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On May 9, after a question-and-answer session following a public lecture by US diplomat Dennis Ross at the Plaza branch of the Kansas City (Mo.) Public Library, city police arrested an attendee and the library’s director of programming and marketing. The attendee, social activist Jeremy Rothe-Kushel of Lawrence, Kansas, was charged with trespassing and resisting arrest after he asked the speaker a question, and the librarian, Steven Woolfolk (right), was charged with interfering with the arrest. ALA President Julie Todaro issued a statement about the incident on October 3....
AL: The Scoop, Oct. 3; ALA Public Awareness Office, Oct. 3. |
On October 4, ALA announced its 45-115 ALA Federal Initiative to promote the capacity of libraries to advance America’s goals to leading federal policymakers. The campaign—named after the next president (our 45th) and the next Congress (our 115th)—will position US libraries and library professionals as invaluable team members in setting federal policy and moving forward in the digital age. Created by ALA President Julie B. Todaro, the bipartisan effort will build on the ALA Libraries Transform campaign....
AL: The Scoop, Oct. 4; ALA Office of Government Relations |
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Australian actor David Berry has been cast to play Lord John Grey on the upcoming third season of STARZ’s Outlander. The Lord John Grey book series, written by Diana Gabaldon, is a spin-off of her bestselling Outlander series.
The breakout TV hit Outlander, from Sony Pictures Television, was recently renewed for two more seasons. Season 3, which premieres next year, will adapt Diana Gabaldon’s novel Voyager, while Season 4 will be based on Drums of Autumn. Recorded Books produced the audiobooks for both the Outlander and Lord John Grey series. |
Kathy Lester writes: “AASL Executive Director Sylvia Norton and Office of Library Advocacy Director Marci Merola came to Michigan on September 17 to lead a workshop on unpacking the school library provisions of the Every Student Succeeds Act. The workshop was an opportunity for attendees to learn about the ESSA school library provisions, to see the new AASL position statements, and to hear about the Michigan Association for Media in Education advocacy efforts.” Georgia, Illinois, and Indiana also held ESSA workshops....
Knowledge Quest blog, Oct. 3 |
ALA and the Will and Ann Eisner Family Foundation are now accepting applications for the 2017 Will Eisner Graphic Novel Grants for Libraries, which recognize libraries for their role in the growth of graphic literature. There are two grants: The Will Eisner Graphic Novel Growth Grant provides support to a library for expanding its existing graphic novel services and programs; the Will Eisner Graphic Novel Innovation Grant provides support to a library for starting a graphic novel service or program. The application deadline is January 20....
Graphic Novels and Comics Member Initiative Group, Oct. 3 |
The Orange County Library Station, a new machine on the grounds of the Cedar Grove Community Center in Hillsborough, North Carolina, provides a new way for library card holders to access books and movies. Orange County Public Library Systems Manager Jill Wagy said the station is the first of its kind on the eastern coast of the US and operates like a vending machine for books and movies. Since its debut in June, the kiosk allows for 24/7 access to more than 250 books and DVDs....
Daily Tarheel (UNC–Chapel Hill), Sept. 28 |
Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden announced the winners of the 2016 Library of Congress Literacy Awards on September 23 at the National Book Festival gala. The winners are WETA Reading Rockets of Arlington, Virginia; the Parent-Child Home Program of Garden City, New York; and Libraries Without Borders of Paris. The awards recognize groups doing exemplary, innovative, and replicable work, and they spotlight the need for the global community to unite in striving for universal literacy....
Library of Congress, Sept. 23 |
Grants totaling nearly $3.3 million have been awarded to the Indianapolis Public Library for individual projects that will preserve Indianapolis history, establish a new collection highlighting African-American culture, and improve the library experience for immigrant residents in the community. In preparation for the city’s bicentennial in 2020, the library will digitize and make available the histories of the Indianapolis public schools, as well as the fire, police, and parks and recreation departments....
Indianapolis Public Library, Oct. 3 |
More than 500,000 books from the stacks of the Benson Latin American Collection, a trove of treasures related to Latin America, have been digitized and are now accessible online in the HathiTrust Digital Library. The project is an extension of the University of Texas Libraries partnership with Google to create a massive digital repository. One rarely seen and fragile volume from the Benson collection, Los animales domésticos de la América precolombiana, published in Santiago, Chile, in 1922, is now accessible worldwide....
UT News, Oct. 3
Klint Finley writes: “On October 1, the US handed over the last vestiges of control to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, an independent organization whose members include governments and corporations as well as individual internet users. The nearly 20-year-old ICANN was already overseeing the distribution of internet addresses, and now it officially owns the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, the database that stores all domain names. IANA is what ensures you see a website when you type a URL into your browser.”...
Wired, Oct. 3
Florida State University’s College of Communication and Information is spearheading Project A+, research that will create strategies for academic librarians to serve patrons on the autism spectrum. IMLS has awarded $400,000 to researchers from FSU’s School of Information and School of Communication Science and Disorders to study a range of academic libraries to determine what makes an autism-friendly space. Project A+ will build on FSU’s 2013 Project PALS. FSU Professor Nancy Everhart (right) serves as principal investigator of the project....
Florida State University News, Sept. 27
Carli Spina writes: “As October begins, Halloween is once again around the corner, making this a great time to explore the mystical in the comic book world. When it comes to magic in comic books, witches have long been a popular option with creators because they offer so many possibilities. Here are some recent comics that have witches as their main characters.”...
YALSA The Hub, Oct. 4
The Onion reports: Explaining that it had selected the pieces because of their lack of any intellectual, historic, or aesthetic value, the Library of Congress reportedly completed destruction Friday of 70 million works deemed culturally insignificant. “Following an exhaustive six-year audit of our collection, we determined that nearly half the books, recordings, films, photographs, and manuscripts in our archives were of such little consequence to the cultural canon that they were worthy of complete eradication from the American consciousness,” said Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden....
The Onion, Sept. 30
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