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Kevin Maher and Emily Wagner write: “Despite the challenges of conducting library advocacy efforts during a global pandemic, this year’s #FundLibraries campaign met with great success. February 10 may feel like 100 years ago, but that date marked—for a fourth consecutive year—the administration’s threat to eliminate all library funding from the federal budget. Library advocates responded with emphatic determination. In the final days of the campaign, ALA pivoted to launch a second, simultaneous funding campaign pushing for libraries’ inclusion in the largest economic stimulus package in history. ALA is advocating for the next stimulus package (Phase 4), which lawmakers are constructing now.”...
AL: The Scoop, Apr. 1; Mar. 11, 2019 |
In response to the need to support remote access to information during the COVID-19 outbreak, ALA Editions and ALA Neal-Schuman are making materials easier to access through special promotions. Ebook titles are available through the ALA Store at 50% off the list price with the coupon code EBPP20 through June 30. Institutions interested in offers outside the ALA Store (ProQuest, EBSCO, Baker & Taylor) should contact the vendor representative directly. Offers may be added or extended; visit the ALA Store for the latest information. Special offers are also available on Editions and Neal-Schuman e-textbooks....
ALA Publishing, Apr. 2 |
At the Advanced Learning Library, Wichita (Kan.) Public Library system’s main branch, staff have found new ways to satisfy those who have always loved reading and those who are looking for things to do. With library branch locations closed to the public, the librsary system started issuing e-cards over the phone to give new patrons access to the library’s digital resources, said Communications Specialist Sean Jones. A physical card will be mailed to the new patron. Staff have signed up more than 575 new users with e-cards since the shutdown. If someone wants access to the State Library of Kansas in Topeka, Wichita library staff can issue an e-card for that system too....
Wichita (Kan.) Eagle, Apr. 3 |
The St. Louis County (Mo.) Library is partnering with the St. Louis Area Diaper Bank for an emergency diaper drive beginning April 3. Families can pick up a supply of 25 diapers each from certain library branches between 10 a.m and noon. A child must be present to receive a supply of diapers, and appropriately sized diapers will be provided to children ages 3 and under. Distribution will take place in the library parking lots....
KMOV-TV, St. Louis, Apr. 3 |
Williamsburg (Va.) Regional Library has rolled out mobile internet across Greater Williamsburg to help people who don’t have access to the library access the internet during the pandemic. The mobile Wi-Fi hotspots will alternate locations each day, staying in a location for two hours at a time. The library system also set up some long-term hotspot locations that will be accessible 24/7. The program is funded by the Friends of Williamsburg Regional Library. The library system bought Wi-Fi hotspots and has put them in cargo vans so they can take the internet to parking lots and neighborhoods. Users can drive up and use the internet while sitting in their cars to follow proper social distancing recommendations....
Williamsburg Virginia Gazette, Apr. 2 |
The Monterey County (Calif.) Free Libraries’ two 3D printers are being used to produce protective N95 masks while all of its branches are closed due to the coronavirus outbreak. The two printers are producing the hard plastic masks around the clock to support first responders and medical professionals who are dealing with the pandemic’s ongoing surge in cases. Each mask takes just over three hours to make and is designed to be worn multiple times by the same person. “We know there is a need for these, so my team tested the masks to pick the best pattern and materials and worked out the bugs before starting the printing work,” Library Director Hillary Theyer said....
Bay City News, San Francisco, Apr. 3 |
OCLC’s COVID-19 page brings together timely information, valuable resources, and opportunities for online discussion and instruction to help library professionals continue to serve their communities during the pandemic. The page offers options to provide remote access to library collections, optimize OCLC products and services, and connect and collaborate with other libraries. Updates and additional information will be posted regularly....
Merrilee Proffitt writes: “Working from home is a new experience for many of us in the library community, and we are collectively facing challenges while not only working from home but also ‘homing from work.’ Many of us in OCLC’s Membership and Research group have experience working from home, and here we offer some tips that could help. We recognize that these are not ideal circumstances and that this is an evolving situation, so we are not advising a home office makeover, or investment in special equipment.”...
Hanging Together, Apr. 1 |
Videoconferencing software Zoom has been drawing attention recently for privacy and security issues as use of the platform surges. One of its biggest security issues is Zoombombing, when uninvited attendees break into and disrupt a meeting. UCLA students and faculty suffered an attack during the first week of spring online instruction. The FBI has received “multiple reports” of videoconference calls being interrupted by “pornographic and/or hate images and threatening language,” the agency said in a March 30 release. In response, Zoom has engineered one quick fix and is working on others. While there are no guarantees against determined trolls, there are a few ways to hedge your bets and improve your overall privacy levels when using Zoom. Here’s where you can start....
CNET, Apr. 2; The Intercept, Mar. 31; Associated Press, Apr. 1; UCLA Daily Bruin, Apr. 2; FBI Boston, Mar. 30; The Verge, Apr. 2; Wordfence, Apr. 2 |
Alana Mohamed writes: “Video conferencing is the new meeting room, if you haven’t heard. Now that they are all the rage, why not switch it up a bit? Check out some of our favorite images from the New York Public Library below—or browse our Digital Collections for even more cool images. You can find instructions for uploading these as your Zoom virtual background here. Don’t forget to tag us on social media and show us your favorite library backgrounds in action.”...
New York Public Library Blogs, Apr. 1 |
Roger C. Schonfeld writes: “Every three years, Ithaka S+R conducts a library survey to track the strategic directions and priorities of the deans and directors of academic libraries. The data are gathered during a window of approximately four weeks. In the case of this most recent survey cycle, that moment in time was the fall of 2019, well before any of us had heard of COVID-19. In early April 2020, as we publish these findings, the world of US higher education has changed dramatically. I nevertheless believe that there is substantial value to the survey findings, which can serve as a guide to what strategies to adopt and what to abandon. We will conduct a follow-up survey on the impact of this pandemic.”...
Ithaka S+R, Apr. 2 |
Alex Johnson writes: “Although the real world has paused in its celebration of fine books and collections, it is still very much possible to find delights online. Here are five suggestions. A marvelous tweet from Durham Cathedral Library inspired by the ‘How do you like your tea/toast’ meme asks instead how people prefer their rare books (rare, medium rare, well done).”...
Fine Books and Collections, Apr. 2; Durham Cathedral Library Twitter feed, Mar. 30 |
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