a weekly newsletter to our library internship team. If you are looking for a way to communicate your successes and promote your collection and programming, a newsletter can be an effective marketing tool. If you already regularly send out a newsletter, it could be time to consider some new features. Here are some tips for beginning or refreshing your library newsletter.”...
Teen Services Underground, Feb. 5 |
Mark Troknya writes: “Every once in a while, a library really inspires the community with a new program or event. In 2015, the Denver Public Library hosted an event of epic proportion—it created a giant cardboard maze with a Harry Potter theme. The maze (which measured 75 feet long, 15 feet wide, and 6 feet tall) was constructed in the middle of the main hall of the Central Library. It took the library about 10 hours and five people to put the maze together with prepped cardboard box materials.”...
Public Libraries Online, Feb. 4; Denver Public Library: YouTube, Nov. 6, 2015; ALSC Blog, Nov. 26, 2015 |
Angela Bronson writes: “In 1926, the Association for the Study of African American Life and History sponsored a week in February to promote achievements of people with African ancestry. We still celebrate in February, except no longer for just a week, but now the entire month. I have prepared a book list, 90 Picture Books for 90 Years of Black History Celebration (Word file), which focuses on the past and also features African-American children as main characters in everyday situations.”...
ALSC Blog, Feb. 5
The top 10 works of multicultural nonfiction reviewed in Booklist between February 1, 2015, and January 2016 are written with valiant candor and breathtaking eloquence and cover a broad spectrum, from the ancient peoples of the Southwest to the experiences of African Americans and immigrants. For example, A House of My Own by Sandra Cisneros creates a patchwork-quilt memoir out of more than 40 essays in which she reflects on the meaning of home and her struggles as a self-described “American Mexican” and “working-class writer.” Also see Booklist’s Top 10 multicultural fiction books for youth....
Booklist, Feb. 1 |
John Hansen writes: “Despite the huge growth of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender fiction over the last few years, YA and middle-grade books with trans main characters remain sorely lacking. Trans voices need to be the loudest on trans issues, and trans authors live the experiences of their characters every day. So, in the interests of celebrating some of these books, here is a list of the 10 best trans YA and middle-grade books by trans and non-binary authors.”...
The Guardian (UK), Feb. 1 |
John R. Delaney writes: “If you’re experiencing lag while playing League of Legends or it takes forever to download music, there’s a good chance that the problem is on your end and not an Internet Service Provider issue. Before you schedule a service call with your ISP, check out these 10 tips for troubleshooting your internet connection.”...
PC Magazine, Feb. 3 |
Every spring since 2010, Librarians Without Borders travels to the Miguel Angel Asturias Academy in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, to execute its remote work on the ground, to discuss emerging needs with partners, and to reconnect with the students and school staff. The group invites librarians to join and work alongside them this year from April 22 to May 2. Submit a completed Volunteer Application (Word file) by February 23....
Librarians Without Borders, Feb. 3 |
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