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American Libraries is back with the next installment of the Dewey Decibel podcast, and this time host Phil Morehart is taking on the Andrew Carnegie Medals for Excellence in Fiction and Nonfiction. Episode Three features interviews with Viet Thanh Nguyen, author of the Carnegie Medal and Pulitizer Prize–winning novel The Sympathizer, and Nancy Pearl, renowned librarian, literary critic, and Carnegie Medals committee chair....
AL: The Scoop, June 24 |
Just a few days before the 2016 ALA Annual Conference in Orlando, Christopher Murphy joined ALA as publisher for ALA Editions. Murphy has nearly 30 years’ experience in editorial, production, and marketing positions at nonprofit organizations, most recently with the Association of International Educators, where he was senior director of publications and communications. Before packing his bags for Orlando, Murphy answered our “11 Questions” to introduce himself to ALA members....
AL: The Scoop, June 22 |
On June 23, the Knight Foundation announced 14 winners of the 2016 Knight News Challenge on Libraries. Each winner will receive a share of $1.6 million to develop their projects to answer the question: How might libraries serve 21st-century information needs? The 14 winners are a mix of libraries, nonprofit organizations, academic institutions, small for-profit startups, and museums. Five of the winners will receive awards ranging from $150,000 to $393,249. The other nine projects will receive $35,000 each to test their early-stage ideas....
Knight Blog, June 23 |
Paul St. John Mackintosh writes: “With the shock result in the referendum on Great Britain exiting the European Union—which, however, has not yet translated into immediate government action on the issue—UK publishers and writers are already starting to react. It’s important also to note what Brexit is not. This is not an immediate government decision to leave the European Union: The UK government is not even legally obliged to acknowledge the result. There is no definite clarity on whether Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty will even be invoked.”...
TeleRead, June 24; Publishers Weekly, June 24; Business Insider, June 14; The Guardian (UK), June 23 |
Mark Rumold writes: “In a dangerously flawed decision unsealed June 23, a federal district court in Virginia ruled that a criminal defendant has no ‘reasonable expectation of privacy’ in his personal computer, located inside his home. According to the court, the federal government does not need a warrant to hack into an individual’s computer. This decision is the latest in a series of troubling decisions in prosecutions stemming from the FBI’s investigation of Playpen—a Tor hidden services site.”...
Electronic Frontier Foundation, June 23; Motherboard, Jan. 5
Alexander Street Press, a provider of streaming videos and music as well as primary source collections to libraries, has joined the ProQuest family of companies. The companies’ complementary content assets will enable libraries, faculty, and students to improve research and learning outcomes. The business, which will be known as Alexander Street, a ProQuest Company, will be led by Stephen Rhind-Tutt, its current president, in Alexandria, Virginia....
ProQuest, June 22 |
Graduating senior Addison “Addi” Mercer, a communication studies major at University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington, said the Collins Library was such a large part of her college life that she wanted to have some sort of visual way to represent the library during this spring’s commencement. Mercer created library cords for graduating students that were worn proudly at the university’s graduation ceremony. Library Director Jane Carlin thought the idea was brilliant....
Collins Unbound, June 22 |
Stephanie C. Prato and Kristen Hanmer write: “At the Fayetteville (N.Y.) Free Library we offer a yoga storytime every other week for toddlers and preschoolers as a way to promote playful, active learning and healthy lifestyles. For libraries following the ‘Ready, Set, Read’ summer reading theme, this program is a perfect addition to your summer lineup, and it’s easier to plan than you might think.”...
ALSC Blog, June 22 |
Cameron Summerson writes: “Two-factor authentication is an excellent way to make sure your account is secure, but having to input a code every single time you need to log in can be a real pain. Thanks to Google’s new code-less ‘Prompt’ authentication, however, getting access to your Google account can be a lot simpler—you just need access to your phone. Essentially, instead of sending a code, the new ‘Prompt’ actually sends a push notification to your phone asking if you’re trying to log in.”...
How-To Geek, June 24
Abbie Weinberg writes: “Recently, I have found myself answering questions concerning the Folger’s holdings of about 170 manuscripts that contain music. Of these, several of the earliest examples are actually vellum waste that was removed from the bindings of other books. Unsurprisingly, the bulk of our manuscript music is from the 16th and 17th centuries. Probably our most well-known manuscript is a Collection of Songs and Dances for the Lute, better known as the John Dowland Lute Book.”...
The Collation, June 21
The L. E. Phillips Memorial Public Library in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, is launching a new BookBike Service, which is a trailer pulled by a bike that holds up to 100 items. The BookBike will travel to the downtown Farmers Market, Sounds Like Summer Concert Series in Phoenix Park, and other special events. Library Director Pamela Westby said the service would circulate items, sign up people for library cards, and help with downloading ebooks....
WEAU-TV, Eau Claire, Wis., June 22
Sharon Rawlins writes: “Killing off beloved characters isn’t new in books or TV series, but in the past it seems like it happened less frequently and characters weren’t always really dead. The ‘it was all a dream scenario’ trope was used in many books and shows. Even YA literature, where a majority of the books end happily or on a more hopeful note, is trending toward killing off more major characters than ever before. Is this a healthy trend? I have mixed feelings.”...
YALSA The Hub, June 21
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